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How old were you when you emigrated?


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Youll get through it! Stick at it and do your absolute best and before you know it youll be starting uni. Ill be in the same boat come september, we can support each other through the next 4 years of being poor stressed students lol.


It will fly by...Uni as a mature student (thats what you will both be, lol) is great...you are both footloose and fancy free so even better...whole world at your feet...make the most of it and stop doubting yourselves...xx

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Hi Shelly,


it's important for you to do 'national recognised' courses and not courses offered by dubious companies only for the purpose to make money. I always advise people to look for a RTO with a good reputation. I think Perth, like everywhere else, has a desperate need for people in aged care or home and community care.

Clubs:I don't think about the gym. Gyms are soulless places everywhere in the world. Social clubs, the Irish Club, Austrian Club, bike or the bush walker club is a good thing. Volunteering is also good to come out of the house meeting new people.

Australia is different in making friends anyway. The have their established circle of friends from school, uni etc. and move a lot. It's difficult, I will not contradict on this but it's possible to make new friends because there are so many people 'in the same boat' (migrating to Australia and leaving friends behind).



Yes i I agree with you , it's a confidence thing with me , use to have bags of confidence , had it knocked a little here , and I'm not academic , don't understand big words lol , I will if someone explained what they meant lol .


I carnt even even write properly nevermind sit a academic course of some sort , I do learn by watching people though , I'm very good with money , used to work in a cash office in 1999 till 2003 , I'm very fast at things I do I have good eye and hand co ordination lol but academic I'm not lol .


I was in care with learning dis before moving out here , then I set up my own cleaning business in perth , but that is lone working I don't want to lone work it bores the pants off me , even though I'm a brilliant little scrubber I can make anything shine haha .


I would make a good police woman lol but and a big but I haven't got the confidence to get through the interview . Lol my sons a copper in the uk he said I would make a very good one if I had a lot more confidence lol .


learning dis was rewarding , I think what scares me here I don't know my way round yet , I was out in the community in uk , used to take them out doctors appointments , hospital , theatres , ect...


I wouldn't have a clue here where I would go and if I got chucked in at the deep end which I've been chucked in it a few times in care in the uk , but didn't panic so much because it was my area so to speak . I would panic here . I will maybe change though has I get familiar with areas ect...


I could be a bank teller , I would make a very good one , the only thing is with that , so can 10000 other people , who would probably get the job before me lol . Thanks though I do know what ya saying bless ya .

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I was 18 the first time and it was an eye opener. Then 19 nearly 20 when it happened again and sadly that was the time I should have stayed, I was happy and would have had a good future in Australia but unfortunately it wasn't to be and the laws were designed to ruin my life. I left and had the worst 18 months of my life. However in October 2013 aged 21 I returned and finally was able to live the life I wanted to. Allbeit only for six months I was happy, healthy and better than I ever had been. unfortunately again i had to leave but I will be back hopefully for another six months by the end of the year.


Its either that or go back to uni, where it will be another three years. But I was perfusley unhappy there before and unhappy with my life. I don't want to put myself through that again and have another three years of my life lost. I just need to meet my soulmate out there so I can stay and be happy.


You really need to get some qualifications to get you in mate, not depend on meeting your soulmate.

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I'll be qualified in 4 years...plus a years experience, so ill get the ball rolling once im in my first nursing job. Aiming for 28 but definitely by the time i'm 30! i think i'll still feel young too tbh! Actually I think in our heads we alll still feel young...


Never a truer word spoken.:cool:

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I don't think I'm allowed any help for the actual assignment. Probably just need to muddle through it alone and see what I end up with. Don't imagine it'll even be a merit never mind a distinction but we'll see


With the internet now Stacey there is so much help and information out there for free. Do a search for whatever you are studying/stuck with and you will probably find the work published. I'm not saying do a straight cut and paste but you will get the idea of how to put arguments forward, what style to write in, how to get your point across.


I didn't go back to studying until I was 30, went to Uni at 31, after years working as a fitter with no study at all. Had to do a maths and English course and pass them both to get on a HTC course, before a 3 year degree.


I knew it was my last chance in making a change of career so it was the first time in my life I actually got my head down and tried. I had cruised through school and my apprenticeship and surprised myself (and most people that knew me I think) when I went back to Uni.


You'll be fine.


And you BC, saw your post later, good luck with the studies.

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With the internet now Stacey there is so much help and information out there for free. Do a search for whatever you are studying/stuck with and you will probably find the work published. I'm not saying do a straight cut and paste but you will get the idea of how to put arguments forward, what style to write in, how to get your point across.


I didn't go back to studying until I was 30, went to Uni at 31, after years working as a fitter with no study at all. Had to do a maths and English course and pass them both to get on a HTC course, before a 3 year degree.


