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Don't have a clue what I'm doing


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Hi everyone!


im Sophie 23 and from Liverpool England !

I've just moved to Sydney a week ago and I'm looking

to move on to find work and backpackers I suppose,

if anyone can give me some advise on what's hot and what's

not in Australia I'd be so grateful!

Thank you !!

sophie x

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Head for Port Douglas, Queensland. Lovely place. I was there a month ago and many shops, pubs and restaurants had "staff wanted" signs in the windows. Lots of young Brits and Irish working in Port Douglas and Cairns.

agree, its the time of the year that the grey nomads head north with their caravans for warmer weather for winter.


Sophie, where abouts in Sydney are you ?

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Awww thank you very much Yano :) I've been sat here all day crying just don't have a clue!


Aw don't do that! It is daunting at first, I was ten years older than you when I (also a female by myself) did my gap travels around Asia and I still think it is one of the things I am most proud of, stepping out of my comfort zone.


Are you staying in a hostel now, are there any other backpackers around that you could hook up with? Or if you are having a bit of trouble getting started, then why not look into some of the organised trips / tours for backpackers? I don't know any by name but I know they exist, it might just help you to settle in meet a few people and feel a bit more comfortable with the whole adventure.


I agree that Cairns / Port Douglas is a great choice of location and would be looking to spend the next few months in the north of the country, before the rainy season starts up there.

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Where I'm staying it's just all students no back packers, yeah I think I'm just gonna do one of them coach trips maybe from here to cairns and then see how I find it!! Thank use for ya messages though your really helping me :)

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Hi there, when I was in Sydney for my WHV, a lot of the backpackers were in Coogee (this was a few years ago though!) not sure if you've been up that way yet? Cairns & Port Douglas are really lovely, I did some of the organised backpacker tours and they're a great way to meet people - Adventure Tours springs to mind if they're still going.

Don't be too hard on yourself though - you're in a new place so it's bound to feel strange x

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I thought I wanted to be out the way my 1st few weeks to get use to not being at home, but this is killing me I feel like such a loner ha!!! Maybe my best option is a bus to another place and try meet people along the way! Thanks by the way x

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Just want to send you some support. It will hopefully get better as soon as you meet up with other back packers, and start to enjoy yourself.

Any where new can be very scary, but with a bit of luck in a few weeks time you will look back on this first week and things will be better.

lots of us have taken chances on new places. I went to Africa on my own in the 1960's!! And lived to tell the tale, ended up having an amazing time, and my daughter has carried on the tradition.

2 years in Mexico and also 1 year in Africa, and now in Oz. So you might end up with wander lust.

If you do feel down and or lonely again, don't be afraid to post on here again.

there are lots of us more than happy to give you support.

hope you end up having a great fun time inOz.

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Get yourself into a backpackers on Bondi or Kings cross. Have a look at trip advisor but I understand the Jolly swagman and know that the Jackeroo are friendly without being OTT and organise days/nights out. Kings cross backpackers is supposed to be good socially too but a bit crazy.

Chances are you'll meet someone there to hook up with for a trip up the coast. Xx

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