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Leaving before Visa Grant - Fingers Crossed.


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Im leaving for OZ on January 28th, more than likely before my visa grant. I'm applying for a 189 with my girlfriend. I am doing my IELTS tomorrow and hopefully if i pass i will be ready to lodge my EOI. What documents shall i take with me? i'm hoping to get a CO before i leave so i can complete my police checks and medicals. I am building a portfolio of evidence now to support our relationship, old council tax bills etc, letters from both parents, photos etc. Only thing that is worrying me is my girlfriend recently had her kidney removed due to it being infected, she is fit and healthy again now but i'm guessing her medicals will be referred. Am i right in thinking getting a letter from her GP will speed up this process, stating why she had it removed and what future treatment she may need? Any advice off anyone who has left prior to there grant what documents etc you took with you would be great.





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You can do your medicals/ police checks before allocated co...just front load them


Think he might need to have least submitted EOI before booking as you normally need an ID which is allocated on submission.


Good luck, your very optimistic!

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I certainly wouldn't travel before getting a visa. You have to be outside of Australia when it is granted as you need to send your passport to them to get the visa and what if you don't get one in time? If it looks like you intend to work as you would have documentation and are on a tourist visa then they can throw you out of Oz straight away. Australia is not like the Uk which lets anyone in. What are you going to do if your girlfriends visa is refused as they could do .

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Im leaving for OZ on January 28th, more than likely before my visa grant. I'm applying for a 189 with my girlfriend. I am doing my IELTS tomorrow and hopefully if i pass i will be ready to lodge my EOI. What documents shall i take with me? i'm hoping to get a CO before i leave so i can complete my police checks and medicals. I am building a portfolio of evidence now to support our relationship, old council tax bills etc, letters from both parents, photos etc. Only thing that is worrying me is my girlfriend recently had her kidney removed due to it being infected, she is fit and healthy again now but i'm guessing her medicals will be referred. Am i right in thinking getting a letter from her GP will speed up this process, stating why she had it removed and what future treatment she may need? Any advice off anyone who has left prior to there grant what documents etc you took with you would be great.






What visa will you be on before you go, a working holiday visa?


I don't think you will have the 189 through by then if you have not even lodged the EOI yet.

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yes it would be a working holiday visa, i am certainly not looking to "rock up and jump the q" my job comes to an end at christmas and we have just sold our flat, my brother lives in Sydney and has offered to let us stay with him and his girlfriend until we get up and on our feet.

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Visa wise you'd have no problem. If you haven't applied yet I'd probably wait until you were in oz, then you would get a bridging visa if your whv ran out before you got your new one. Your girlfriends condition will certainly slow down your application, it could possibly get you a refusal.

Also, you can only get your Medicals done before applying if you are in oz, so you could get everything together you possibly can and then do Medicals as soon as you arrive. Just be prepared that you might have to leave at the end if your year, or spend a fair amount of money on a decent agent who deals with medical conditions.

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Referred medicals can lead to delay, requests for additional tests, refusal, appeals... And since you would be unable to work in Australia, you could be setting yourself up for a very long and expensive "holiday". You are mad to consider travelling ahead of getting these issues resolved.

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Referred medicals can lead to delay, requests for additional tests, refusal, appeals... And since you would be unable to work in Australia, you could be setting yourself up for a very long and expensive "holiday". You are mad to consider travelling ahead of getting these issues resolved.

He's talking about coming on a working holiday visa, so he could work, even after it expired if he applied onshore and got a bridging visa.

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I don't understand how I can't work? Can I not go on a working holiday visa whilst my 189 is still getting processed? Surely not everyone remains at there home address whilst they wait for a visa? I'm using go Matilda to arrange my visa so I shall speak to them this week. My girlfriend had duplex kidneys, not sure if anyone will know what they are but she still has 2 functioning kidneys, she has a letter from her specialist and her doctor and she does not require any further treatment. As for getting my passport sent away, can I not leave australia for a short holiday then enter again once my passport has been returned?

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