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WA still topping other states


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The UK and US banks were posting new record profits every year up until they went POP! People said the same as you in UK and US and most under 40 had never experienced a recession so believed it was never ending. It is the young people who suffer not the grey heads who bought their homes cheap in a differant era .As for China buying everything I am pretty sure they are buying less as they have large stockpiles not to mention they have built ghost cities........... But hey wages are increasing and we live in the worlds healthiest economy. Maybe a couple of years back but times are a changing. The downside of capitalism is that economies boom and bust, always have always will


I wonder if you find like me a little odd, folk tend to put everything down to their own individual experience and not concern themselves with the bigger picture. Very much a case of I'm all right Jack , not interested in the rest. I only imagine how they must sell their lifestyles to those remaining in UK.

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Folk especially young flee to Melbourne for a host of reasons. Vibe, diversity, more happening, better opportunities for the educated. Perhaps the daily weather report isn't so significant to those and better public transport options I guess, as two I know of don't even bother with car ownership.


Not sure about this 'young folk fleeing to Melbourne' idea you have Flag. If you would have said London then I might have agreed with you.


All bar one of my friends have de-camped to the UK at some stage in their 20's for working visas and the opportunity to travel Europe whilst there. Some even stayed for a number of years before heading back to, yep you guessed it, good ole Perth. None ever fled to Melbourne because of greater opportunities or because Melbourne has more going on post-9pm.


In fact, I have a number of acquaintances from Victoria who moved over here to Perth because of greater work opportunities. Will they be here forever? Unlikely. Do they enjoy living here with what Perth has to offer? Hell yes. None of them are earning super high mining wages so are not slaves to the wage and stuck over here.


Flag, like it or not, Perth is no longer in the 1990's (I would guess you were a 20-something during this decade??). It has changed a hundred times for the better since then and will continue to do so. Time to get out there from behind your keyboard and start to enjoy the place (or move to Melbourne or Sydney!!).

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Guest Guest 47403
Not sure about this 'young folk fleeing to Melbourne' idea you have Flag. If you would have said London then I might have agreed with you.


All bar one of my friends have de-camped to the UK at some stage in their 20's for working visas and the opportunity to travel Europe whilst there. Some even stayed for a number of years before heading back to, yep you guessed it, good ole Perth. None ever fled to Melbourne because of greater opportunities or because Melbourne has more going on post-9pm.


In fact, I have a number of acquaintances from Victoria who moved over here to Perth because of greater work opportunities. Will they be here forever? Unlikely. Do they enjoy living here with what Perth has to offer? Hell yes. None of them are earning super high mining wages so are not slaves to the wage and stuck over here.


Flag, like it or not, Perth is no longer in the 1990's (I would guess you were a 20-something during this decade??). It has changed a hundred times for the better since then and will continue to do so. Time to get out there from behind your keyboard and start to enjoy the place (or move to Melbourne or Sydney!!).


I'm not sure where this stupid notion comes from that Perth must and needs to change, why does Perth NEED to be more like Melbourne they are different and have different characteristics it's as ridiculous as saying Birmingham needs to be more like London no it doesn't! Perth may offer less culturally than Melbourne but so what, it offers more in other lifestyles that Melbourne lacks, everywhere offers something different! (In no way knocking Melbourne just using it as an example)


Surely you pick the place you want to live based on what it offers you individually not by what you think it should offer then move there and complain about it on an internet forum. As for quiet in the suburbs after 9PM it's what happens when day turns to night show me a town/city/village in the world where that doesn't happen?


