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Taking a sabbatical.


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Hi everyone, I'm 28 and have been in my current job for 6 years as the head of department for a chain of coffee shops in a popular holiday village. After visiting family last year in Sydney, me and my partner are desperate to go on a WHV. I really want to try and get a sabbatical from work for my own piece of mind and security so I will have a job to return to. I know of a couple of people within my company that have successfully applied for a sabbatical and wanted to know the best way to try and ensure one! I know that I will have to show how it will be beneficial to the company.... Any thoughts or advice? thank you x

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It will probably be company policy driven more than anything. Do you know what the policy is for your particular employer?


I actually think people are quite fortunate to get a sabbatical, most have to just take the plunge. You are young, you probably won't stay there for the rest of your life anyway, so why not...?

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It's not guaranteed but if people have been allowed to take a sabbatical before you, a precedent has been set. Although I tried the same but it didn't work! Does your company have a handbook with leave/absence policies it in? Can you speak to the people who have taken sabbatical before and see how they set out their "case" for absence? Do a bit of digging... :-)

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The company DOES have a company policy but as always it has to be 'discussed and agreed upon by the HR team and the line managers' and you must show how it would benefit THEM to grant me a sabbatical. I think I'm just terrified of not being granted one, leaving my job, and then then returning back after our WHV being 30 and having no job to come back to! But then would I really give up the opportunity of a lifetime? I doubt it!

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As Rupert has said it is more likely to be company driven than anything more generic; are you able to find out more about the people who were granted sabbaticals before i.e were they in similar roles, how were they able to reassure their boss it would be beneficial for the company etc. without sounding negative though, although there is a precedent there, don't forget economic times and business needs may have been different when the company said yes to them so if they do say no to you, it's not necessarily personal. Are you able to have an informal chat with HR to see how the land lies? I think that would be your first port of call.

Personally, if they do say no, I'd say go for your WHV anyway, it's an amazing experience and you'll come back with something extra to put on your cv if you need to job hunt when you come back. It can be quite daunting and scary giving up that security but sometimes we have to take chances in life, I took voluntary redundancy to go and do my WHV and so glad I did. You're young and sounds like you have solid work experience so perhaps time to take the plunge? :)

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Thanks for the advice guys. To apply for a sabbatical I have to hand in my letter 6 months prior leaving so I guess we will see soon. Either way, I'm going! It's too good a chance to pass up on and will regret it in years too come when I'm too old to apply! X

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Aus has a huge coffee culture and there are constant adverts for baristas - short term even. Could you say you're honing your skills, understanding different management methods and company cultures. If you go on guntree for an major city and put brisbane there as lots of results that could evidence that.

Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Good for you!

I left at 25 and travelled asia with new friends and that started my love for it. I went home and back to a job that I had been in for years and they knew that I wasn't going to be happy staying there so we came to an agreement. I gave them another year and I saved up every penny I could and left for oz on my whv. I came home in February at I'm 28 and have had to start again but I woulnt change one bit of it. I'm in the process of applying for my 457 but as so many say it's not a guarantee so I have to get on with life back here and be as optimistic as I can. The wonderfull thing about travelling is that it shows you there is so much more out there. You might find you come back after 2 years and wouldn't even want to go back to that job.

Good luck, you'll have an amazing time! :)

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I'm on a sabbatical right now in Oz.Mainly due to my Mum being not so well (She's 83)My managers encouraged me to take it (I was'nt hell bent on going,I mentioned going for a two week holiday and they suggested the other)Anyway...was supposed to be gone for a min of 3 mths which I had planned,but recently asked my boss if I could extend another 3 mths and he agreed.I'm not sure what reasons are acceptable for taking one!

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Well I tried and failed! I asked for a years sabbatical and was refused and offered 3 months maximum....well, I can't travel round australia in 3 months so I guess that's me risking it and leaving my job just after Xmas! Wish me luck


You won't need any luck, by the sounds of it you have determination and that's all you need to go out there. Go for it!

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