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186ENS: What if I didnt withdraw after refused letter is given


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It is disaster. my ageny didnt give me any notice about rejected letter in nomination

and told me about it more than a month later. I heard from another RMA asking me

if i withdraw this case for fresh start, otherwise i cannot apply again

for the next one or three years! Is it true? Please advise me if you

guys knoq about this... it makes me crazy!!!!!?

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No, that's why you have to make sure you have a GOOD agent. There are many out there who aren't unfortunately, even MARA registered.

Seems to me we get a few people who lose out when they try to do it for themselves. And then we get a swathe of people who lose out when their agents f up. The difference between the two seems to be about $3000. Still, your choice.

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Is your agent MARA registered?

Have you had a copy of the refusal? Why are they saying you couldn't apply for another one?


Yes, they are MARA registered! And it seems like my case was neglected during the time

that my agent waa away from her work for couple of month

since she had trouble with the agency. Once she came back from that


break, it had been already more than a month later from my nomintion refusal.

And I think they didnt withdraw my case after this refusal letter... What should I do?

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Yes, they are MARA registered! And it seems like my case was neglected during the time

that my agent waa away from her work for couple of month

since she had trouble with the agency. Once she came back from that


break, it had been already more than a month later from my nomintion refusal.

And I think they didnt withdraw my case after this refusal letter... What should I do?


If you are refused a visa you are likely to be section 48 barred from applying onshore unless you hold a substantive visa. There are exceptions to this.


Registered migration agents must hold professional indemnity insurance to cover issues such as the one you describe, so you might be able to recover your money if you were represented by a registered migration agent and not by an organisation that happened to engage a RMA as a consultant.


May I suggest that you run your case past one of the RMAs who post on this forum? They are all ok.

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Seems to me we get a few people who lose out when they try to do it for themselves. And then we get a swathe of people who lose out when their agents f up. The difference between the two seems to be about $3000. Still, your choice.


Absolute nonsense. Do you really think a few subjective posts on a forum is indicative of the facts? Do you know the refusal rates of individual 'DIY' applications over those handled by agents? If you do I would be very interested to see them.


The poster said that the agent went away for a couple of months. As has been pointed out above, that's just a terrible agent who will no doubt have their registration revoked in due course. You can't tar all agents with the same brush and the majority provide a valuable service to very satisfied clients.


I've seen a fair amount of agent negativity on this forum, which is surprising considering that a few are very involved and provide their time and advice for free. Posts like yours are an insult to professionals that have to acquire a vast amount of knowledge to provide their service. An agent is expected to keep up to date with constantly changing legislation and procedures over multiple visa classes, then all 8 of the states/territories change their procedures constantly, then the many assessing authorities change their requirements, not to mention all the other migration aspects and the day to day bureaucratic joy of running a company.


It's a difficult and highly skilled profession which has helped hundreds of thousands of people fulfil their dream. My company hasn't undertaken any form of paid advertising in over a year and yet we regularly have to turn away work we don't have the capacity to handle. Do you think we'd be in that situation if we weren't doing a good job?!

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Dont be such a child.


Curryrice: I would also suggest running the application past a Registered Agent from this forum so they can look into the details and advise you of the best way forward. Even though you've had a bad experience this is a scenario that warrants professional advice.


The service you received is negligent at best and you have definite grounds for a complaint. Registered Agents are regulated by the office of the MARA so if you cannot resolve it directly with the company, they would be your next course of action.

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I have had excellent service from an Agent. We were a slightly difficult case because of my husband's Armed Forces background and without the support of our agent, I don't think we would have got the visa as quickly, or with as little stress as we did have.


We did not use an agent from this site, as I discovered the site after we had applied, but the agent I used was excellent and came highly recommended.


Incidentally, my son had his finger severed in a really bad accident, just as our visa application was due to go in. If we did not have an agent handling it for us, I think it would have been several more months before we actually submitted it. It's one of those things you don't consider - something dreadful happening. When you have an agent, if something terrible happens, it allows you to focus on the situation at hand while they continue, unstressed, dealing with your visa application for you.

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Ha ha. I wouldn't let my husband go to the drs for about two years 'just incase' they found anything which could affect our medical results. He was under strict rules not to get into any fights or trouble that could get anything on his police record. He got a ticket for jaywalking and I was fuming lol. I am obviously an over thinker.



And I have to agree, we hear far more positive stories of people using agents on this site than negative ones.

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Dont be such a child.


Curryrice: I would also suggest running the application past a Registered Agent from this forum so they can look into the details and advise you of the best way forward. Even though you've had a bad experience this is a scenario that warrants professional advice.


The service you received is negligent at best and you have definite grounds for a complaint. Registered Agents are regulated by the office of the MARA so if you cannot resolve it directly with the company, they would be your next course of action.


Thank you so much everyone.

Yes, now I feel strongly I deserve a better agent to save my ass.

But do you guys know any RMA who can take care of off-shore client? I am in Korea and met quite a number of RMAs here

but it is disappointing that they see me as their 'money' not a 'client'. So I am thinking hiring RMA based in Australia

who can also connect me to the job recruiter as well.

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Dont be such a child.

You can always count on our resident agents to bleat about personal insults whilst dishing them out.


My LOL was because of the suggestion that MARA agents come on here to give out free advice from the goodness of their hearts. Of course they don't - they come here to tout for business. They want our money. Also, the suggestion of not doing paid advertising for the past year is also disingenuous when you are presumably coming here on company time (i.e. paid for) specifically to spruik your stuff.

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Just for others' information, today my agent signed a refund contract that promises 100% refund by end of this month.

I also mentioned him I could have claimed him for inappropriate practice as a RMA to OMARA. Thanks again for sharing all your knowledge to this desparate idiot.


And found out, they took a countmeasure on withdraw already, which is kinda relief for me...

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