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Aussie slang


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Hi all


If anyone has the time ...


I'm writing a short story set partly in Bondi Beach 1953. One of the characters is Liverpudlian the other is an Aussie.


Does anyone have any idea of the sort of slang the aussie might have used at the time? Especially anything describing hot weather.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions. (The Liverpool bit I can do :-):biggrin:

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Hmm, Aussie slang might have changed a bit since 53, wait till Bobj comes along, he must have been in his 60s back in 53 :wink:


I'm not quite as old as Bobj :notworthy:...but I was conscious and living in Oz in 1953. "Scorcher" definitely. Not sure about "cor" though...sounds too Cockney to me? "Flamin' hot" was used. I'll see if I can regress to my very young self and come up with anything else. :cute:

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A stinker, stone the crows, a roo loose in the top paddock, drongo, cobber, sheila, bonzer, swaggie, billycart, (you've got) Buckley's, garbo, milko, galah, not a brass razoo, sleepout, dunny

gone troppo

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I'm not quite as old as Bobj :notworthy:...but I was conscious and living in Oz in 1953. "Scorcher" definitely. Not sure about "cor" though...sounds too Cockney to me? "Flamin' hot" was used. I'll see if I can regress to my very young self and come up with anything else. :cute:


This is pretty much the standard "The Sun" headline whenever temperatures in the capital get anyway above 20c!

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Thanks a million for that, I'm doing the last bit of a creative writing course and have to produce a 4000 word story by end May. I had this idea about someone running off to Oz in the late fifties after a family row ... secrets all revealed when distant UK rellie gets left all the dosh and a box of old diaries. I had it half written when came to grief over dialogue in Sydney circa 1950 ... all futher thoughts gratefully received! :wink:

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This is pretty much the standard "The Sun" headline whenever temperatures in the capital get anyway above 20c!


Yes, definitely used now. I'm not sure about the early 1950s though. So many words used in Australia now which weren't then. And as my mother was from London I'm trying to filter out what I would have heard from her.

Sir Les Patterson might be another person who remembers.

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The film/book Their A Weird Mob, although set in the sixties with an Italian in Sydney had some classic Aussie slang from the time. Bring it down Hughy , when desiring rain is the only weather related slang that slips to mind that hasn't been mentioned.


Ditto for 'They're a Weird Mob'!

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