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Last minute nerves or is it all just a bad idea?


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We've been thinking about emigrating on & off since 2000, finally decided to last year & got a 189 visa last November. We've done our validation trip, decided where we want to live, handed in our notice at work, have had various removals quotes, got estate agents to rent the house & are just about to book the one-way flights for August. This has been long-planned & well thought-through & makes sense for all sorts of reasons so why do I feel bad about it? I thought I'd feel excited (like the rest of my family!) but I feel all doom & gloom. Is this just last minute nerves or my heart telling me something I should take notice of? What have been other's experiences?

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I'm in the same postion. House is on market visa granted last month and waiting to book one way flights for August. My industry (construction) is starting to boom here in the UK and I feel I'm walking away from a chance to make some serious money over the next 5 years if I go to AUS. Where if you believe what you read is going through a slow down. I am getting excited/nervous and over the next few weeks we are going to ride a big emotional roller coaster as others have posted before. Its perfectly normal and I will be going in August and I'm sure once I get there there will be plenty to sort and we won't be thinking about UK much. lol Good luck

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Thank you Mxmanus. All my friends & colleagues just say "wow, how exciting - I've always wanted to do that!" but it's only people who are actually doing it who know what it really feels like. I have now booked my one-way flights (got a great deal through IOM - a saving of about £900 for a family of 4 plus 40kg baggage allowance each so you might want to check them out if you've not got your flights yet). A big emotional rollercoaster as you say. All the best to you & good luck with your adventure :-)

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We're in a similar position. Waiting to exchange on the house this week so we can finally start to book flights/pet travel/accomodation etc.


Everything is so exciting, but I'm now starting to freak out a bit. I do think of the fact that we have a pretty good life here in the UK and it does get me down occasionally that we're giving it up and leaving all our family and friends, but it's all part of the adventure.


Keep your chin up - you've come all this way now x

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Cheers Tina0101! I think what I'm giving up is one of the things for me too - we have a very comfortable life here; if I completely hated where we lived or my job or didn't have so many good friends then it would be a different matter. But we're stuck in a rut & I know that if we were still here doing the same thing in 2 years time then I'd feel down about that. Quitting while you're ahead - always a good idea but always difficult decision to take! Hope your adventures work out well :-)

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It's totally normally to freak out, so many do.


Its a big move, and to be fair, although it doesn't feel like it, this is the easier part. You really need to get your head in gear to adapt and get ahead in your new surroundings.


i was ok, until I woke up on my first morning in Oz .....and had a real sinking feeling.


this wasnt just a two week holiday, this could be for a long time!!!


as long as you have the right mindset, you can do it.

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It's got to be done - I would hate to look back in the future and feel we had missed out because of a 'wobble' of emotions.


Looks like we're exchanging tomorrow, so I'd better polish off the credit card for all the spending tomorrow night . . .


Good Luck!!

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It's always better not to burn any bridges if you can - rent out the house, take a career break, buy a return ticket. So much easier to go if it isn't a "forever" feeling. Chances are it will be fine but you have a fall back position if it isn't what you think you signed up for. Treat it as an adventure and remember that nothing is forever and you will be fine. It isn't the life sentence that bedevilled our ancestors. Good luck.

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I think it's all perfectly normal I mean we are leaving one life behind and starting a total fresh. It's a massive move! I'm feeling similar, I don't feel excited at all at the moment I feel like everything is total chaos!! Lol! We are in that awful limbo stage, have sold our house and in a little rental. No stability around us. I've had many days where I have completely freaked out and wanted to stop the process just to take the stress away and have thought, god we've got good things here, lovely family, good friends etc etc but to do that now would be crazy and I just know in a few months we'd be back on it again as we have been on and off for 3 years now. I have a spouse visa in process due for grant around July/August and we plan to head out in August too! We are heading to the Central Coast just north of Sydney. Where are you guys heading? We are fortunate to have known a couple who emigrated a year ago and we have been able to follow their journey. I have heard it's very normal to have a wobbly first 6mths to a 1yr. I am expecting this and am hoping that it may not be as bad as I'm imagining but of course it may never improve as we all have a different experience! Sometimes I think with things like this to expect it to be amazing is very naive and you're letting yourself in for disappointment. In some ways I'm quite pleased I'm thinking of all the negatives as I'm hoping I will be pleasantly surprised and not find it that bad! I know it's much easier said than done but if it's a disaster you can always come back, this is what I keep thinking. Yes, we will have lost money and won't come back to a house like we've had but i think if you're that unhappy you'll do what ever it takes and sacrifice the material things to feel happy and settled where ever that might be. I think whatever the outcome, it will be positive, you will either love it and think it's the best thing ever or you won't and will want to return and then I think you will appreciate more what you have here in the UK. That's again how I'm trying to look at it. Some people find they can't settle anywhere and that is my biggest fear! I'm a creature of habit which is why I'm having doubts, I'm not someone that likes not knowing the outcome of a situation and this is one big situation! Lol! You're now alone! I think once everything starts to happen, house sales/renting house out, selling stuff, shipping stuff, telling family etc etc it suddenly hits you what you are doing! You'll never know unless you try and if you don't try you'll regret it! Stick with it, what will be will be! Good luck! Xx

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I agree with a few posts on here.


Yes its better to go than regret not, this was our take on it.


But then like many here we had a very good life and standard of living in the UK and Aus was just an itch we had to scratch. Lots of loving family and friends around us, help/support with childcare, kids were in great little village pre-schools with a place lined up and the primary school. We both had well paid convenient jobs, nice cars, house, regular holidays and a good social life. We werent trying to get away from anything or move to gain anything and now after a year here we/I have realised that maybe the dream of moving here was/was best at just that, a dream. Im thinking that maybe this was one bridge too far.


This said we have had a good year and are looking to do another year to see if things improve before making any big decisions.


We took the uk and all it offered for granted and thought the grass was greener...its lovely here but its not home and I dont think it ever will be. If we go back we will look at things differently and make the most of whats on offer thats for sure.


Im not meaning to put anyone off or crash anyones excitement, just thought id share.


Good luck to all!

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I think most people get doubts and wobbles as the leaving date gets closer. I know i did and from reading these forums ,lots do. Just focus on the reasons you want to move and keep your chin up. Ive yet to find anything worse than saying Goodbye to loved ones, sadly its unavoidable but i would avoid an airport goodbye.


Cal x

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