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Try looking on SAAS but if you study in England you may be liable for your own fees, where you would get them paid in Scotland.




I was told that NHS still pay your fees even if you study in England but I'll ring SAAS tomorrow and double check that. I'll be 25 by the time I go to uni so I think they class me as a independent student, I don't know what difference that makes money wise though so I'll check that out

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I had never even thought of Leeds, Leeds met does occupational therapy. I just haven't heard of anybody talking about it when I've been on other student forums. I think if I got I to oxford Brooke's or Brunel I'd probably go to one of those


I went to Leeds Uni and can highly recommend, I loved it. The two uni's Leeds Uni and Leeds Met (although I think that was changing it's name - the Met used to be the old Poly I think) are right next door to each other so there's a really good student vibe all around. Headingley is where most of the students move to in the 2nd and 3rd years so again, it all kind of feels like a little community. The city centre itself has changed a bit since I was there but for the better I think. The nightlife's good - to be honest, we tended to stick to the student nights and rarely went out clubbing as such at the weekends - the locals pubs tended to be good for those nights.

I'm not sure what the reputation is like for the course you want to do, that would probably be one of the main things to check out. I chose it as I did a Psychology degree and at the time it was one of the best places to do it (not that I use it nowadays!)

All in, would definitely recommend Leeds - plenty of places in the city centre if you wanted a part time job whilst you're studying as well

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My advice is to research your choices well. Try and speak to senior people in the industry that you are going into - they will have views on the quality of the grads from different unis.


Look at things like is there a good network for adult learners in place? Do they have accomodation available and is it gaurunteed and if so what is the cost? Check the modules at each as they will differ and see which you prefer.


I am not a fan of the rankings, as a lot of the criteria are dubious, but they can tell a very broad picture - i would be reluctant to go to a uni that was not in the top half. The Guardian have some very good uni guides.

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My advice is to research your choices well. Try and speak to senior people in the industry that you are going into - they will have views on the quality of the grads from different unis.


Look at things like is there a good network for adult learners in place? Do they have accomodation available and is it gaurunteed and if so what is the cost? Check the modules at each as they will differ and see which you prefer.


I am not a fan of the rankings, as a lot of the criteria are dubious, but they can tell a very broad picture - i would be reluctant to go to a uni that was not in the top half. The Guardian have some very good uni guides.


A lovely woman who works at coventry uni sent me a message and she said the same. I've looked at rankings but I'm not so bothered about them. I've looked at YouTube videos, most of the websites. I've been on various nhs type websites. Looked at all the placement info and course modules online. Info on mature students since I'll be one. I've spoke to two occupational therapists and two mental health nurses and a few students to see what they thought of their uni. I've looked at halls accommodation in quite a few places, it's usually roughly £100 minimum, obviously more in London and oxford. Well actually Brunel in uxbridge was around £100 if I remember correctly and I think the cheapest room in oxford might of been as well.


I just can't decide between OT and nursing, it's annoying me so much. It's not just the course.. I have to think about which will give me more chance of a job

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I haven't a clue what Plymouth is even like lol I'll go check it out :)


Spent may years there. It is much better than it used to be, it is starting to catch up with the rest of England and the surrounds are beautiful. We lived in a village just outside and I worked in town.


I started my university course there but transferred to Liverpool University half way as I was advised my the degree would carry more weight for the option of a doctorate at the School of Tropical Medicine. I must admit, even though it was the same degree course, the Liverpool course was significantly more academically demanding.


Compared with the rest of the South, the cost of living is cheap.


Millie x

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If I had my time again, I'd do Physiotherapy - Great for Oz as well as others have said - they earn a fortune - and you can set up by yourself once established.

I studied at York Uni and York was an excellent city to be a student. Not least because accommodation was plentiful and beer was cheap.

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If I had my time again, I'd do Physiotherapy - Great for Oz as well as others have said - they earn a fortune - and you can set up by yourself once established.

I studied at York Uni and York was an excellent city to be a student. Not least because accommodation was plentiful and beer was cheap.


