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Update 10 months after returning to the Uk


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No I don't include you amongst them Lady R, there is a huge difference in letting potential migrants know the negatives they are likely to encounter in an informative way, and the constant searching out of bad news and drivel that a few posters continually dish out and with some of them it is CONSTANT!


Don't get me wrong everyone is entitled to post on PIO but I struggle to understand why after returning some people are so intent on trying to negatively influence others, I find it incredibly sad tbh that they have such little going on in there lives that they do it!


People with always have opposing opinions no one stopped you having an opinion just because you were a migrant you were there expressing it. It's a cliche I know but If I had a £ for every time I heard someone say 'they should f... off back to there own country' I'd be rich, it's what ignorant people say.


First generation migrants will always have it tough.


do ignorant people also claim you must have failed in some way if you return?.....now there's a thought.


it is a cliche.....because if I also had a £ for everytime I heard a wanna be migrant criticise someone for returning contrary to the fact they haven't actually been there themselves.....I think I would also be a very rich man.

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I do find it amusing that those who defend Oz the most on these posts are mostly those who have not lived there.......... It is not the Utopia that some believe it to be. Starting all over again and going backwards in your career can be very hard for those who have given up a comfortable life in the UK.

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Guest Guest 47403
do ignorant people also claim you must have failed in some way if you return?.....now there's a thought.


it is a cliche.....because if I also had a £ for everytime I heard a wanna be migrant criticise someone for returning contrary to the fact they haven't actually been there themselves.....I think I would also be a very rich man.


No I don't think so each circumstance is different, I see major changes in our lives as challenges most don't move across the world thinking they will move back.........................................seems to really strike a chord with some the F word mainly the ones who see deep down know they did!

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Guest Guest 47403
I do find it amusing that those who defend Oz the most on these posts are mostly those who have not lived there.......... It is not the Utopia that some believe it to be. Starting all over again and going backwards in your career can be very hard for those who have given up a comfortable life in the UK.


Good job the majority don't move with the mindset it is some sort of Utopia forewarned is pre-armed and all that.


Perhaps that's the key to a successful migration...........................don't believe the hype!

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I do find it amusing that those who defend Oz the most on these posts are mostly those who have not lived there.......... It is not the Utopia that some believe it to be. Starting all over again and going backwards in your career can be very hard for those who have given up a comfortable life in the UK.

Everyone's experience of Oz is different, I hold my hand up and admit that I was a bit pro UK upon my return to the UK. Australia is a lovely place and for some who make the move it works out and for others it doesn't.

I have been guilty as too are others on here of judging others in their views and actions either by their pro Oz/UK views and in all fairness looking back it was stupid of me to get sucked into the debate. When you want something and try so hard for it then it doesn't turn out the way you expected it, then of course there will be a p155ed off feeling and a feeling of being let down.

I would also like to put forward that I hope nobody experiences what I had to endure whilst I was in Oz, nobody goes to the arse end of the world expecting it to fall through, having giving up time, money, family and good jobs and the good life they knew back in the UK, to strive for what they assume would be a better life down under.

I wish every one good luck and will give them advice on their move to Oz, I will also support those who return.

If you walked a week in my shoes whilst I was in Oz then maybe you will understand. Until you have made the move and lived the emotions, the highs and lows they you'll never know.

If the itch to go is there, then scratch it. Better to say been there, seen it done it...than to say would of, could of, should of. What ever you do either stay or return you can guarantee there is help, support and advice on here from people who have done it, there is also advice from people who haven't although they seem to be well informed.

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I do find it amusing that those who defend Oz the most on these posts are mostly those who have not lived there.......... It is not the Utopia that some believe it to be. Starting all over again and going backwards in your career can be very hard for those who have given up a comfortable life in the UK.


Should have thought of that before they came. A lot of returnees have giant chips on shoulder about 'going backward'. Assume nothing. Expect it to be hard work. You dont build a great life in an instant. You have to establish yourselves

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Guest Guest16631
I do find it amusing that those who defend Oz the most on these posts are mostly those who have not lived there.......... It is not the Utopia that some believe it to be. Starting all over again and going backwards in your career can be very hard for those who have given up a comfortable life in the UK.





.....to me this post says so much.....!


.....going backwards and giving up a comfortable life.....!


.....to me the whole reason for migrating was because few of our.....'needs'.....we're being met....

.....to move to Australia not only met our needs.......it fulfilled many of our wants.....


......for those who already have a good life....work .,etc....

......to move just for the adventure.....weather.......perceived lifestyle.......

.......is going to find it a little harder....IMO.....

......they have a greater pull....back to their original home......IMO.....

.......whereas if life had been difficult .....

.......and migration offers more opportunity.........

.......the need to strive and succeed is stronger....?....perhaps..?

........just a thought from reading back......

........though wether you settle ......or return.......

..........both are successes eventually.............to find where gives you and yours....

..........the most of what you need in life..........and as many things you could want...........IMO.....of course.....tink x

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Good job the majority don't move with the mindset it is some sort of Utopia forewarned is pre-armed and all that.


Perhaps that's the key to a successful migration...........................don't believe the hype!


I actually live here and am happy although I am worse off than I was in the UK. Out of interest what kind of work do you do and where are you headed?

