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Will real estate allow us to rent a house before we get jobs when we arrive ?


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Hi everyone we move out to Melbourne in June this year, just wondered if estate agents will consider our application to rent a property if we haven't got jobs, but would put extra rent down?? We are thinking around point cook tarneit area??im australian and hold full citizenship , if that would help me to?? Does anyone know any estate agents which specialise in immagrating and settling in ? Please help ! :-s x

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We arrived on the Central Coast in November, family of 5 and got a lovely rental ok with no jobs. My husband is also an Australian citizen but I don't think that particularly swayed the outcome.We put a pack together of all our ID documents, a copy of our bank statement to prove we could cover the rent. We offered to pay more up front but they didn't take that option. We also put in a letter outlining our family, what our plans in Australia are and that we had been home owners in the UK and took pride in our home there and would look after any rental in the same way. Good luck with everything.

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Most estate agents will allow for "new migrants". We had to get 100 points to rent, this included UK utility bills (payed up) funds, passports, driving licence we took references and a letter from our letting agent who were managing our house back in the UK. Once we got the points there was no drama about getting our rental. Not having a job at that time didn't seem to be an issue, as we proved funds in an Aussie bank.

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Lots of migrants rent before securing jobs, just include a copy of a healthy bank statement so the agent knows you have funds to pay rent and include a cover letter stating your new to the country hence lack of Australian references etc..


Cal x

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Hi everyone we move out to Melbourne in June this year, just wondered if estate agents will consider our application to rent a property if we haven't got jobs, but would put extra rent down??


Yes, many people do just this. You don't need a specialist agent, any agent will consider your application.



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