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What to buy in the UK before moving to Oz?


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I'm moving to Perth with my hubby and two young daughters in 3 months and want to stock up on goods here before we go. I've heard it can be quite expensive out there, so was thinking of stocking up on cheap toiletries etc. Can anyone tell me if it's worth buying loads of sun cream because its pretty expensive in the UK, and I was hoping it might be cheaper there?


And also anything else you think I should take?



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so was thinking of stocking up on cheap toiletries etc. Can anyone tell me if it's worth buying loads of sun cream


If you want to compare prices to decide whether it is worth it for cheap toiletries, have a look at this website. They have stores in most cities and their in-store prices seem consistent with their online prices, in my experience. Their prices are usually lower than the major supermarkets.





Re sun cream: large 1 litre pump bottles are common here, if you are using it a lot. Also bear in mind that the way sun screen is tested in Europe and Australia is different and a UK/European 30+ is not as strong as an Australian 30+.

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I wouldn't buy any sun screen in the UK. There are tons of really good ones available here (as you would expect), not that expensive, I prefer them to those available in the UK


Can't beat the Cancer Council ones IMO. http://www.cancervic.org.au/store/summer05_sunscreen1


I like the Active one. No greasiness or residue, water resistant, etc etc. Seems to last a long time, I've never burnt when using it

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Shoes, shoes and more shoes. It's getting better price wise but in QLD there's not a great deal of choice and they're hard to buy over the Internet. I'd also advise good quality business wear if you're heading for the corporate world - Again you can get this here, but it costs


And as others have said, don't bother about shipping toiletries. I take sun products back to the UK for friends - quality very high here, they are the experts after all!

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Shoes, shoes and more shoes. It's getting better price wise but in QLD there's not a great deal of choice and they're hard to buy over the Internet. I'd also advise good quality business wear if you're heading for the corporate world - Again you can get this here, but it costs


Yes, that's most of what I buy


Shoes, suits, business shirts. Better quality available at home


Bikes and bike bits are the other one, but that's personal to me

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You soon learn to buy stuff when its on offer and have a little stock pile at home,lol,lots of things then work out much cheaper than buying in the UK (thats before you add the cost of shipping it here)

A few quick examples-

Yesterday Woolworths had Impulse deodorant for $2.49, they also do this offer with Lynx quite regularly too, i tend to buy 3 or 4 tins when its on offer rather than pay the normal $5 shelf price.

Colgate toothpaste goes on offer almost every other week, its either $2 a tube or buy 2 get 1 free. Mouthwash and Toothbrushes are the same.

You find these offers across most of the store but definately in the Toiletry section so i dont think this stuff is more expensive than in the UK and other than bringing a couple of your fav brands to tide you over until you go shopping ,i wouldnt go out and buy stuff just to ship it.


Cal x

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