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I just wanted to fill some you guys in on what's happening because of the help and messages of support you have given me you really have been a guiding light.

My English test results came back as:-

listening 8.5

reading 9

writing 9

speaking 9

i was nervous as he'll on the day but as it turned out you guys were right that I should stay calm and take it in my stride.

I gave my agent the results and he put in three EOI's one for QLD one for SA (both 190) and an i dependant 189 as I met requirements for all. This morning I woke up to an email from my Aussy migration agent saying I've been invited to apply for the 189. Today kind of feels like its my birthday it's a weird scared but elated feeling. I feel special haha my missus is happy and frightened too cos we are leaving behind two kids but they might come out at a later date. Regardless we are now looking forward to the application going in and being given our visas to go.

Can anyone shed some light on the rough time scales for application going in and visa being granted. I know its only rough but it would give us an idea.

thanks very much again for the help and support you guys have given us and all for free too x

Ian and Karen.

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