What age are you, maybe your not too late to try something new. Girl from here liked York as well when she studied at YSJ. It looks quite a pretty place

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What age are you, maybe your not too late to try something new. Girl from here liked York as well when she studied at YSJ. It looks quite a pretty place

Sadly early 50's - I love the idea of OT or dietetics as well but I will probably stick with what I know (IT) and do some volunteering when back in UK. I've enjoyed earning a good salary and my job has been fun at times but these type of jobs give you a real chance to make a difference. Perhaps rose tinted specs for me!

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Sadly early 50's - I love the idea of OT or dietetics as well but I will probably stick with what I know (IT) and do some volunteering when back in UK. I've enjoyed earning a good salary and my job has been fun at times but these type of jobs give you a real chance to make a difference. Perhaps rose tinted specs for me!


My uncle went back to uni and he's 52 lol but it's something related to what he does and it's only part time.


I still haven't decided on a course but I managed to find out about funding. I wasn't sure if it would be different if I studied in England

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Are some of the top uni's not in Scotland and free to you? If you go to England you pay. seems a no brainer to me.


Because both my potential courses are NHS ones they are free anywhere. I was told if nurses study in Scotland they aren't entitled to student loans - don't know why. For occupational therapy which I think I'm going to do it's a extra year in Scotland and also the better uni's for that are in England

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Its usually the length of time. I think some students go out on placement for 3/4 days a week and some go out on placement 5 days a week. In theory the same theory and practical element is met, just at a different pace. Or so I would presume.

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I think it's something to do with our highers compared to their A levels but I can't remember the exact details. The course material should roughly be the same. Some of them seem to have longer placements. I might apply for one in Scotland since I couldn't think of a last choice anyway

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I'll add a vote for Northumbria - and not just because it's where I went :)


It is definitely worth considering the cost of living & whilst Newcastle isn't cheap it would be compared to the likes of Oxford or Uxbridge.


It's a city campus - each to their own but for me I would find being on an out of town campus claustrophobic, and especially as a mature student you might want an escape from the student lifestyle, which can be expensive if you're out of town and need taxi's etc.


Travel back home in hols will be cheaper and easier & if you want to pop back mid-term for a mates special occasion it is more do-able


It has a big student population so lots of student lifestyle offers - I used to go to club where it was 1p to get in and that included a pint! It was a LONG time ago though LOL


The people/culture is not disimilar to Scotland so it would be easy in integrate


The Geordie accent is really sexy....not as sexy as Scouse mind :)


One thing to bear in mind regardless of where you go is whether the course gives you automatic membership to professional associations, if it is sponsored by the NHS I would assume it does but I did psychology and with a degree from Northumbria I got automatically accepted into the BPS but there were other uni's where you had to do a skill assessment even though you had a degree in psychology.


And thinking ahead, when I had my degree assessed by Vetassess for Australia I had to provide a transcript of the course - do you know what is required for migration purposes for OT's?

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I'll add a vote for Northumbria - and not just because it's where I went :)


It is definitely worth considering the cost of living & whilst Newcastle isn't cheap it would be compared to the likes of Oxford or Uxbridge.


It's a city campus - each to their own but for me I would find being on an out of town campus claustrophobic, and especially as a mature student you might want an escape from the student lifestyle, which can be expensive if you're out of town and need taxi's etc.


Travel back home in hols will be cheaper and easier & if you want to pop back mid-term for a mates special occasion it is more do-able


It has a big student population so lots of student lifestyle offers - I used to go to club where it was 1p to get in and that included a pint! It was a LONG time ago though LOL


The people/culture is not disimilar to Scotland so it would be easy in integrate


The Geordie accent is really sexy....not as sexy as Scouse mind :)


One thing to bear in mind regardless of where you go is whether the course gives you automatic membership to professional associations, if it is sponsored by the NHS I would assume it does but I did psychology and with a degree from Northumbria I got automatically accepted into the BPS but there were other uni's where you had to do a skill assessment even though you had a degree in psychology.


