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Securing work before the move


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Hello all, I want to secure work before I fly down, I will be using a WHV and want to get regional work to allow me to stay an extra year.


I want to work in my trade which is gardening and landscaping instead of having to pick fruit like all the backpackers do.


So my question is, what towns/cities are classed as regional areas? I understand the whole of south Australia is but don't really know much else im finding it hard to find out what areas are classed as regional, like Cairns, is that regional?


Anyway my second question is when should I start looking for work? ive spoke to a couple firms one in Darwin and one in Townsville, who said to call them when I get down but im heading down August 2014 so I dunno whether I should have emailed so early.


My desired state is QLD but if I had to do regional elsewhere that wouldnt bother me.

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I assume 'Regional Australia' means country areas outside the capital cities. I don't know if that means away from the coast, or if it includes places like Cairns. I doubt if Adelaide is included as a regional area in South Australia? I kind of assumed that working holiday people got jobs for six months or so in a capital city, or anywhere else for that matter, did some travelling, and also did a stint of work in the bush, on a farm, or similar, to qualify for the second year????


If you can get a job in your trade, then great, but otherwise, take what you can get - bar work, coffee shop, whatever?

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