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Hottest day of the year yesterday


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There's been a few days that I've felt really cold - usually related to do with the rain/damp I think. It feels warmer here than where I was in England :eek: I'm hoping I acclimatise in aus. I remember on herm some of the summer days felt roasting but then when it cooled down a bit I was freezing :laugh: one or two of the nights before I left in September felt like winter

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I can relate to that completely Stacey. I love the heat of summer but as soon as cloud covers the sun, I'm reaching for my cardigan. I think it's having the underactive thyroid tbh. Thyroid regulates your metabolism which in turn regulates your internal thermometer (I think) so it makes sense that it takes slightly longer to adjust to sudden changes in temperature.

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I love this cold, wet weather. I love how's there is the 4 seasons every year in the UK, I don't know why I didn't move over here sooner.


Even I picked up on the sarcasm lol that's saying something! You can't beat it when you don't know what to wear because it goes hot, cold, wet and dry all in one day

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