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I'm 45 in April and I still have IELT and medicals to do. Time is running out. It's took the best part of a year sorting my skills test out, I wish my agent had me take my IELT last year.


Now I'm wondering if I'll manage to get a job sponsor to get me in or should I look to my brother (been in QLD for 27yrs) to sponsor me?


Guys I'm desperate :0( can anyone give me advice?


My skills test was metal fabricator. How do I find employers to sponsor me?


Appreciate all advice guys, thanks.

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It would be almost impossible to find an employer to sponsor you for permanent residency up front - although the fact you have done your skills assessment means it could be done.


More likely is sponsorship for a 457 visa but I don't know how useful that would be to you as it would only allow you to work temporarily in Australia (usually for 4 years), some employers will offer sponsorship for PR after a period of time but even if they offer that it is no way guaranteed.


Presumably it is the IELTS that is worrying you, as the medical is done in a day and presumably you need to do this for additional points? Given that you have until April it seems perfectly achievable to me but you could look at either state sponsorship or family sponsorship for those additional points instead.


I don't know the details since it's all changed since we migrated but your agent should be able to advise you.


Don't panic!! If you have your skills assessment the rest can be done in the time available :)

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Your Medical does not need to done until after you application has been lodged.


Depending where your brother lives in QLD and his visa status - he may be able to sponsor you for the 489 provisional visa, if your occupation is on SOL, but this will only give you 10 points, and there is not many of these invitations each month - therefore may be better looking at 489 state nominated.

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Book the first available IELTS test date and forget about the medical for now.


As long as you have your IELTS, a positive skills assessment and can meet the 60 point benchmark total you will likely get an invitation to apply for the visa within the next invitation round (2 every month). Then the application is lodged and everything's hunky dory. It's not ideal being under a time constraint but there's still enough time to finalise everything.


To be honest though your agent should be managing the time aspect of your case and advising you of alternatives.

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Thanks for the motivation guys I'm booked into IELTS on 1st Feb at Cambridge Ruskin College. Anyone got a breakdown of the test and what you need to do? or a link to some practice work?

That would be extremely helpfull as the college wants £15 for a booklet and CD and I just dont have the time to wait on the post :0(


Thanks again for your help and motivation guys I guess most of you will understand the pressure I feel under to get this done lol



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Thanks for the motivation guys I'm booked into IELTS on 1st Feb at Cambridge Ruskin College. Anyone got a breakdown of the test and what you need to do? or a link to some practice work?

That would be extremely helpfull as the college wants £15 for a booklet and CD and I just dont have the time to wait on the post :0(


Thanks again for your help and motivation guys I guess most of you will understand the pressure I feel under to get this done lol




Don't give up, it's all still within reach! My agent provided us with a great breakdown of each section of the IELTS and a couple of links for some practise work - I'm more than happy to forward it to you if it helps. The IELTS site is quite helpful too http://www.ielts.org/test_takers_information/test_sample.aspx


Good luck and keep pushing forward!

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Hi Hawkmoon, not sure if it'll help much but I found some sample tests online by looking on google; I don't know how they compare to the ones the college have offered to send out but may help you get started (this is one example http://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/prepare-test/free-practice-tests)


Best of luck with your application, hope it all works out for you

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Don't forget the free 30 hours prep the British council give you, I found that really helpful. You'll find the link on your confirmation email. And if your a native English speaker, focus on the reading and writing, listening and speaking was really not that bad. And your medical can be done after you turn 45, as long as visa lodge date is before your 45th you'll be fine! Mine all went in at the end of June last year, and my 45th was August, so I cut it fine, but as Adam said, it's all 'do-able' stay positive!

Good Luck

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I don't know the cost of the IELTS these days, but my son was cutting his time very short to lodge, so he booked 2 tests, the 2nd shortly after, just in case he didn't do well enough the first time, as he wouldn't have had enough time to book and re sit. Just a suggestion if time is short and it does take the pressure off a bit.

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