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anyone thought of making Oz a completely new start….


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You might find teaching more enjoyable here- I did. I did change , though, because I got bored with the same old same old. First I went into teaching adults and then tapered that off and went into social work ( did a couple of courses) and then into management which, I have to say, was a whole lot easier than teaching though the hours were worse. A lot depends on your subjects, too. If I had my time again I would go into real estate I think, just always fancied it and always heaps of jobs.


There's always heaps of jobs for a reason. You are working when everyone else if off, weekends are probably the busiest time, most just get commission, so if your not selling your not earning, when you start with an agent as a newbie you will get crappy areas and properties, the established people will be taking the cream, you have to be "on call" just about 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I'm sure there is money to be made and some people have made loads. It's a volatile market though and when things are good they are really good, when things are bad even the good guys struggle.


The guy who got our house for us had been in real estate in Perth for years and really knew his stuff. He had a few ups and downs though over the years and eventually got out and bought a printing business, said it was less stressful.

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Don't know what job would give you more time with your kids than teaching tbh. You have the same holidays as them, you work the same sort of hours. It's great thinking about a sea change or whatever but with kids you have to be practical. If I were you and could get jobs in teaching first I would go for that and then try and think of something from the luxury of having a job.


Working for yourself might sound promising and could work out to be more money but all the people I know who work for themselves are putting in more hours, are more worried and can't afford to turn a job down or have a day off sick. I'll stick to being a lowly employee with my set times of work, not so much stress, holiday allowances and sick leave.


i know what you are saying paul1perth but aside from the holidays I am getting home from work (picking kids up from after school club on route) at 6pm then sort out kids dinner, homework, bath an bed routine and it's 8pm. Then but the time I make and eat dinner it's getting on for 9pm. I then do my school work til around 11 (10.30 if I am lucky). Then at the weekends I usually do a day working and DH does the other. I am thinking I may be better earning less and having less to bring home then at least the evening with kids is less pressured and I get to relax at night. It is brilliant having the holidays and that I will miss a lot if I go a different path but I do tend to spend a lot of the holidays either panicking because I haven't done a lot or doing loads of work at home or in school. Just not so sure I want to keep this up. My school is particularly bad at piling on pressure though so maybe a new job will help (think I will get a new job even before we go to oz as my school is A bit rubbish). And maybe starlight7 is right teaching might be more enjoyable in oz.

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i know what you are saying paul1perth but aside from the holidays I am getting home from work (picking kids up from after school club on route) at 6pm then sort out kids dinner, homework, bath an bed routine and it's 8pm. Then but the time I make and eat dinner it's getting on for 9pm. I then do my school work til around 11 (10.30 if I am lucky). Then at the weekends I usually do a day working and DH does the other. I am thinking I may be better earning less and having less to bring home then at least the evening with kids is less pressured and I get to relax at night. It is brilliant having the holidays and that I will miss a lot if I go a different path but I do tend to spend a lot of the holidays either panicking because I haven't done a lot or doing loads of work at home or in school. Just not so sure I want to keep this up. My school is particularly bad at piling on pressure though so maybe a new job will help (think I will get a new job even before we go to oz as my school is A bit rubbish). And maybe starlight7 is right teaching might be more enjoyable in oz.


Teaching certainly doesn't sound very enjoyable where your at now. The school and any job will pile on the pressure if you let them, don't you have a union? You have to stand up and just say no to some of the work. You should have enough time in school to do a lot of the work you are taking home, otherwise something is very wrong. I know a few teachers here, I train with a couple of them that taught my youngest and got to know a few when I helped out at school camp, sports day, that kind of thing and I don't know one that puts in the hours that you are talking about. They all seem to have free weekends especially.

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I know paul1perth. None of my other schools have been so bad (I have worked in 4). I am only 'teacher of' here whereas I have bee head of department and faculty before but I hve never had to work this hard. My school had 'notice to improve' and consequently has been piling on the pressure ever since. I have had 3 different heads, and advisory head and an executive head in the 3 1/2 years I have been there so many changes, lots of work to 'prove' to ofsted we as doing everything well. I only hav 2 hours free a week and work all my lunchtimes and after school for extra curricular so consequently all the planning, marking, work scrutiny, reports etc all have to be done in my own time. My line managers both dont want children and are VERY ambitious so want everything done 150%. Teachers at my school are either going off sick through stress or being put on programmes to improve (then usually end up on the sick anyway). So it's a pretty poor environment. I am looking for a job regardless of australia happening because I know it's not this bad everywhere but working there has made me not enjoy teaching anymore (and I have always really loved it).

