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Nation facing a fiscal mountain.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Treasurer Joe Hockey says Australia is facing a "challenging fiscal and economic mountain" but has vowed the federal government will bring the budget back into shape.

Mr Hockey on Tuesday handed down the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook (MYEFO), which showed the government was facing budget deficits of more than $120 billion over the next four years.

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He said unless action was taken, the budget would be in the red for at least ten years, but it was important the government was honest about the challenge.

"I want to emphasise that no challenge such as this is insurmountable," Mr Hockey told the National Press Club.

The Abbott government had gone to the election promising to get the economy and budget back on track, and it wouldn't stray from this path, he said.



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Lots of shiny new offices for government departments in Canberra that none of my private sector customers can afford


Normally I'd be first in line to join the chorus of "It was wasted on the public sector", but I'd like to see the breakdown of how much was spent on ALP largess against how much is _still_ spent on welfare payments to those who could probably do without. It amazes how much tax revenue is returned to citizens each year. Obviously, I'd much rather be taxed less and get nothing back.

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Thing is, this Country should be piss easy to run. Really, a Government with any financial and political accumen should find it impossible to fck it up. Unfortunately, more often than not, they do.

I seriously begrudge being taxed over here. At least in the UK, I knew the money was simply being stolen off me. Here, I just feel its being flushed down the toilet, completely wasted.

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