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How do you get around?


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One of my biggest worries about Australia and being on a WHV is how to get from A-B, getting from one job on one side of the country to a job the other side?


How would you get from airport to job/job to airport etc... You get the gist ;)


Look forward to comments. Dan.

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I've got a full motorcycle license and will have my car license too before I go, I just don't know whether it's worth forking out for a car due to then I can't go anywhere I want as I'll be stuck with a car.


Well you could do camper van relocations I think, some people do that. I think there's a thread about it somewhere on here, sometimes they are really cheap! At least if you were to join a group of backpackers who had a car you can share the driving a bit

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if you wan to stay in the big cities, then public transportation is going to be enough and fly from one city to another.


if you want to travel to smaller towns and cities, do farm work and check out rural OZ, 100% buy a car, it will work out cheaper in the long run.

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There are often adverts in hostels, forums, gumtree for lift shares and most places are accessible by bus, though may only run a couple of time a week. Once you're here you just go with the flow and other travellers in your hostel will advise. Lonely planet guide or similar is good too as they have basic travel info on the bus routes/schedules.

Im nit sure if you have to be over 25 and have been driving for a certain period for rentals/relocations.

Cars are the best as you have the freedom and can fre free to camp in but a pain in cities. Lots of people seem to buy cars, go from A-B then flog them. This can be an issue though if you're going between states, you'll want to sell your car in the state you bought it - or write it off and junk it which if you only spend $1k on the car and get from Melb - Cairns say you'll still be quids in most likely.

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Backpacker Hostels all have a bulletin board in their reception or lounge areas.... people advertise on these very often for others to share costs of travel - share a car purchase etc. Also some regional employers will pick you up from a designated place that you can get to via public transport.

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