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Mind all over the place...


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Just an update to you kind folk who helped me out before :wubclub:


The trip home was emotional but worthwhile. My PIL are in very poor health now which was a shock, but most of all, I felt so "at home" back in the UK it was like a healing medicine.


So, after a bit more talking and going over the same things over and over again, I decided to go back to the UK permanently and today I quit my job.


To be honest, I would have preferred to just stay in the UK, as since I have been back in Sydney I have gone right back down in my dark depths of depression (at this point, I am convinced it is situational) but there are lose ends to tie up so it had to be done.


I feel very, very scared, and right now a bit down really, but I am hoping that once I get back I will get a lease of life again. There is much work to be done on our house as the tenants painted things they shouldn't have and it generally needs some TLC, so that will be my first task and in the meantime I can get settled and look for work. Friends have been fantastic, it made me realise where I need to be, with people who care about me. They even already bought me a kettle and cups and put them in my kitchen!


As for my OH, deep down he is still struggling with this, but I have decided to move forward. He will stay in Sydney until such a time that I find work, or until he feels ready for the next step. We are agreed in principal on our direction, just that I am little further down the track...


A person on PIO I greatly admire once told me to chose for joy, so I have done just so. I only hope I will be rewarded with a bit of luck!!!

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Hi ya 3Fat cats, first of all glad you had a nice visit back in the UK, I know you have struggled in Oz with depression, hopefully with you moving back, it will help alleviate it.


Sometimes you just know, and I am a firm believer in going with your gut instinct. I am sure that thing will all work out for you in your move back home. Life is too short to be unhappy all the time.


Best of luck with the move back and hopefully hubby won't be too far behind you.


Take care.



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Good luck to you! I'm sure you made the right decision. I'm also sure you'll find a job back home easily - much easier than here. Remember how hard it was to find anything at all?!


Incidentally, my MIL just passed away and my partner and I had to go to England over Easter. Because of the sad circumstances and the poor weather unfortunately we found it quite depressing during our time in England. But I certainly do prefer the mentality of the English to that of the Aussies most of the time.


Anyway, we still have no news about our visa. Ours will expire in March next year. We are still not planning on staying in Oz forever but we would rather stay another year or two before going somewhere else. But that's also due to the fact that my partner's profession makes it hard for him to find work easily.


All the best, take care and take it easy! Hope everything will sort itself out, also with your husband. At the end of the day you were not happy here, so just do it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quite a bit has been happening over the past 10 days..... OH has decided to come too...and sounds like (and I don't want to jinx things) he may have a small job lined up too. This will be several steps below his current level and tiny, tiny money, but it is certainly better than nothing as we try to find our feet again.


Saying this, today we (he) had a bit of a wobble, as he kind of admitted he does actually like it here and is probably going to struggle with being back in the UK. Oookaaay. Intense conversation followed at lunchtime in the car about "choices" and what each of us wants, bottom line is he is happy with the decision to come back, but probably wanted to let me know he isn't jumping for joy. It is soo hard sometimes, the childish part of me wants to scream "I have put up with Australia for 3 years matey, suck it up", whilst the adult part of me feels awful... :ssign3:


In any case, it all all systems go on the practical side and looks like we fly around the 7th of July. No going back now....

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I'm sorry I missed your last update after you went back for a visit. It sounds like it helped clarify things for you.


For many of us the decision to move back causes a bit of a wobble, it is a big change and if you can't ping long (we can't) then it is a big commitment. But I like the quote in your signature and that's how we look at it - we're not moving back to an old life but to a new one, it's going to be a new adventure. That thought is hard to remember sometimes but I'm clinging to it!


And you shouldn't feel bad about wanting to shout "suck it up big boy" totally understandable and I think you're a saint for not saying it ;-)


7th July is soon! What logistical things are you tackling first?

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Onwards and upwards! It's interesting that once a decision has been made to move on you do tend to look more fondly at the situation you are leaving - perhaps that's what's happening for him at the mo. Only 34 more sleeps! More adventure!

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Thanks AA - my OH can be a piece of work at times.... and these times do bring out the worst in us.