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Kooky it sounds to me like your head is spinning with stress that you're focusing on Oz as the answer to all of your present difficulties. As a few posters have said now, alarm bells ring for me too. You said you want the sun, beaches, wildlife, exploration. Sounds to me like you just need a good holiday and break from the rat race. Not sure the pressure of emigrating will help you in the short term. Maybe in the long term your life will improve in certain ways. I'd advise a good holiday and a career change/job change at home instead of moving for these reasons, but it sounds like you have your heart set anyway.

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Niamh thanks for your advice/opinion. I appreciate you and others may have 'alarm bells' but I can assure you a holiday isn't what I am after. I know myself pretty well. I have masses of things to miss here but I know I need to do this (not the start a new career thing - the move thing). The new career thing is the thing I have done for all of my life (the amount of different businesses me and DH have looked into but never really gone for is untrue ha ha). I just like to question things now and then - never want to look back and think 'I should have...' I have always lived like that and so far I don't look back and wish I'd have done something (not major things anyway). Me and DH will go to oz (providing we get the visa that is). We will also probably go into teaching (but to be honest if a different job came up that suited me I'd probably go for it). In the short term i am looking for a new (teaching) job here. I know my place is awful, that although teaching has got more consuming over the years my place is particularly bad.



Think this post was more about wondering 'what if'. A pondering thing I guess - like a chat with mates that isn't necessarily set in stone, more chewing the fat. I am sorry if a few of you on her have taken it very seriously and decided I am sending out alarm bells. I am pretty sane really and pretty logical generally. I just have a creative side I suppose that likes to think I am fancy free and can do whatever I like! :rolleyes:


I have 2 small children to look after I would never put them at risk - teaching pays ok, I get holidays with the kids. There are a lot of pluses. Need to just get out of my current job to be honest then I may go back to loving teaching rather than feeling it is consuming me!

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As a friend of mine always says "might as well have no money in the sunshine, as no money in the rain"

i say definitely go for it Kooky!


i am going to become a professional backpacker when I get over :)

live in a van, pick tomatoes or any other odd jobs..


actually I have a small business plan, but right now I am in the same kinda head space as you, and need 6 months or so of no stress..

Think it's all about your outlook.

what works for one, won't work for another...

think anyone who is uprooting and moving to the other side of the world, is doing it cause they want change... Changing careers too is maybe too scary for some folk to consider??



Good luck

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Antrimlad thankyou for your positivity not sure if I will do it yet (if a job comes up then maybe I could just go for it and see if teaching is any better). To be honest landing a teaching job sounds pretty tough anyway so I may have to do something else! I don't know - I'd work in a shop/cafe anything really - want to work to live as they say.


Its all just musing at the mo. Not even got the visa yet so may not be able to go at all!


Thanks ;-)

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As a friend of mine always says "might as well have no money in the sunshine, as no money in the rain"

i say definitely go for it Kooky!


i am going to become a professional backpacker when I get over :)

live in a van, pick tomatoes or any other odd jobs..


actually I have a small business plan, but right now I am in the same kinda head space as you, and need 6 months or so of no stress..




Good luck



that's what I would love to do, I'm going ahead of GF and daughter but not sure for how long. I would love a few months just to travel and chill and relax, but the it wouldn't be fair on the other 2..... Sometimes I just wish I was 20 again :D:D


since we will be starting or buying a business I will get about 6 weeks to find the right location and then find a place to live. At least I will be traveling with my uncles caravan ( if the haven't sold it by then) and get a little camping/adventure trip out of it ;)

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Think this post was more about wondering 'what if'. A pondering thing I guess - like a chat with mates that isn't necessarily set in stone, more chewing the fat. I am sorry if a few of you on her have taken it very seriously and decided I am sending out alarm bells.


My "alarm bells" were about the small business idea, not the move. You sound like you're up for the adventure and that's a good attitude. My concern is that you're going to find moving countries is far more expensive than you think (everybody does), so trying to start a small business straight away would be suicidal. I'd strongly suggest getting a teaching job first, then cut back to part-time or supply when you're established, so you can get a small business started. That way you get the best of all worlds.

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