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Having a wobble


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Sustain has a good idea there. I do this when i am away with work for long periods - a couple of months at a time. I have a spread sheet and tick the days off and put on things like the last laundry day, the day i will clip my nails before i go home, all sorts of daft things. But when i tick one off it feels a lot better.

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I've gone through the calendar & put down all Olivia's activities, when people are coming, potential days out to places, when I need to give notice for her daycare so the calendar isn't bare anymore (even though I know she goes to playgroup on a Tuesday it's good to see the day filled up) & now when I look the time doesn't look as far away.


Havebt had that chat with hubby though as he came back from night shift & was just home for less than 2 days. He's got a long weekend though so I will talk then, bit scared tbh


hughes why's up?

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  • 1 month later...

Wow! I haven't posted in a while! So then what's been happening?! Well I started seeing a counsellor & honestly it was the best thing I've ever done. It was very hard to begin with as it was difficult to process but at my penultimate session I walked in head held high, smiling & looking & feeling like me. I will admit that I was depressed but now am stronger. I can talk to hubby & I know that when I need to make a decision I will make it with a clear head & a light heart. I've found a great friend in a girl whose not long been here, we've been out on the razz in Sydney & have fun together with her little boy & my little girl! I've also started my own business venture & the beauty of it is I can do it from the UK as well

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Hadn't finished!!

.....I started my business venture so that I've got something for me & Olivia in case me & Paul split up. Which was looking the case but now we are talking about my wish to go home & listening to each other. The main thing is I'm not scared anymore! I just want to say thanks for the support, this group was my haven during the dark times, but now I can see the sun shining xx

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Good on you! Some counsellors are worth their weight in gold and it looks like you got a fantastic one to empower you to be your own woman once more! The only way is definitely upwards from here! We're all proud of your achievement too!

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