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Tough mudder !


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Anybody doing tough mudder this year ? It's a 12 mile obstacle course with freezing cold plunge pools, rope swings, wet slippery logs and heaps more. You need to do it in groups to get help each other out. It takes from 2 hours ( if really fit ) to over 4 hours if your a slob lol.


Me and some lads are doing the Perth course today out in Copley near Northam!


Got my waterproof camera so I'll get some snaps and stick em up later.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Look forward to the photos Harvey. I've a few more weeks (years) to go until I will be fit enough but yes would love to do it.

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Would love to do something like this but wouldn't have any idea how to train for an obstacle course like that!? Bit different to training for a run or something I guess? I've lost a lot of weight lately but been looking for something other than the great north run (uk) to set a goal for completing to really have something for which I can say 'I did that'.

Good on all those brave enough, have a great time :)

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