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Career break within the NHS


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Just wondering if anyone that has moved to Oz has taken a career break from the NHS. I was planning on doing this but have today been told don't bother applying as we won't grant it!!! I have worked for the same employer for 10 years, had 2 days off sick in those 10 years and worked my way up to a Band 6. I was told that I am a 'valued member of the team' which I found quite insulting. Am I being unfair? I hope we settle in oz, but as we can't sell our house and are going to have to rent it out and we have grown up children that are staying in the UK, I suppose it was a little bit of security if we wanted to come back.


Thank you

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My line manager who has told me she supports it! I have just rang the RCN who told me to apply and if it gets turned down to contact them and they will support me through an appeal. They said that they have to have a very good reason to turn it down.


Thanks for your reply

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I have two NHS work friends who have done the same thing. One is about to move to Spain and the other moved out to Sydney with a 5 year career break under his belt as security just in case he decided to come back. I wouldn't listen to whoever told you not to bother. If you don't ask you don't get.

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Yes I've known people do this, you should certainly apply but also read the policy of your trust carefully to see what you are signing up for (if granted). There is usually a sliding scale (so to speak) of what you can expect. The longer you're away means the less chance of you doing the exact same job. EG - 1 year away - same job/grade, 2 years same dept, 3 years .. anywhere. Remember your return will be with the trust and not a specific role/location the longer you are away.


Your trust is not obligated to grant it - but must have a good reason to turn it down, such as recruiting into the position.


Good luck - it's always worth trying.

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If its what you want to do...no harm in trying.


It was the same thing in my old trust, one manager would say no, another would say yes.


I wanted to apply for MARS but line manager said dont bother...Didnt realise that the manager who took over from her was supporting applications. Was a bit peeved off to hear a few months after I left that some colleagues had walked away with a nice wedge...


Career break I could have got no problem....they were desperate for staff to take unpaid leave or to buy more holidays!!...but our move happened so fast that the paperwork and decision wouldn't have come thru in time.


TBH though I'm glad I didn't because on my odd down days in the beginning of being here it might have made it a bit too easy to give up and head back..

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Guest littlesarah

I took a one-year career break to visit Aus on a WHV 10 years ago, but I know they wouldn't have readily approved a longer period than a year because it was hard to recruit to fixed-term appointments at that time (but they were able to carry one or two vacancies for a year, with some creative staffing arrangements). It was down to my line manager, and I think they agreed because they knew that if they didn't staff wanting a career break would just leave (and probably end up back in their old job 12 months later!). Whether they'd do the same now, I very much doubt - a couple of years ago one of my former colleagues was refused a break from his Band 7 post. But some of it probably comes down to the job market - if it's hard to get good staff on fixed term contracts, an employer is understandably likely to be reluctant to keep a post open.

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I worked for the NHS (not clinical) and there was a process for applying for career breaks. Give it a go - I'm sure they would rather see you back at some point (if that comes up), than lose you completely!


I think there is a process for resigning/telling them you're not coming back, in case you decide that the grass is definitely greener :) Presumably they would get a fixed term contract to replace you?

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