I get the impression some people just do not like the success the WA economy has had recently and would be quite happy should it fall on it's backside just so they can sit behind there keyboards and say 'told you so' :rolleyes:

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I don't mind Perth and am quite happy living here but i am realistic about what it is like for people arriving here. Some on here would have you believe it is some kind of paradise where you will treble your wages and never be out of work. So lets use slightly above avg figures to explain to those who have no clue what they are in for but praise the place. The reality is that you come here with your life savings which you will burn through until you get work which will be lower paid than you are told by people on here. Lets say you have $100K after selling up in the UK which you will be doing for less than those a few years back before the recession and they had $3 to pound etc. OK so after start up costs you have $70k for deposit, to live anywhere that's not 50Km plus from CBD you pay at least $500k so you have mortgage of $430k that costs around $2700 pm to pay the mortgage. lets say you earn $90k( well above avg actually) pa that gives you a take home pay of $5600 pm roughly that means you pay almost half your salary on mortgage before you even take in to account other bills. Here you have pay the schools contributions, dental is expensive so if you are a family these costs mount up. Your salary will quickly dissapear

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I don't mind Perth and am quite happy living here but i am realistic about what it is like for people arriving here. Some on here would have you believe it is some kind of paradise where you will treble your wages and never be out of work. So lets use slightly above avg figures to explain to those who have no clue what they are in for but praise the place. The reality is that you come here with your life savings which you will burn through until you get work which will be lower paid than you are told by people on here. Lets say you have $100K after selling up in the UK which you will be doing for less than those a few years back before the recession and they had $3 to pound etc. OK so after start up costs you have $70k for deposit, to live anywhere that's not 50Km plus from CBD you pay at least $500k so you have mortgage of $430k that costs around $2700 pm to pay the mortgage. lets say you earn $90k( well above avg actually) pa that gives you a take home pay of $5600 pm roughly that means you pay almost half your salary on mortgage before you even take in to account other bills. Here you have pay the schools contributions, dental is expensive so if you are a family these costs mount up. Your salary will quickly dissapear



What are you talking about???

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Reality unless you want to live in a hole


Im sorry, well actually Im not. I dont live in a hole, I have a rather pleasant 4 bed detached property in a quiet cul de sac, lots of local facilities. I know of many others who have the same. Sheer sensationalism and downright bullshit Im afraid. Why people feel the need is beyond me...

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Reality unless you want to live in a hole


Haha...coming from someone from Essex. No holes there for sure.


For some reason you moved to Perth, you either wanted to or Didnt do any research.


Then you apparently chose a burb that has nothing going on!


truthfully I don't care how much money your making...get yourself back to the Sugarhut with all the other wannabes

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Haha...coming from someone from Essex. No holes there for sure.


For some reason you moved to Perth, you either wanted to or Didnt do any research.


Then you apparently chose a burb that has nothing going on!


truthfully I don't care how much money your making...get yourself back to the Sugarhut with all the other wannabes

I'm not from essex .. X

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Im sorry, well actually Im not. I dont live in a hole, I have a rather pleasant 4 bed detached property in a quiet cul de sac, lots of local facilities. I know of many others who have the same. Sheer sensationalism and downright bullshit Im afraid. Why people feel the need is beyond me...


Can you show examples of these places where you can buy decent property near the city? I live 20KM south in a good suburb and avg house price is 550k and south is cheaper according to those who live north?

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Im sorry, well actually Im not. I dont live in a hole, I have a rather pleasant 4 bed detached property in a quiet cul de sac, lots of local facilities. I know of many others who have the same. Sheer sensationalism and downright bullshit Im afraid. Why people feel the need is beyond me...


Never looked at Perth houses,how much is it for a half decent area for just a normal 2 bed or 3 bed semi Fi?

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Never looked at Perth houses,how much is it for a half decent area for just a normal 2 bed or 3 bed semi Fi?


The norm is detached to be honest Pabs though there are a number of duplex homes available (semi) mostly 3 bed. I suppose much like the define how much you need to live on, peoples concept of a 'decent' area will vary. I live in a suburb considered good value, up and coming and around 25k from the city (NOR) 20 mins from coast, mix of old and new homes...average price is around 400k I think. We paid under that in 2010 for a 4 bed place on nearly 800sqm, corner plot, but is now worth around mid 400s Im led to believe

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Can you show examples of these places where you can buy decent property near the city? I live 20KM south in a good suburb and avg house price is 550k and south is cheaper according to those who live north?


Now if I'm not mistaken me n thee live close by...


