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Where should I live in Australia? Thinking of QLD


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So I am investigating a move to Australia. I have a cousin living and working in Cairns on a visa at the moment, so I am gravitating towards the east coast to be a good place to get started.


I have never been to Australia, but know many who have been on holiday and working holidays and a family friend is actually coming back from Perth after 6yrsliving there. (I will be asking her a lot of questions to get the inside track).


I've heard that WA and Perth in particular is expensive, but I guess this is all relative to your income and your standard of living, family size etc.


I really don't know where to start and could do with some advice and pointers.


I hope to go over and start my own photography business and I have been considering the east coast from Cairns down to Brisbane. The "photography jobs" that I have seen have mostly been $30k or less and seem to be taking photos of tourists with indigenous animals. Not really my cup of tea so to speak, plus this also seems to be a very low income job.


Anyway, can anybody suggest good areas in Queensland that are family friendly? Can anybody recommend a good agent for rentals? I figured that it would be foolish to go over and buy straight away and that we would be better finding an area we like after 6 months or so.

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People do always say Perth is expensive, I don't know why because it is nowhere near as expensive as Sydney or Melbourne. For property that is, which is the biggest expense anyway. I saw people saying you can get a house in Perth for $500k yesterday, that would be dreaming in Sydney.


Anyway before you get too far down the path of researching lifestyle, do you actually have a visa already. Perhaps you have but it is not obvious from your post. This is where to start.

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If you are researching where to live, rather than where to have an extended holiday, then you will need to go where the income is. For most professions, this would mean one of the large cities.


A holiday or working holiday is completely different from living somewhere. Don't underestimate this.



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Can anybody recommend a good agent for rentals?


No one can give any such recommendation until you know where you will be living.

Queensland is the size of France, Spain, Germany and Sweden combined.


First concentrate on getting the visa. There would be very few people who qualify "for several different ones".


Then find where the work is. This is going to restrict you to a few populated areas.


Have you lived - not holidayed - in a tropical, humid climate before? That is what you will experience in the Cairns - Brisbane strip. So you need to consider how comfortable you will feel living in those conditions.


If you have never been to Australia before it could be worthwhile visiting before deciding if you want to go through the upheaval of migrating.

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No one can give any such recommendation until you know where you will be living.

Queensland is the size of France, Spain, Germany and Sweden combined.



Not quite - substitute Finland for Sweden and it's pretty much bang on... But your point is well-made: Queensland is huge.

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We are still looking at the visas and trying to decide our best route. We should be able to qualify for several different ones and are trying to weigh up the pros and cons currently.


I think you need to look more closely. Why do you think you qualify for several different ones? Not many do and to be honest, I have not seen many photographers manage to make the move. It is not on the SOL so the independent skilled migrant visa is out and I don't recall ever seeing it on a state sponsorship list (although not looked recently), so if it is not there state sponsored visa is out. So that leaves employer sponsored visas, but you mention a salary of $30k, which would mean that is out as well.


So what are these visas you are thinking of? Stop wasting your time on where to live, before you know you have a visa strategy.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I hear Mount Isa is lovely in summer

.???? Go on explain? Personally I do love Isa and could live there but property is very expensive and not much chance of him working in his current field

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Guest The Pom Queen

Cairns would be a great place for photography, however, please be warned there are plenty up here already. One type of photography that pays well and there is plenty of work is realestate. A friend of mine owns a business here in Cairns taking photos of properties for sale he is always run off his feet and looking for staff.

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If you are researching where to live, rather than where to have an extended holiday, then you will need to go where the income is. For most professions, this would mean one of the large cities.


A holiday or working holiday is completely different from living somewhere. Don't underestimate this.




Have you lived - not holidayed - in a tropical, humid climate before? That is what you will experience in the Cairns - Brisbane strip. So you need to consider how comfortable you will feel living in those conditions.


If you have never been to Australia before it could be worthwhile visiting before deciding if you want to go through the upheaval of migrating.


I completely appreciate what you are saying and this is definitely an area I will be researching, and in an ideal world a visit or two would be a good idea. As a business owner I understand that location will impact my income.


Yes, I probably am in that dream phase of "wouldn't it be nice to have..." and to that end I am trying to research areas that will provide a happy medium.


Photographers are on the skills list (at least they are according to Global Visas, although I haven't yet decided to use them).

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Photographers are on the skills list (at least they are according to Global Visas, although I haven't yet decided to use them).


Can i suggest you google global visas or at least look on this site for other refferences to them.... try giving "Go Matilda" or "Visa bureau" a call and see what a reputable company suggests before you part with any money.. Seriously check them out......

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No, it's not on the SOL, but it is on the CSOL.


OK. But this would involve getting sponsorship from either a state (Qld) or from an employer. Which itself would involve passing whatever criteria VETASSESS deem fit to classify you as a photographer. (I don't want to pee on your fire, but this will probably involve more than running a photography business. Do you have recognised qualis too?)


I'm not sure if Qld are offering sponsorships for this field. How likely is it that you'll find an employer willing to do this?


This probably all sounds very negative, but without a visa you simply can't come. Just before I migrated I lost count of the number of relatives and friends who thought that to move to Oz you just apply for the visa and you get it " 'coz that's what it was like for Uncle Harry when he went in 1957".


Anyway, best of luck.


BTW, the CSOL is a pretty broad list. It's not really meant to indicate what's in demand right now. Just have a look through: Betting Agency Manager, Apiarist, Fruit or Nut Grower, Singer, Historian, Kennel Hand, and my personal favorite:

Snowsport Instructor


Full time position.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Do you guys know something I don't about this company? Care to share? PM me if you would prefer not to post here :biggrin:


I would NOT use Global Visas they have created numerous false accounts on this forum pretending to be happy customers.

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OK. But this would involve getting sponsorship from either a state (Qld) or from an employer. Which itself would involve passing whatever criteria VETASSESS deem fit to classify you as a photographer. (I don't want to pee on your fire, but this will probably involve more than running a photography business. Do you have recognised qualis too?)


I'm not sure if Qld are offering sponsorships for this field. How likely is it that you'll find an employer willing to do this?


This probably all sounds very negative, but without a visa you simply can't come. Just before I migrated I lost count of the number of relatives and friends who thought that to move to Oz you just apply for the visa and you get it " 'coz that's what it was like for Uncle Harry when he went in 1957".


Anyway, best of luck.


BTW, the CSOL is a pretty broad list. It's not really meant to indicate what's in demand right now. Just have a look through: Betting Agency Manager, Apiarist, Fruit or Nut Grower, Singer, Historian, Kennel Hand, and my personal favorite:

Snowsport Instructor


Full time position.


Thanks :smile:


I have run my photography business part-time for 13 years (full time for the past 2 years) and have qualifications, so hopefully this will count for something in the eyes of VETASSESS


Whilst it would be nice to be located near my cousin, I would snap their arm off to get a state sponsorship anywhere in Australia. After all, once I have PR I can then relocate to another state if I choose.


Yes, CSOL is broad to put it mildly and SOL is more "high demand" from what I can gather, but from what I am reading this could vary depending on where you are located in the country.


Employer sponsorship sounds much more risky from what I have read.


Sorry to bang the same drum that others most likely already have, but how soon can you get PR with state sponsored and employer sponsored visas?


One thing I have found is that half of the results in Google for Australian government websites lead to dead pages. I guess this could be due to a change in policy, but it is frustrating that I cannot always seem to get the information I need from the government websites - at least not very easily. It's no wonder migration agents have jobs - it all seems so complicated!

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