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Skewed figures and a BBC agenda......


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[h=1]How questions are being asked about immigration reform[/h]


  • Findings of a UCL study given huge coverage across BBC
  • Yet, questions are now being asked about the accuracy of report





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Guest Guest 47403
That bastion of free speech, fact checking, and unbiased opinion


I have more trust in someone that writes what they read in tea leaves!

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There's not really any point to printing a 'how bad the Daily Mail is' article from a loony-left rag. What does that prove? You've added that as though it's evidence of something!


They're all as bad, as biased and as incorrect as each other. Just choose your side of the fence.

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There's not really any point to printing a 'how bad the Daily Mail is' article from a loony-left rag. What does that prove? You've added that as though it's evidence of something!


They're all as bad, as biased and as incorrect as each other. Just choose your side of the fence.


Its still fact,there to be shot down,just like they've shot down the Mail

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I don't. I just don't believe or dismiss a news story based on it's source. Most people seem to.


Ive stayed out of the Daily Mail argument,but lets be honest,its a bleedin joke,flights from Bulgaria to the UK £3,000!!

Bare faced ridiculous lies time and time again,ive said it before,there should be some kind of ethical press laws,over and over they inflame hatred

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The Daily Mail tells the same lies that the BBC does, just at the other end of the spectrum. I don't see many complaint posts on here about the BBC endorsing Labour's Wars, the BBC's pro-Israeli stance, the BBC's over-selling of New Labour policies, the BBC's approach to censorship...

I'm not a Daily Mail fan but whenever I read "it's only the Daily Mail" it's a sure fire clue that whoever is discussing it is using a lazy stereotype and probably knows nothing about the discussion point. Not saying that's you Pabs, but it is 99%+ of the posts on here.

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Today's newspaper is tomorrow's chip wrapper, all sound bites wether left or right even sat on a fence in the middle there's going to be a biased opinion to suit. I take everything in today's press with a pinch of salt.


as for the BBC news, don't make me laugh most biased program on the network.

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The Daily Mail tells the same lies that the BBC does, just at the other end of the spectrum. I don't see many complaint posts on here about the BBC endorsing Labour's Wars, the BBC's pro-Israeli stance, the BBC's over-selling of New Labour policies, the BBC's approach to censorship...

I'm not a Daily Mail fan but whenever I read "it's only the Daily Mail" it's a sure fire clue that whoever is discussing it is using a lazy stereotype and probably knows nothing about the discussion point. Not saying that's you Pabs, but it is 99%+ of the posts on here.


No it doesnt,the lies about £3000 flights were BLATANT lies,in fact an insult to the intelligence of its readers,not even a bit ambiguous,bare faced lies

Wars have to be signed off by Parliament GP,not one party,do you think the tory party wouldnt have followed the USA?

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Today's newspaper is tomorrow's chip wrapper, all sound bites wether left or right even sat on a fence in the middle there's going to be a biased opinion to suit. I take everything in today's press with a pinch of salt.


as for the BBC news, don't make me laugh most biased program on the network.


Yeah well the thing is papers DO influence opinion,whether they end up as chip paper or not,papers basically vote in the party they want in power,so they aren't just chip paper are they?

Maybe the BBC just likes to even things up against the likes of Murdochs empire,and no way in the world is the BBC as blatantly obvious or biased as the mail

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He probably is a tool. He's about 6 foot 4 though which is 2 foot bigger than me so he's OK in my book.


Lol,so is big maca,maca always was volatile tho,nose to nose with him about 5 times lmao,he's had countless fights already in aus,last one his mam and dad were over there in Perth and he was fighting with his hod carrier in the front garden lol

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no it means believe what you want to believe, simple as..


What you "want" to believe eh? thats where you're going wrong,facts are better,simple as,still waiting for a reply on the other thread after your catty little post btw?

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Problem is that papers like the Daily Mail just keep poisoning the well with a mixture of lies and half-truths. They may hope for a reincarnation of fascism to implement the policies they seek but they should be careful what they wish for. Demonising minorities leads to hatred and mindless violence ultimately. The media's ability to rouse the rabble should not be underestimated.

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