I knew it was my last chance in making a change of career so it was the first time in my life I actually got my head down and tried. I had cruised through school and my apprenticeship and surprised myself (and most people that knew me I think) when I went back to Uni.


You'll be fine.


And you BC, saw your post later, good luck with the studies.



I agree reed with you that the info is out there for courses and things , and that people have internet ect... Although I often think about it , I'm clocking 43 years old .


by the time I have done a computer course , because I'm not that great on a computer cannot even copy and paste lol .


By by the time I've sat a maths and English course , and then maybe moved on to something academic and finished that , and if you lucky enough at the end to still get a job out of it I will probably be clocking 50 haha


I know where you coming from but I think my ship sailed years ago to go down that pathway now . Mayb if I was 30 yeah but my boat sailed long ago I think lol .

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31 moved with my wife 26. I was travelling around oz when I was 24 with my mates. Loved it. Returned to 2 years ago to a coastal town in vic, 1st year did loads of touristy stuff, loved it, then now feel settled and enjoying it. :wink:

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I agree reed with you that the info is out there for courses and things , and that people have internet ect... Although I often think about it , I'm clocking 43 years old .


by the time I have done a computer course , because I'm not that great on a computer cannot even copy and paste lol .


By by the time I've sat a maths and English course , and then maybe moved on to something academic and finished that , and if you lucky enough at the end to still get a job out of it I will probably be clocking 50 haha


I know where you coming from but I think my ship sailed years ago to go down that pathway now . Mayb if I was 30 yeah but my boat sailed long ago I think lol .


I wouldn't have done it or couldn't have done it had I been married or had a mortgage or anything Shelly. I was lucky in a way that I'd not even left home and never had property or big loans to worry about. I had lived away form home for long periods as I worked on pipeline testing and other jobs where I travelled a lot.


Couldn't say I enjoyed Uni one bit at that age. I had been used to having just about as much money as I wanted from age 16, when I started work and it was tough, to say the least to try and survive on a grant and live in a shared house in Sparkhill for a couple of years. Hated it to be honest and just wanted it to be over. First time I couldn't afford to run a car and had to use public transport in my 2nd and 3rd years at Uni. Can't complain too much though. Major cause was the girlfriends (now wife) Sister was living in Bermuda at the time and we went to stay with them for a month. Blew all my savings on the one holiday then the diff started playing up on the car when I got back.


Even though I got a job on the bins for the summer, repairing and running a Lotus Cortina on a grant was just not do-able.:wink:


I couldn't fancy going back to studying and it's a tough call whether you ever get back the money it costs you. Especially now with students finishing Uni with massive loans. Least when I went I got a good grant and didn't have any loan when I finished.


Went back to earning what I had been getting as an 18 year old though and took me years to get back to a decent salary.

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I wouldn't have done it or couldn't have done it had I been married or had a mortgage or anything Shelly. I was lucky in a way that I'd not even left home and never had property or big loans to worry about. I had lived away form home for long periods as I worked on pipeline testing and other jobs where I travelled a lot.


Couldn't say I enjoyed Uni one bit at that age. I had been used to having just about as much money as I wanted from age 16, when I started work and it was tough, to say the least to try and survive on a grant and live in a shared house in Sparkhill for a couple of years. Hated it to be honest and just wanted it to be over. First time I couldn't afford to run a car and had to use public transport in my 2nd and 3rd years at Uni. Can't complain too much though. Major cause was the girlfriends (now wife) Sister was living in Bermuda at the time and we went to stay with them for a month. Blew all my savings on the one holiday then the diff started playing up on the car when I got back.


Even though I got a job on the bins for the summer, repairing and running a Lotus Cortina on a grant was just not do-able.:wink:


I couldn't fancy going back to studying and it's a tough call whether you ever get back the money it costs you. Especially now with students finishing Uni with massive loans. Least when I went I got a good grant and didn't have any loan when I finished.


Went back to earning what I had been getting as an 18 year old though and took me years to get back to a decent salary.




Lol it's ok , I know where you coming from . I had kids young and looked after them while doing any job night shift , and whatever else it could get , while my hubby did the studying and working full time ect.. Even my hubby will say now for me it wouldn't be worth it now at my age to go a academic route now would just be a waste of time and money I think .



My older sister is academic , she's married to a head master and she works for social services and has her own wedding cake , and hires out vintage crockery business . She didn't have kids though until clocking 40 , did her carer path first . My hubby will look after me I know that , but I do wish I got qualified myself when I was younger .


My sister and I are totally different though she talks with a plumb in her mouth , and has a massive old listed building in the Yorkshire dales . Total opposites because that to me is just boring , my kids went once and they couldn't wait get home . Me when I was younger was a bit of a wild child haha . But I do wish now I had of got qualified in between . But my ships sailed now .

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