Do get what your saying....this area is ace, if you aren't bothered with buying you get a lot of house her for your rental money here.

Its something we are weighing up at the mo. I agree if your looking to buy a family house for say $460,000 then you would need to head south by about 30/40mins travelling time.


Still its a nice area, by the beach, near the freeway, limited amenities at the mo, but have your essentials and a lot more to come.


I just personally love the lifestyle of this suburb, so close to river n beach. Freo on doorstep. If I have to rent to stay here then I will.


ps, are you doing renos at the mo, would you be the guy with the saltire on his ute....just wondering

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No it is not me i am not a builder. I am not trying to be nasty but i am making a very valid point as i have a young family, earn well above avg and dont want to overpay for a house only to be trapped there as i will lose my equity when the correction comes , when i can rent for considerably less pm despite the hassles of renting.

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The norm is detached to be honest Pabs though there are a number of duplex homes available (semi) mostly 3 bed. I suppose much like the define how much you need to live on, peoples concept of a 'decent' area will vary. I live in a suburb considered good value, up and coming and around 25k from the city (NOR) 20 mins from coast, mix of old and new homes...average price is around 400k I think. We paid under that in 2010 for a 4 bed place on nearly 800sqm, corner plot, but is now worth around mid 400s Im led to believe


Thats part of the trouble for me,"mostly detached",now im single i dont need or want a big house,never did even when i was with her,conjures images of me living on egg on toast to pay for the place ,and thats not how i want to live,house prices in aus do put me off a bit if im honest,all subjective i suppose,what your getting per sq ft compared to here,factor in ave wage etc etc

I know you're not supposed to do it but!450 thou aus $ is roughly 250 thou £ ? i suppose thats not bad really for what you have,but way more than i need,tbh i think im about ready to just get a flat soon,more than likely here or Spain,as cant see my place selling by august,there doesnt seem as much choice over there of smaller properties,but thats just from glances on real estate sites if im honest,and properties are cheaper where i was planning on going as well to be fair

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No it is not me i am not a builder. I am not trying to be nasty but i am making a very valid point as i have a young family, earn well above avg and dont want to overpay for a house only to be trapped there as i will lose my equity when the correction comes , when i can rent for considerably less pm despite the hassles of renting.


Haha was going to stop and invite you round for a beer...good job I Didnt, could have been awkward.


You and the family going to the concert Sunday? Was really good last year...

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For an apartment (flat here) in cockburn central or joondaloup you would pay around $400k+ for a 2 bed


Thats WAY too much for me as a single,wouldn't be prepared to give up living fairly comfortably here(normally!touchwood)to pay the mortgage on that in aus,tbh i think thats a ridiculous price on the face of it,but then i dont know the place

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You cant convert it back Pabs, it doesnt give you a sense of what is affordable. Just remember we came with nothing (virtually) and now comfortably service a mortgage on a part time plus a full time income in very similar roles to what we had in the UK


No,i know im not supposed to do that Fi,sorta cant help it tho! you're in health tho Fi,so will likely never be out of work,plus theres two of you to pay for it,like i say tho,places are cheaper in S.A,we'll see what happens with my house?not much im thinking,but so be it

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No,i know im not supposed to do that Fi,sorta cant help it tho! you're in health tho Fi,so will likely never be out of work,plus theres two of you to pay for it,like i say tho,places are cheaper in S.A,we'll see what happens with my house?not much im thinking,but so be it


If you like Adelaide you'd probably like Bunbury, second city of WA south of Perth, classed as regional..coastal and cheaper property.

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Thats WAY too much for me as a single,wouldn't be prepared to give up living fairly comfortably here(normally!touchwood)to pay the mortgage on that in aus,tbh i think thats a ridiculous price on the face of it,but then i dont know the place


Off topic Mister, but when are you going to Jack those agents off who are supposedly trying to sell your house.


Get new ones in, new tactic.


weve been looking at houses here, and if they have been up a while...you think, what's up with them.


New agent Pabs, new listing. What do you have to loose? Last Push, if your serious!!


The women of Oz need a Pabs in their life:tongue:

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