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VISA HELP - adding on!


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Hello Everyone!


Hope that you are all enjoying the sunshine wherever you are…freezing here at 1 degree this morning and very frosty but still it is sunny!!


I want to know whether my Husband can apply for a visa etc and get it granted and go to Australia, get a job and set everything up and then add us on to it? Can that happen? Just wondering so that there is no pressure on him if it doesn't work. We want to move as soon as we can but think this would be the best option if it is at all possible…..


Thanks in advance!




P.S. I think I know the answer but wondered if there was a loophole!

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Yes better to all get the visa at the start. They keep changing the rules and prices every year. There would be no guarantee that a year after your husband got the visa that you could all be added on easily. Also immigration would still require you to do medicals and police checks even if added as non migrating so not cheaper in the long run.


I agree that with the current charges it is a lot to pay out if things don't work out.


All you can do is research, visit if possible and research more. The first year is the hardest and your hubbie will do better with family support anyway imho

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Thank you so much for your replies! I thought we all had to activate visas at the same time so was unaware that he could go and then us later, so thank you.


i continued to think about it anyway before reading replies and thought actually regardless of cost (I never thought it'd be cheaper or be able to get out of meds or PC that was not intention) I realised that I wouldn't want us to go through the immigration process more than once.


we have been several times and have family and friends so we aren't worried in that aspect but thanks for your advice/thoughts. I guess we best get that ball rolling :)





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The best option would be for you all to obtain visas. You then have a year to activate all of your visas. But, they don't have to be done at the same time. You can obtain the visas, then your husband could come out immediately and you will have about a year to come out.


This is great and will do this! Thanks heaps xx

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