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How is Tones going for you?


How is Tones (and his new govt) going for you?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. How is Tones (and his new govt) going for you?

    • He has exceeded my expectations, what a fantastic guy!
    • He has exceeded my expectations, even I thought it couldn't be this bad!
    • He is as I expected him to be *PLEASE POST WHAT THAT IS*
    • Undecided

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As Scott Morrisson explained, they are an advocacy group and he feels it is inappropriate that the taxpayer is used to fund their advocacy.


They still have funding for the contracted services they provide, that is unaffected.


What Scotty didn't say was the needless detention of asylum seekers has well passed its use by date and we propose to re join the civilised world and look at claims. As the government can't be trusted to give fair and non biased outcomes, the independent advocacy group will remain in place in order to over see the fairness in the delivery of those so said outcomes. Normal Australian law in other words should apply.

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Not know, but is Nauru your idea of a place where kids should be? Unfit for adults let alone kids.


As I understand it the conditions have improved significantly since the Coalition took over and a lot of money has been spent on it.


Labor had been sending children to Manus but that also was stopped and no longer happens.


You should also be pleased that many detention centres have been closed and are no longer needed now the boats have stopped.

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As I understand it the conditions have improved significantly since the Coalition took over and a lot of money has been spent on it.


Labor had been sending children to Manus but that also was stopped and no longer happens.


You should also be pleased that many detention centres have been closed and are no longer needed now the boats have stopped.


While Nauru has some advantages over Manus that is not saying much. Both should have been closed long ago and the systematic mental torture of innocents ceased forth with. Manus has been void of children for sometime now. Neither the present regime nor ALP can claim any brownie points on this issue. A very shameful episode of governing by both sides and a total lack of statesmanship.


I would be pleased with a government that does not yield to the lowest common denominator and ceases the asylum seeker smoke screen in order to hide their total ineptness when in a position of power.

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As I understand it the conditions have improved significantly since the Coalition took over and a lot of money has been spent on it.


Labor had been sending children to Manus but that also was stopped and no longer happens.


You should also be pleased that many detention centres have been closed and are no longer needed now the boats have stopped.


What a load of tosh PC. If they are closing detention centres, why not start with closing the offshore ones first? What is the advantage of having Guantanamo style offshore detention centres anyway?


They are absurdly expensive to run. I'd have thought the events leading to and the murder of Reza Berati, whilst under the 'protection' of the DIBP, would have made it blindingly obvious that Australia cannot and should not safely delegate its UNHCR obligations to 3rd world neighbouring countries.

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Do you know, I even considered adding "of course, this isn't something I'm advocating" to that post when I wrote it...but then I thought, no, only someone really really stupid would think that someone who cares about compassion for all people - regardless of who they are, where they come from, what their sexual orientation is, what their religion is - would need to stress sometehing so obvious.


Obviously I hope Tony Abbott has a very long and healthy retirement - SOON!!


You should know suggesting murder is never treated as a joke.

Just like someone yelling bomb at the airport it can lead to jail, so be very careful.


Why on earth would you even bring up such a suggestion actually defies belief ?


Obviously you are trying to put an idea into someone's head.

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You should know suggesting murder is never treated as a joke.

Just like someone yelling bomb at the airport it can lead to jail, so be very careful.


Why on earth would you even bring up such a suggestion actually defies belief ?


Obviously you are trying to put an idea into someone's head.


Oh as if anyone on this website would be of a mind to harm the PM KILL ABBOTT! We're all free-thinkers here KILL ABBOTT! and are a very peaceable lot KILL ABBOTT!, so there's absolutely nothing to worry about KILL ABBOTT!

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Or perhaps as being the first ever Australian Prime Minister to be assassinated?


Harold Holt was assassinated. When he jumped in the surf a CIA midget sub was waiting for him they bumped him off because he was going to pull Aussie troops out of Vietnam. At least that's what my dad always said. More realistically he drowned showing off in front of the woman he was fooling around with at the time.

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I'm getting worried about the threats.

I think I have no choice but to report them to the authorities.


Well, that's the sort of country your government is hoping for. That's why they have Herr Erich Abetz whip cracking in the background. I bet even they didn't expect such a willing citizen so soon.

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Or possibly aliens eh Diane.


Why do you always refer to these weird and wacky websites ?

Well PC, like any sensible person these days, I don't get all my news from the Murdochracy! I search and find several different sources, then link to the one that most succinctly demonstrates what I have posted about. Wouldn't expect you to understand though, after all, there are no new taxes and no cuts to the ABC or SBS in your rosy world, are there?

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And no carbon tax.


Instead we'll increase fuel costs...but we'll call it excise, not a tax...and we won't directly compensate low income earners or increase the tax free threshold to assist ordinary human mortals like that other stupid lot did.

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has done nothing for us ......feel so let down by them...they fooled so many and well done to the students for demonstrating ....WA is has been hit hard for years ,now he is making it so hard ...a simple visit to the docs when your already feeling low has turned 10 times worse for some , hit by a GP rise and a prescription rise to really piss you off ...........(though I did hear the GP rise has not been approved )and why should it .......the smokers must be seething .......and the drinkers told to drink less .........to accommodate for the budget increase .......:ssign12:

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well I have just spent 3 days in the local hospital. cronic medical issue flared up. If the $7 charge was in I would be up at $70 by now. Why am I telling you this ? because by having treatment for my illness and doing checks they found something that IF it had been left had the potential to turn to cancer. That has now been removed problem solved, but think of the cost to the health service if it had been left and developed. This is one of the main points that must be looked at, the number of people who wont seek treatment and then down the track become a major expence for the health system.

For those that will ask - well surely you would have gone any way if you were that sick ? Well maybe not, depends on how tight the budget was that week, most likely tried to ride it out and increase the medication I have, until it settled down.

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...........(though I did hear the GP rise has not been approved ) .......


I think I am right in saying the whole budget has to be approved through the Senate first before anything is passed. The new Senate has its first day on 7th July, so if you have a local Senate representative let them know before then if you have views one way or another. This is supposed to be a democracy and senate members are supposedly there to represent he public, so if you feel strongly against any issue in the proposed budget, then let your Senate member know beforehand and keep your fingers crossed he/she listens! Not saying it will necessarily make a difference, but it has to be better than doing nothing...

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I think I am right in saying the whole budget has to be approved through the Senate first before anything is passed. The new Senate has its first day on 7th July, so if you have a local Senate representative let them know before then if you have views one way or another. This is supposed to be a democracy and senate members are supposedly there to represent he public, so if you feel strongly against any issue in the proposed budget, then let your Senate member know beforehand and keep your fingers crossed he/she listens! Not saying it will necessarily make a difference, but it has to be better than doing nothing...

Unfortunately for Tones, he doesn't have the numbers in Senate to force these issues through. ALP, Greens and PUP are fundamentally and ideologically opposed to pretty much the whole raft of measures, so I think Tones is in for a shellacking.

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