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Does Perth need accountants?


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Hi there everyone,


Trying to decide whether we want to move to Oz and like the look of Perth and surrounding suburbs. Thing is we can't really work out whether my OH will be able to get a job if we make the move and without that we may as well stop dreaming! Are there many jobs for fully qualified accountants around? He should be able to get ICAA membership as ICAEW in UK.


Thanks for your help.



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From what I've read in the last year on this forum:

1. Perth is full of accountants.

2. Local experience is needed.

3. Many fully qualified accountants struggle to get a job - west coast, east coast.


Hope others will share their knowledge, opinion.

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Local experience will be the key to this, he may need to accept a lower position to begin with so I would financially prepare yourselves for that if you want to come. Also you may wish to check the qualifications as qualified in the UK may not translate here as it doesn't for other financial services roles.

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I don't think anywhere in Australia "needs" accountants, there are loads of accountants here and the job market is highly competitive. That is not to say, if he has good background, that he won't find a job. But certainly don't expect employers to be tripping over themselves.

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Local experience will be the key to this, he may need to accept a lower position to begin with so I would financially prepare yourselves for that if you want to come. Also you may wish to check the qualifications as qualified in the UK may not translate here as it doesn't for other financial services roles.


Lower positions can be just as hard won as the senior positions, especially with so much of the lower level work having been off shored in recent years. I would not recommend anyone comes in with lowered sights, if anything it perhaps shows a lack of confidence or conviction in oneself. In a competitive market, it is important to believe in oneself and market oneself to the full, not apologise and kowtow.


And UK accounting qualifications translate extremely well over here.

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Does he meet the criteria to get in on the points system? If he does and you fancy it give it a shot. Like a lot of the posts say he might have to take a lower position when he first comes but he sounds a clever competent guy and how long does it take to learn the laws once you have a job.


If he's good he will get on quickly. A lot of accountants just do tax returns and they are very busy at that time of year. Our accountant is around 30, been working for the same company for a few years, week before our tax interview was due we got an e-mail from him and one from his company. He had left and set up on his own so the company were trying to get us to see someone else and he was wanting us to go to his house. We stuck with him, as did most of his clients, as he always gets us a good rebate.


Your hubby should be able to get used to the tax laws in pretty quick time I reckon. Give it a go or you'll never know. Perth is great.

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I was speaking with my accountant a month ago and he was looking for a staff member, him being a Brit asked about whether he'd take a UK immigrant. His reply was no more trouble than it's worth as they don't understand the local tax laws. I think you'll find that pretty much everywhere. But good luck...


Most accountants don't need to know tax laws. In the medium to large companies, the taxation would be handled by a specialist. In any case, in fact tax laws have a lot of common principles and it would not be remotely hard to pick up.

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