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Was told I would get sponsored but company stopped sponsoring people. Visa ends soon!


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Hi all,


I have found myself in an unfortunate situation. The company I'm working for said that they would be happy to sponsor me and discouraged me from leaving to complete my regional work. A month before my 1st year visa ends I get a call saying that they have been prevented from sponsoring any more people by immigration, at least till the new year(whether this is true or not, I don't know, personally I think it's because they have gotten quiet (construction) and do not want to commit to hiring me for 4 years). The problem with this is I had only one month left on my WHV1 and hadn't completed my regional.


I was encouraged to apply for my 2WHV regardless. I was assured that they never check and they only catch 1 in 10. I was happy enough with these odds, I had no choice, my visa was running out. Anyway, I applied for the 2WHV and a senior-ish member in the company said they would verify that I had been working for them as they also had projects in regional Australia. I filled out form 1263 and emailed it off. I then receive an email from DIAC requesting more information-bank statements, pay slips etc etc. It also mentioned that fraudulent information would result in 3 year ban from country.


I am now on a bridging visa until 30 Dec. I don't know what to do. I nearly qualify for skilled independent visa but I'm 6 months short of local experience to get a positive assessment from VETASSESS. (26 year old, Honours bachelor degree, proficient english etc etc)


I now feel I have 2 options:


1) Submit incomplete application without the bank statement and see if they accept all other documentation


2) Come clean and plead my case in the hope they might allow me to do my regional work as I was genuinely hard done by and subsequently given bad advice


Getting someone to sponsor me on such short notice is unlikely, especially since it's coming up to Christmas. It's a pity that I don't have a further 6 months local experience as I would be able to go it alone on my permanent residency! The thought of a 3 year ban would just ruin my career plans!!


Any help, suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Is mise le meas

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1) You've just admitted to making a fraudulent visa application on a public forum and still consider it an option?


2) No they won't allow you to do the regional work. You will have to leave the country.


My advice would be to leave Australia and withdraw your application, then consider your options from that point.

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Agree with the above.


If you've worked for your employer for longer than 6 months on your 1 year WHV you are also in breach if it's condition of maximum of 6 months with an employer.


Honestly, you've gone about things badly. I'd arrange to leave Aus, don't make the application and look to returning legitimately in the future.

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As far as I can tell, they always check visa applications. You need to withdraw your fraudulent application and make your arrangements to leave. When you are offshore, start to work towards your skilled migrant application or whatever. As you said yourself you are not likely to find a sponsor now.

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Agreed. They don't always check the application at the time you apply, but they do always check them. We have had a few people on here very upset as their second year visa was granted, but it was about to be cancelled and them get a three year ban part way through when immigration got to checking their jobs out.

I would also leave and get your extra work experience back home, then apply to come back when you are eligible. Withdraw your application though or you won't be coming back for at least three years.

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I've said it before, and I will continue to say it: People trying to rort the system and submitting false applications only delay the procedure for genuine applicants. BTW 87goose, I would book your flight back to Ireland pronto.


Play the game, folks. Or pick a country that you can move to legally.

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Thanks for advice guys. For the record I never wanted to even try and abuse the system nor do I condone such actions. I rang the contracts manager when I had 4 months left on my visa and told her that I needed to go do my regional or else get sponsored. She said they would be happy to sponsor, that they had loads of work on. In hindsight I should have applied for it straight away and got it over with and this wouldn't be happening, but equally I really couldn't have foreseen this happening either. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. I have US citizenship also, so it's off to the big apple I go(at least I won't have the visa headaches heading over there)! Thanks again

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