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Itunes to Andriod transfer?


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Hi all :biggrin:


Anyone know what the easiest way to transfer ITunes music to an Andriod phone? I am thinking if it is possible (Never used ITunes before helping someone else) I might be able to save the music from ITunes onto a computer and then use a usb wire to then transfer to Andriod? If anyone could shed some light in this direction I would be grateful :ssign15:Thank you in advance :)

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I used a program to download ipod to pc. Then moved these files on to my android (cant remember name off top of head.


If you have bought music on itunes you may be stuck...Really hard to get out of Apple's grip but liberating when you do!

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All depends what format the music is in. If it's all mp3 it's pretty easy. Your android phone will be able to play mp3 files straight off, as will most devices. Where do you store your music? If it's on a main PC then either your apple devices can connect to it and use it via itunes. Any other device should be able to connect via USB and just copy the files into a music folder on that device.


If the music is copyright or different formats you can get tools that do conversions from one format to the other. I think Itunes will "save as" mp3 from different formats but if not there are heaps of other programs that will.

mp3 is probably the most flexible, just about any device can play that.

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I used a program to download ipod to pc. Then moved these files on to my android (cant remember name off top of head.


If you have bought music on itunes you may be stuck...Really hard to get out of Apple's grip but liberating when you do!




iTunes stopped adding DRM to music almost 5 years ago. The grip is a bit of an enduring myth. :)




The format apple uses, AAC (.m4a), is a universal format, not an Apple format, and many devices will play it.


It's usually better than mp3 as it was its successor but if your device still won't play it iTunes will convert your files down to mp3 for you.


To convert to mp3:


1. Make sure your default audio type is mp3:

- Open iTunes, Preferences menu

- Click Import Settings button

- Select "MP3 Encoder" in the Import Using combo. Set to higher bit-rate depending on quality you want.


2. Create a MP3 copy of your songs:

- Order your songs by "Kind"

- Select all your songs in your iTunes library that are kind AAC (Click on first AAC song, shift click on last AAC song)

- Right Click and select Create MP3 version


3. Copy files

- Order your songs by "Kind"

- Select all your songs in your iTunes library that are kind MPEG (Click on first MPEG song, shift click on last MPEG song)

- Drag and drop all songs to any disk you want.

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I used synctunes wireless pro to transfer mine. Needed to read instructions carefully, but transferred the music over without a hitch. If I remember correctly it tries to stay open in the background after you have installed it, so make sure you manually stop it to ensure it doesn't continually use your phone resources after you finish.

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I just selected all (cntl A) saved the files as aac format within iTunes, copied the files and pasted them onto a temp folder and checked they played in windows media player, then copied them onto the android device drive (connected via USB). It asked me if I wanted to convert. I said yes. Job done.

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