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Rushing back to the UK / Ireland due to a death?


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Hey guys,


The thread title may initially seem a bit premature but I'm just wondering if any of you have needed to rush back to the UK / Ireland due to a death in the family?

The reason being is that I rang my Dad in Ireland last night and it turns out he's in hospital - he had issues with his heart and was admitted to hospital. Not a heart attack just a really irregular heartbeat. It's looking like he will be fine.


I guess stuff like this always played on my mind that eventually, and inevitably, we all end up dying (as morbid as that sounds) and it's going to be the case that one day I will indeed get the dreaded phonecall that Dad has passed away.


I know the flight back to Ireland at best is around 28 - 30 hours when booked. Has anyone ever had to try and orgsnise a flight back home quickly - was it easy / hard to get a flight on such short notice?



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Should be no problem getting a flight, I would suggest you phone the airlines direct (rather than a travel agent) and explain the situation to them, they can usually work something in for you, though you will pay for it.

Also check your Australian status, do you have citizenship and an Aussie passport? is you visa still valid? would you need to get a 'return resident visa' before you go? to enable you to get back in to OZ.

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There are some insurance co's That offer a flight service for situations like this. http://www.angelflight.org.au/ Heres one. We looked at it but decided against it for a few reasons. It didn't cover enough people at the basic rate - for eg it didn't cover my baby nephew. Plus we decided we would rather put the money aside each month and keep a flights worth there. (These types of insurance are only worth their weight in gold if you need them not long after taking policy) you had to wait fr them to be in hospital a number of days before you can claim- or pay for your flight and claim it back- which if you can afford to do then you may as well just not pay the insurance.

But these are our reasons and I hope we don't regret it. (Specially as we have no money for flights at the moment) I hope you don't need to race back. It's times like these that we feel so far away :-(

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My OH had to do it the other way - rushing back to Australia from the UK because his dad was dying. We had no problem booking a flight at short notice and found a fair few available online, although he did go on his own so was only looking for one seat.

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We have had to do it three times in the last few years. Myself twice and my wife once. It can prove harder than you think.


The hardest was my wifes as it was late on a sunday afternoon and none of the agents were open, nor the airline booking offices and you cant book online if you are flying within 24 hours. So we ended up just driving to the airport to see what we could do. The only ticket office open was with Thai and that was lucky as the girl should have been finished and was just doing some extra hours of admin. We managed to get the last seat on the plane and had to pay a significant premium.

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Guest The Pom Queen

ROb's grandma died whilst we were here. It was over Christmas and we had no money for the flight home, you feel so helpless and guilty.

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Should be no problem getting a flight, I would suggest you phone the airlines direct (rather than a travel agent) and explain the situation to them, they can usually work something in for you, though you will pay for it.

Also check your Australian status, do you have citizenship and an Aussie passport? is you visa still valid? would you need to get a 'return resident visa' before you go? to enable you to get back in to OZ.


I'm a PR but have my Citizenship test next week.


Thanks for the replies guys. He's doing ok, I just wanted to find out what the general process people have gone through in the past. It's obviously quite a common occurrence for all of us ex pats living away from our original countries.

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I'm a PR but have my Citizenship test next week.


Thanks for the replies guys. He's doing ok, I just wanted to find out what the general process people have gone through in the past. It's obviously quite a common occurrence for all of us ex pats living away from our original countries.


I would advise that as soon as you get citizenship to get an aussie passport , as you would still have costly delays and troubles getting back in without one, citizen or not.

Good luck with the test and enjoy the ceremony, brush up on your anthem too!

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We have had to do it three times in the last few years. Myself twice and my wife once. It can prove harder than you think.


The hardest was my wifes as it was late on a sunday afternoon and none of the agents were open, nor the airline booking offices and you cant book online if you are flying within 24 hours. So we ended up just driving to the airport to see what we could do. The only ticket office open was with Thai and that was lucky as the girl should have been finished and was just doing some extra hours of admin. We managed to get the last seat on the plane and had to pay a significant premium.


In this instance I would contact the airlines home country office, the major airlines are, and need to be manned 24/7.

Wishing everyone well for the future.


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ROb's grandma died whilst we were here. It was over Christmas and we had no money for the flight home, you feel so helpless and guilty.


Sorry about that Pom Queen, I personally would have (after trying to beg, borrow or steal) used my credit card and paid it off as soon as soon as afterwards, not always possible I know, and some people are unwilling or dread getting into debt, but it is an option.


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I would advise that as soon as you get citizenship to get an aussie passport , as you would still have costly delays and troubles getting back in without one, citizen or not.

Good luck with the test and enjoy the ceremony, brush up on your anthem too!


Thanks. What kind of delays / troubles might I bump into without an Aussie passport?

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