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Renewing British Passports


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Hi All,


My family and I have joint Australian and British Nationality. Just before Christmas I renewed my 17 year old sons UK passport by printing out and then filling out for form C1 online, getting it checked at the Australian Post Office and sending off. There was no requirement to enclose a current Australian passport in supporting documents. Got it back no problems. We then decided to do mine and my elder daughters, went to Post Office today with form C1 all duly filled in and photos countersigned etc. Told by helpful counter staff at Post office that system has changed in the last week and online form must be filled in from UK passport office website !!!!


So just filled out two forms and in the form it asks for your un-cancelled passport nos. Put old british passport no's on form, proceeded to end of form, paid money and got receipts. These forms now need to be printed out and posted off to Liverpool with supporting documentation.


What is disturbing me is that the form says "in signing this I realise I may lose an other countries citizenship in applying for british passport" It also asks for all your Passports to be enclosed not just your British one. I had left my Austrlian passport no off the online form as though it was referring to my British passport and also as my Mum and Dad are very ill do not want to send it to Liverpool (with great respect to Liverpudlians) and be without it for a month.


Does anyone in the Forum know if the UK rules have changed re dual nationality and is it essential to declare your Austrlian Citizenship on the form? Don't want to break the law. Another issue after paying the money I can't get back online to change the form and put my Australian passport no on it.



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I don't think anything has changed for "us"


Some countries do not allow you to hold dual citizenship so I think it is a polite warning to applicants that holding a UK passport may result in them losing their original citizenship.


"May" is quite different from "will"

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