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Australians say no to 457

Guest The Pom Queen

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I'll agree with you about Asian countries but Europe seems to be a free for all.


It is often thought as being so but totally wrong. Try and immigrate from outside the EU and you will be met with a range of difficulties. More countries now a level of language comprehension. Germany, Netherlands, etc....Britain as I stated behind is in the position of having the worlds most understood language, but even so try and immigrate from OZ even and you'll meet all kinds of obstacles.

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Ah, the sound of a nail being hit squarely on the head.


Could it be, that Aussies moving abroad are a bit more willing to exert themselves to make their new home a success? Might that rationale be extrapolated to say that most immigrants tend to have a bit more motivation to "get on" than those who have discovered ways to milk their own domestic system? There's the real rort. People who've come to the conclusion that working hard is....well, too much hard work.


Well immigrants do tend to be more go getters in the main but you are forgetting a few points. Aussies/Kiwis in UK tend not to be long term immigrants in the main(although 111,000 live in UK as of last census, that would include kids of returning immigrants as well)


I think a big difference is they don't tend to complain and are rather compliant from my experience at least. Besides the cost of living in London is high (as it now is in OZ) and few could afford not to be in work. I'm not at all sure they are harder workers though but it would depend on the industry I guess to come to a conclusion.

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I think anyone from the UK should be top of the chain when it comes to immigration purely because we (our country) made Australia what it is today. I also think yes, yes they should. But remember your speaking to someone who thinks all UK citerzens should have the right to live and work in Australia.


OZ has been there, done that and thankfully moved on. I'm sure you'll still get certain elements of the population desiring a return to those days, but most have moved or starting to move on from Australia being a British society. No all sorts of nationalities made Australia the sort of country it is today. With only the Brit's here what a staid society it must have been.


Not only are Brit's no longer at the top of the immigrant list but their percentage is falling and will in my view continue to do so. A 16% fall last year in the 2012-13 intake. Now behind India and China with The Philippines not far behind.

Australia will take immigrants where its interests are and Britain becomes less so by the year. Of course if you'd be born thirty odd years earlier you would have sailed in. Could have been at the beach in St Kilda now collecting the dole....Things change....

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My husband is a 1st class machinist / toolmaker we are here on a 457, he was laid off by a company he was contracted to in September and the Sponsor has yet to find him more work, I feel there is a definite no no attitude to 457 workers here in Perth at present. Our 90 days are nearly up and we are dreading having to go back to the UK and leave our Daughters and Grandchildren.

The problem you have us that there are many over on that skill and they already have PR and looking for work.

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It is often thought as being so but totally wrong. Try and immigrate from outside the EU and you will be met with a range of difficulties. More countries now a level of language comprehension. Germany, Netherlands, etc....Britain as I stated behind is in the position of having the worlds most understood language, but even so try and immigrate from OZ even and you'll meet all kinds of obstacles.


But inside the EU is a free for all, where a lot of the problems stem from.

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Very opionionated statement, how do you know that 457'ers, don't know the full facts of what a 457 visa entails. We are here on a 457, and we are fully aware of the entitlement, we have also been 'fools', and sold up, to live our dream. We may be here 4 years, or 8 years, or longer, and if we could get pr, would do so in a heartbeat. Do not be so quick to judge my friend, without being in full knowledge of each individuals circumstances,I resent being called a fool,further, many go on to get pr and full citizenship, alas our ages preclude us from treading the same path.


Sorry, didn't mean to call you a fool and I would have done anything myself to get out here when we wanted to come. I've heard of plenty of people managing to stay after just coming on a 457 so good luck on that front. I can't see why people moan though when things go wrong and they have to return. Like you said you know the score and are fully aware of the entitlements, so if you do have to return presumably would accept it and move on.


Just that I've heard people moan and groan about having to return and even seen stories with crying kids on today tonight and other shows like it where people have been saying it's un-Australian to send them back when all they want to do is settle here. Molly and Jimmy are loving school, wife is settled and the rotten Aussies are sending them back as the visa has run out.

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Sorry, didn't mean to call you a fool and I would have done anything myself to get out here when we wanted to come. I've heard of plenty of people managing to stay after just coming on a 457 so good luck on that front. I can't see why people moan though when things go wrong and they have to return. Like you said you know the score and are fully aware of the entitlements, so if you do have to return presumably would accept it and move on.


Just that I've heard people moan and groan about having to return and even seen stories with crying kids on today tonight and other shows like it where people have been saying it's un-Australian to send them back when all they want to do is settle here. Molly and Jimmy are loving school, wife is settled and the rotten Aussies are sending them back as the visa has run out.

Accepted. We will do anything to stay, I'd even let Mt Abbott sleep with the wife (poor him), but we are fully aware that our love affair with Australia, May come to an abrupt end. If anyone knows how a 52 year old can stay, other than a 189, then we'd be your best buddy's.......honest!

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OZ has been there, done that and thankfully moved on. I'm sure you'll still get certain elements of the population desiring a return to those days, but most have moved or starting to move on from Australia being a British society. No all sorts of nationalities made Australia the sort of country it is today. With only the Brit's here what a staid society it must have been.


Not only are Brit's no longer at the top of the immigrant list but their percentage is falling and will in my view continue to do so. A 16% fall last year in the 2012-13 intake. Now behind India and China with The Philippines not far behind.

Australia will take immigrants where its interests are and Britain becomes less so by the year. Of course if you'd be born thirty odd years earlier you would have sailed in. Could have been at the beach in St Kilda now collecting the dole....Things change....

How did you guess was at St Kilda beach today and gee that dole money would have come in handy :)

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