And thinking ahead, when I had my degree assessed by Vetassess for Australia I had to provide a transcript of the course - do you know what is required for migration purposes for OT's?


I had another look at Newcastle after you posted it. It looks nice. I did fancy a change though, further down. Don't ask me why lol I just do. Sounds bad but I won't miss my friends very much, they all have different things going on.. Settling down with guys etc so that doesn't put me off moving away. Your right though, it would be much easier to get back to see my mum and gran.


The other one I really like the look of is york St. John. I know what you mean about out of town campus maybe being claustrophobic, I don't know if it would bother me. I'm quite open minded.. I like both city and quiet places.. Just as long as it isn't too quiet.


1p a pint lol wow when was that?! :biggrin: I like the Geordie accent a lot but I don't think I find it sexy lol I don't find the scouse accent sexy at all (no offence Pablo!)


Yeah all courses are accredited, I checked that. A friend did a forensic biology type course in Glasgow for 4 years and then they found out it wasn't accredited.. So stupid!


I'm still a little unsure about the visa side of things, I know OT's have to do aphra but I've saw posts about audits and how it's hard to get registered without a job. But I've also saw posts saying about people going out on a WHV and managing to pick up locum work.


I'm trying to make a pros and cons list of both courses/careers. I just wish I was one of these people who knew what they wanted to do without any doubts and had loads of confidence

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I had another look at Newcastle after you posted it. It looks nice. I did fancy a change though, further down. Don't ask me why lol I just do. Sounds bad but I won't miss my friends very much, they all have different things going on.. Settling down with guys etc so that doesn't put me off moving away. Your right though, it would be much easier to get back to see my mum and gran.


The other one I really like the look of is york St. John. I know what you mean about out of town campus maybe being claustrophobic, I don't know if it would bother me. I'm quite open minded.. I like both city and quiet places.. Just as long as it isn't too quiet.


1p a pint lol wow when was that?! :biggrin: I like the Geordie accent a lot but I don't think I find it sexy lol I don't find the scouse accent sexy at all (no offence Pablo!)


Yeah all courses are accredited, I checked that. A friend did a forensic biology type course in Glasgow for 4 years and then they found out it wasn't accredited.. So stupid!


I'm still a little unsure about the visa side of things, I know OT's have to do aphra but I've saw posts about audits and how it's hard to get registered without a job. But I've also saw posts saying about people going out on a WHV and managing to pick up locum work.


I'm trying to make a pros and cons list of both courses/careers. I just wish I was one of these people who knew what they wanted to do without any doubts and had loads of confidence


There'd be nothing quiet about a campus uni but I found student shenanigans immature even when was 18 and was glad to be able to go to non-student places too.


I married a Scouser so I'm probably biased - I love all regional accents though, other than estuary and my own!


I don't think I've ever met one of these people who knew what they wanted to do without any doubts and had loads of confidence - I've met some that fake that better than others :)

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There'd be nothing quiet about a campus uni but I found student shenanigans immature even when was 18 and was glad to be able to go to non-student places too.


I married a Scouser so I'm probably biased - I love all regional accents though, other than estuary and my own!


I don't think I've ever met one of these people who knew what they wanted to do without any doubts and had loads of confidence - I've met some that fake that better than others :)


Yeah the Brunel one doesn't sound very quiet lol it's like 20 mins walk from the town so not too bad. Think it's 40 mins to Baker Street on the tube.


Kinda open minded where I go, just don't to go anywhere really quiet and boring. Yeah there's loads of accents that I like too lol.


Most of my friends knew what they wanted to do with no doubts - most are social workers. I've been looking at more things online but I still can't decide lol.


I was telling my dad about me considering mental health nursing and he made a insensitive comment about it and it really annoyed me and I ended up telling him what I thought about it. So I think I'd like to work in mental health even if I do OT but I've been told by a few people it's hard to get a job in that

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So typical... I applied for college last year and didn't get in. Apply this year and wait ages to even hear anything and then as soon as I get my job I get invited for a interview to the access to nursing course when I can't go. Ah well I've started the distance learning now anyway

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