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Guest Guest 47403
I actually live here and am happy although I am worse off than I was in the UK. Out of interest what kind of work do you do and where are you headed?


I'm glad you are happy that's nice, however you don't seem to be.


Where I am heading or what I do is really not relevant to the thread.

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Well it is really because if you have a poor paid job in the UK and holiday in Benidorm the far northern suburbs of Perth could be paradise for you. I am just realistic and honest and have an unbiased view. Both countries have their good points and bad points. I moved here as I wanted to try something different but I may return to Scotland one day, not because I failed or hated the place but because I may want to as it is my choice as it is of others who have lived here and until you do live here shouldn't even really be commenting on something you know nothing about. The fact that a lot of threads here seem to turn it to this same baiting the non lovers is quite pathetic really. If we were all the same and wanted the same things the world would be a very dull place.

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Guest Guest16631

.....I guess it's what you want out of life..........

......for some it's security of work.......which enables a home and lifestyle ......needs and wants.....

......some yearn for familiarity......family.......the known.....

......and something usually has to give to obtain either.......

.......human nature to want what,......our perception ......of the best is.....for us and ours......

.......but I do feel with all the information available......

........everyone is entitled to have an opinion on what it's like to live somewhere......

........in an ever changing world what does it take to form an opinion.....?

........an Internet search,.......a holiday.........a few years........or a lifetime......

.........all as useful to the individual..........concerned ...

..........in their opinion......

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Can you remember what these books were called/or who authored them? thanks.


Gosh, it was 35 years ago, so no! As I was writing that post, I was wishing I could remember. I particularly recall an excellent chapter on moving to country Victoria. It nailed the footie obsession perfectly - when I was reading it in Scotland, I thought, "surely this is grossly exaggerated!". Until I got there...

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Well it is really because if you have a poor paid job in the UK and holiday in Benidorm the far northern suburbs of Perth could be paradise for you. I am just realistic and honest and have an unbiased view. Both countries have their good points and bad points. I moved here as I wanted to try something different but I may return to Scotland one day, not because I failed or hated the place but because I may want to as it is my choice as it is of others who have lived here and until you do live here shouldn't even really be commenting on something you know nothing about. The fact that a lot of threads here seem to turn it to this same baiting the non lovers is quite pathetic really. If we were all the same and wanted the same things the world would be a very dull place.


Non biased? Hahahahaha. You just stereotyped about 10000 people! Oh dearie me.

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its not easy coming back though, moving abroad certainly changes you forever and I do miss certain things. I miss the sense of adventure, and the fact that every day something surprises me.....like when I turned on the radio at 9am and heard the word w£nker.... Or when I was asked by a senior nurse to go "check on the po@f in room 19".....


This is so true. I'm so glad I lived in Africa and then went back to the UK for a year before emigrating to Oz. Home seemed so different when I got back from Africa, I really saw it differently - though it was probably me that had changed rather than it! If I'd gone straight from Africa to Australia, I probably would've developed the "rose coloured glasses" view of the UK and not settled so well here.

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I do find it amusing that those who defend Oz the most on these posts are mostly those who have not lived there.......... It is not the Utopia that some believe it to be. Starting all over again and going backwards in your career can be very hard for those who have given up a comfortable life in the UK.


This is the thing I struggle with. If my life in the UK had been "comfortable", I would never have dreamed of moving half way round the world. And we probably wouldn't have come if my husband hadn't already had a firm job offer equivalent to his UK job. The cost and upheaval is so enormous, people shouldn't be migrating for a minor improvement in lifestyle, or with any illusion that they'll make heaps more money. It's just too uncertain.

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This is the thing I struggle with. If my life in the UK had been "comfortable", I would never have dreamed of moving half way round the world. And we probably wouldn't have come if my husband hadn't already had a firm job offer equivalent to his UK job. The cost and upheaval is so enormous, people shouldn't be migrating for a minor improvement in lifestyle, or with any illusion that they'll make heaps more money. Where are people getting these unrealistic ideas from?

Where do you get your stereotyped ideas from?


people move for many different reasons......you are not the oracle of migration so stop pretending to be

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Where do you get your stereotyped ideas from?


people move for many different reasons......you are not the oracle of migration so stop pretending to be


I never said I was. It just worries me that many people on these forums seem to have arrived with totally unrealistic expectations and when they don't eventuate, they blame Australia not themselves. Of course, I understand why that is, and it's human nature - but it would be so much better for them if they hadn't got into that situation in the first place.

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I never said I was. It just worries me that many people on these forums seem to have arrived with totally unrealistic expectations and when they don't eventuate, they blame Australia not themselves. Of course, I understand why that is, and it's human nature - but it would be so much better for them if they hadn't got into that situation in the first place.


You do present a whole lot of your own opinions and circumstances as hard facts that apply to everyone though. Fair enough that forewarned is forearmed, but we're not all from the same cookie cutter.

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I never said I was. It just worries me that many people on these forums seem to have arrived with totally unrealistic expectations and when they don't eventuate, they blame Australia not themselves. Of course, I understand why that is, and it's human nature - but it would be so much better for them if they hadn't got into that situation in the first place.

You do not know what their expectations are....perhaps they simply prefer the UK or wherever else they came from.....They only know that once they have tried it......people have always moved otherwise we would still be living in trees.


Stop pretending that you know better than others and stop patronising people.

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