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Applying for accounting PR whilst on Sales 457?


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Evening All,


I've recently swapped from a commercial accounting role into a Sales account manager role within my firm. In the process, my 457 has also changed. Before this change I was eligible to apply for permanent residency through an accounting selection. My question is, now that I am in a Sales role in Australia, can I still apply for an accounting PR? My intention is to go back to commercial finance after 12-18months with the experience I gain in Sales.


Any help is greatly appreciated.




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If you're asking about a 186 visa through temporary resident transition stream, then you'd have to be in the same occupation for 2 years prior to the to the application. So you'd need to look into the direct entry stream or else try an independent visa.

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Thanks for the quick responses guys. I'm looking to do it independently. I was just a little worried that my route would be through an accounting assessment and now as I'm in Sales, they'd block it. As this isn't the case then I need to start looking at doing my IELTS. Thanks again.

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