On the practical side it is easier, so far have got the movers organised, and the cats organised, have sold a few bits and pieces including the car (which is good). Having done this before at least 3 times it should be a smooth process...


I'm sorry I missed your last update after you went back for a visit. It sounds like it helped clarify things for you.


For many of us the decision to move back causes a bit of a wobble, it is a big change and if you can't ping long (we can't) then it is a big commitment. But I like the quote in your signature and that's how we look at it - we're not moving back to an old life but to a new one, it's going to be a new adventure. That thought is hard to remember sometimes but I'm clinging to it!


And you shouldn't feel bad about wanting to shout "suck it up big boy" totally understandable and I think you're a saint for not saying it ;-)


7th July is soon! What logistical things are you tackling first?

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I can imagine DH and I will exchange a few choice words when we get into the thick of our move. We're ratty when we are stressed!


Sounds like you have everything under control, I may need a few tips. When we moved here it was just the two of us, as boyfriend & girlfriend and all we brought were clothes, books and bikes Going back it's more like a travelling circus we two little kids, three cats (only one fat one though!) and a variety of "stuff" collected over almost 11 years in Australia. Plus I'm much less able to deal with hassle now - old goat that I am.

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I can imagine DH and I will exchange a few choice words when we get into the thick of our move. We're ratty when we are stressed!


Sounds like you have everything under control, I may need a few tips. When we moved here it was just the two of us, as boyfriend & girlfriend and all we brought were clothes, books and bikes Going back it's more like a travelling circus we two little kids, three cats (only one fat one though!) and a variety of "stuff" collected over almost 11 years in Australia. Plus I'm much less able to deal with hassle now - old goat that I am.


Anything I can help with just ask! One of mine is actually called Fat Fred - his airfare actually costs more than the other two :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best of luck to you guys! OMG I cannot believe you're leaving before us! We're still not sure what's going to happen to us. My poor husband though has been recently travelling back and forth between AUS and ENG to to sort out his late mum's estate. Not an easy thing to do living in Australia!


Ah I'm so happy for you that you're going back together, and it's lovely your husband's supporting you in this. I'm sure you'll be fine when back in the UK. Good luck, take care, and Auf Wiedersehen!

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Trust your instinct, I'm sure you'll be fine. -- And don't forget job hunting in the UK cannot be more difficult than in Australia! Remember how long it took us on these 457s back then? Nah, you've got a lot of experience, and not many people get lucky living abroad. It most certainly changed you for the better and you've been through a lot of things already eh!


Take care and don't give up, it's going to be okay!

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Thanks @marta! It isn't going to be easy, there are days I feel incredibly scared (like today) I am almost breathless, but deep down I know this is the right thing to do. Just hoping for a stroke of luck now to help us settle back into jobs asap.


This is JUST how I feel!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I'm here :cute:

Sitting in my conservatory with the morning sunshine coming in with a nice cuppa tea and chocolate digestive..

Feels...strange. I know I am back, but doesn't feel real yet I suppose.

So far so good. Nothing major to report. Went straight into the bank to change addresses, the nice guy actually said wait there, I'll go get my laptop and do it for you! :wubclub: Internet will be installed next Monday. Have 2 interviews this week and need to go and sort a car out.

Only sad point, upon closer inspection, my house is in a shite state...:cry: oh well eh.

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Where are you Cats?


Well, I'm here :cute:

Sitting in my conservatory with the morning sunshine coming in with a nice cuppa tea and chocolate digestive..

Feels...strange. I know I am back, but doesn't feel real yet I suppose.

So far so good. Nothing major to report. Went straight into the bank to change addresses, the nice guy actually said wait there, I'll go get my laptop and do it for you! :wubclub: Internet will be installed next Monday. Have 2 interviews this week and need to go and sort a car out.

Only sad point, upon closer inspection, my house is in a shite state...:cry: oh well eh.

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You made it, hooray! Lovely to hear from you - how did the furry people cope with the journey?


Sorry to hear about the house, hope it doesn't take too much time/money to get it sorted. Good luck with your job interviews, let us know how you get on.

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