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What does this mean?


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As one does, checks their emails before going to work in the vain hope that THE EMAIL is there.

There is one sitting in my spam box this morning...here is the jist.....


Application remains under active consideration. No documents required at this time. You will be notified if any further information required.

Christ, I'm shaking....................

Now, what does this mean ?

1) I have a CO

2) They are near to completing my application



Now I have to go to work - too late to phone in with a mysterious illness. I am hoping that when I get home at 6pm there are lots of answers for me.






PS Don't know how I am going to be able to concentrate at work today (Aaaaggghhhh):wacko:

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well i hope its good news Gill,lol,im sure it will be ,i never got any emails but it probably just means youve been picked off the pile and have a co,,im sure someone must have had a similar e mail at some point and can let you know for sure,

fingers crossed

Cal x

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I went the old fashioned paper route with my application, and got an email telling me I'd been allocated a CO (aidrien - lovely man!!), and to send meds and PC, then he sent me a beautiful email congratulating me on my aussie job offer and telling me I'd got my visa



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Guest leanneandmark
(aidrien - lovely man!!),


OOO Lovely Man!!! lol.:biglaugh:


Does it just mean its been recieved?? ...i dunno

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Guest The Thomsons

I think it means they are way, way behind with their processing of applications and I dare say I will be getting a similar one, as I have recently emailed them for a progress report as fed up with hearing absolutely nothing! I hope you get something more positive soon

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Guest Les & Woz
As one does, checks their emails before going to work in the vain hope that THE EMAIL is there.

There is one sitting in my spam box this morning...here is the jist.....


Application remains under active consideration. No documents required at this time. You will be notified if any further information required.

Christ, I'm shaking....................

Now, what does this mean ?

1) I have a CO

2) They are near to completing my application



Now I have to go to work - too late to phone in with a mysterious illness. I am hoping that when I get home at 6pm there are lots of answers for me.






PS Don't know how I am going to be able to concentrate at work today (Aaaaggghhhh):wacko:


Hi Gill


Hope you have some good news by now. I doubt if it means you are going in the no way jose bin otherwise it would just say turned down wouldn't it?

Where we are waiting so long and are so desperate to get to Oz I think it makes us paranoid at the slightest thing. I know I am so it's probably no good saying don't worry cozz you will of course until you get the all clear.


Lots of luck and best wishes, will be keeping fingers crossed for you.


Les :v_SPIN:

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What a day..............could not tell anyone at work as any talk of Oz is frowned upon (long long story).:arghh:


I have been thinking about this email all day and I think what worries me is the wording


"application remains under active consideration" the word 'remains' being the worrying word in my book.


Of course, I am having a go at the OH due to his PCC checks being 3-4 pages in total (minor issues).I am also fretting about what if I have made a mistake on the online application - also the strange phone call at work not so long ago.

Isn't it strange how all these thoughts take over your whole life.


I just about sh*t a brick when I saw the email this morning - Don't know about you lot but I usually just delete the spam messages -

Fingers crossed that this turns out to be good news........I could sure do with some good things happening in my life.

Thanks for the replies



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maybe like most organisations they have some type of govening body like we have iso 9000 etc to monitor their progress and activities etc. and part of their processes is to randomly send emails letting applyers know the current status.

(hope the gobbledegook makes sense).

whatever the reason my fingers and toes are treble crossed for ya. and im sure all will be cool in the end.


mark & tracey

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maybe like most organisations they have some type of govening body like we have iso 9000 etc to monitor their progress and activities etc. and part of their processes is to randomly send emails letting applyers know the current status.

(hope the gobbledegook makes sense).

whatever the reason my fingers and toes are treble crossed for ya. and im sure all will be cool in the end.


mark & tracey


Totally understand the Gobbledegook......couldn't have put it any better myself.



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