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Human or animal cruelty?


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Just read this news item about a woman attacked by her cat. Footage on the link shows her kicking snow at the cat - the cat probably didn't understand her actions or what she was doing.


Is she guilty of cruelty and was she right to have the cat put down?


It was allegedly attacking her other animals.



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Very unusual behaviour for a cat. I've never heard of one doing that before.

She did provoke it for sure.

Whether putting it down was justified I think depends on how the cat behaves otherwise. If it is a psycho cat then probably put to sleep is the best thing.

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What annoyed me about that clip was before it even started it said "we all know cats are mean..".


Well I didn't know that, I have never come across a mean cat. This revolting woman was being aggressive towards the cat so it looked to defend itself. I hope she is banned from ever keeping pets, it is a privilege that some people don't deserve.

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Everytime I try to check the link it won't load on my phone. If she kicked snow at it then she provoked it, I don't imagine many cats would like that. However I do know one cat who was PTS for attacking its owner like that on the face but it was a rescue cat so I don't know what had happened to it to make it like that

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Everytime I try to check the link it won't load on my phone. If she kicked snow at it then she provoked it, I don't imagine many cats would like that. However I do know one cat who was PTS for attacking its owner like that on the face but it was a rescue cat so I don't know what had happened to it to make it like that

Hi Stacey link works here maybe it's because you're in Scotland? Perhaps key in this title into Google and see what happens? (just tried it and it works this end)


"Whoa! Security footage shows cat mauling woman in the face"

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You can clearly see the cat's demeanour is one of being pissed off early on.

Poor cat should never have been put down, she was the problem not the cat.


That's what I thought. She was clearly provoking the poor cat which is why it's a shame she put it down. The info said the cat was vicious but she got it from a rescue place and surely they would have sussed it out? The fact she provoked the cat like that says a lot about it.

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