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young couple looking for information and Hi all :)


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Right where to begin

My names chris my partner is chloe

Both from the uk

Im 23 shes 17


Been looking into migrating to down under for about 3weeks now but its been an idea for quite some time


My trade is a fitter "gen" I learn and studied this whilst I was in the army currently tho working in security and havnt really touch the fitter side in about 2years altho im handy with mechanic on cars and know how to do most things but not got the qualifications to back it up but been doing mechanics for about 8years I would say


Chloe is currently doing an apprenticeship in child care so basically full time and 1 day at college


We have the plan off doing it when im 25 as I receive some inheritance around £55,000


Thats pritty much where we are up to

both currently live at my mums so, no house , no furniture to take

I will sell most my possessions ,cars motorcycle, electronics ect

Literally just cloths and documents

hopefully visas :D


Recon we could do it?

Kind regards

Chris :)

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Hi Chris


The first step would be to check if your occupation is on the 'wanted' list (the SOL or CSOL) - you can find these on immi.gov.au. You will normally need to have qualifications (or if not the qualifications then in some cases significant experience can be counted instead. Although to be honest with your age I'm not sure if you will have enough experience to replace the qualifications - have a look though as I could be wrong) - you'll also need to pass a skills criteria. I'd suggest looking at the immi site as a starter as there's a lot of information about visas and the requirements there


Another option, with the ages you are, you could apply for the Working Holiday Visa (although this is only for a year - you can apply for a second year providing you meet the regional working criteria)



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I have a friend thats currently in the process with his family


And he said about the working holiday permit


Also I have nvqs in engineering operations and maintenance

And other key skills and various certificates

Im waiting basicly for my partner to finish hers pretty much

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I have NVQs done through the Navy (some at SEME with the army) and others at a civilian college, I even had to do an NVQ2 with the army as a mechanic despite already having an NVQ 3 done through Audis own college. What level is your NVQ?

All were done with civilian instructors.

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Off top off head pal its a nvq2

Althought in my own hobbie ive stripped and rebuilt that many cars and bikes and parts maintenance ect im alot more comfortable with mechanics but no paper to back it up


If you have the time I would really look in to trying to do a level 3 in light vehicle maintenance. If you have two years it can only help. Having worked in the industry in the UK I would be surprised if many dealerships would take on young guys that don't have a level 3 as a minimum. So an employer on the other side of the world who has the pick of many applicants would probably want the same. Im not trying to say your a gash mechanic qualifications get you a foot in the door though.

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Think I was on the wrong wave line then

Think you was suggesting I went college to do a level 3 because I like mechanics ect


This moment in time I wouldnt be able to drop the wage or go college

Have bills ect insurance to pay n live off ect

Atm im only on 19k a year

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Yer ive rebuild vauxhall engines , landrovers and cummins

Mainly hydralics ect with plant ,

And ive already looked into that when I first came out the army

There was no night courses and as u said without the vehicle technician 3 wont get employed over here

As I needed money quick I did my sia licence and been working for g4s every since


Pritty much life story haha

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My understanding is that to be eligible for a skilled worker visa your skills have to be current, as in having been employed in the sector you are applying for in the past two years. There will be people who can advice you better than me as I am applying a spouse visa.

I would speak to a migration agent and see what your options are.

Also how long did you serve? Did you do six years? If so did you use all 3 of your ELCAS when you went outside? Could be an option to get some qualifications paid for by the tax payer :D

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No didnt do 6 is that the min for the navy? 4 for us

And im currently apply for fitter jobs

Ive seen child care on the "sol" I think its called the list off jobs wanted

So if me and her cant go through me then hoping I can be the spouse


I just checked it is 4 years either way have you used all three up? £1000 you could put towards something to make you more attractive out there. Its free money daft not to make the most of it.

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Well you get three lots of £1000, you can only use 1 in a finical year so in your year of having your notice in you could have used a maximum of two. I would look in to it, you won't be able to claim it in Oz (although you could come back to use it if you wanted). Use it while you can.

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I think you will find that your partner needs a degree in order to qualify for a skilled visa in child care.

Might be better posting in the migration section, you will get a lot more info from members in there.

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