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How to vote when the time comes


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Most people in London would like to cut anything outside the M25 and home counties off to be fair. If they could add in NI, Wales and most of the north into the independence debate they'd be happy.


There is a feeling down there, that London money supports these areas. Also a lot of people are getting fed up with Salmond and the expense & hassle that the referendum will cause.


Personally? I couldn't care. I'm not Scottish and I don't live in the UK. But I do think it's a massive gamble for not a great reward.


Must how much are you willing to spend to have your Braveheart "Freedom"?


Surely London pays only for itself. It's so expensive to live I doubt London money goes too much farther and I definitely doubt it goes to Scotland. Anyway fair enough point.

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Well maybe im particularly oversensitive today but considering a lot of people seem to be saying no and they didnt want to go for it in the first place its just lovely to hear the rest of the UK wish they could kick us out..


You're right, again its the minority getting everyone in the sh!t. You're also right on that perhaps its unfair for the rest of us to be put in this position. I hope it doesn't go through.

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I reckon by the time I look back in here at 8pm (WA time) this thread will have turned to sh!t like the previous Scottish independence thread that was started last year.


I won't be voting for Alex Salmon and his cronies anyway! I want the UK to stay United.


See that's the thing that got me going one of my friends got all sh!tty with me cos I disagreed with her on politics and said I don't want independence. I'm actually starting to think its going to cause disharmony among us here in Scotland. People are very emotional about it.

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Why though?


Because if Scotland wants out - and wants to stir up a whole lot of vitriol towards the UK, particularly England while it is at it - I'm happy to let it go..

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Because if Scotland wants out - and wants to stir up a whole lot of vitriol towards the UK, particularly England while it is at it - I'm happy to let it go..


Is it the Scots as a whole stirring up vitriol towards England or just a few pollies?

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You have been genning up on the Facebook propaganda. Have a gold star.


I say give the rest of the Union the vote to eject Scotland. I'd let them leave in heartbeat.


How wrong can a person be about someone else? I would say to learn more before you comment, but they say ignorance is bliss and I prefer people to be happy.

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