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Moving back in 7 weeks

s up north

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Hi. Have been here in Adelaide since June 2013. Going back to the UK in early dec. was wondering if there is anyone on here who is feeling the same and has fallen out with Adelaide. Well oh has .and so we are going back. There are lots of reasons for this but the main reason is because we feel the country is a rip off ( generally ) when you can't secure full time work and being forced to live off savings . Anyone else feel the same ?

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Yes can't understand why hubby's occupation is on the skills list when there is obviously no demand for it. Cost thousands for a visa that require you to live in the state for 2 years and work for 1 year full time to be eligable for a perminent visa .there is NO Ozzie dream here. to do the Ozzie conversion qualifications and still no work. I think there is work for some occupations here but just about everything you do requires a licence .

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TBH its well documented on here and elsewhere about trade licences, the high cost of living, rain, ect... Its just that when people make the decision to make the move most just wan't to here the good stuff.


In fact I might start a thread about this...

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Good luck with the next step in your life adventure! I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you but I agree, the skills in demand list lags the jobs on the ground by a couple of years I reckon. I've seen the same thing to newbies in ACT! It's not a good look by any means.

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very true,I think when in the UK you look for all the positives in Oz, overlook the negatives or even argue the point with those already in Oz

and believe all the negatives in the UK too as reassurance you are doing the right thing. Then reality hits.


I know I did.. :eek:. But got on with it and can take or leave either country. both been good to me

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Guest The Pom Queen

Good luck with whatever you decide. You do know that you don't have to honour the 2 yrs in SA if you can find a job elsewhere jump at it.

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Hi. Have been here in Adelaide since June 2013. Going back to the UK in early dec. was wondering if there is anyone on here who is feeling the same and has fallen out with Adelaide. Well oh has .and so we are going back. There are lots of reasons for this but the main reason is because we feel the country is a rip off ( generally ) when you can't secure full time work and being forced to live off savings . Anyone else feel the same ?



Going to beat you too it, ha ha only by a couple of days though xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi. Have been here in Adelaide since June 2013. Going back to the UK in early dec. was wondering if there is anyone on here who is feeling the same and has fallen out with Adelaide. Well oh has .and so we are going back. There are lots of reasons for this but the main reason is because we feel the country is a rip off ( generally ) when you can't secure full time work and being forced to live off savings . Anyone else feel the same ?


I feel much the same as yourself, we arrived in Perth in June and even before we had landed my youngest (14) wanted to go back home.


For the past 4 months we have had the "I want to go home" "when are we going back" "I hate it here" and more... Our eldest (17) who is a sociable person found it very hard but is gradually finding his feet and has a casual job in a burger bar but still misses his friends and social life he had in the uk.


It also didn't help that we arrived in winter and rained nearly every day until recently.


I fluctuate, I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to my family as it all happened so quick having to get out here, we're on a 457 visa,


We spent a awful lot of money to get out here and have spent a lot more since being here, my husband has a job and is happy and enjoying it here and I know he would stay forever, we are planning or should I say I have planned a trip back next June, flights and accommodation booked, to see how we all feel but secretly I am hoping we make that decision to go back, I miss my family even though they infuriated me and were overly dependant on me and my husband, I even miss my old job - I was there for 23 years - I would like to think I was adventurous and I was but just lately I can't remember the last time I had a really good laugh and I feel my anxiety levels rising here.


Added to that our savings are dwindling, I hate renting and rental inspections, the government plans to introduce school fees of $4000 a year - we only just manage here, admittedly on one wage, we couldn't do that in the UK and I have recently joined a work agency and have a day lined up on Thursday but I am sh***ing myself thinking about it...


Sorry for the ramble and I wish you and everyone else good luck in their journey home :0



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  • 2 weeks later...



I would like to think I was adventurous and I was but just lately I can't remember the last time I had a really good laugh and I feel my anxiety levels rising here.


Added to that our savings are dwindling, I hate renting and rental inspections, the government plans to introduce school fees of $4000 a year - we only just manage here, admittedly on one wage, we couldn't do that in the UK and I have recently joined a work agency and have a day lined up on Thursday but I am sh***ing myself thinking about it...


Sorry for the ramble and I wish you and everyone else good luck in their journey home :0




You are not alone. What's great about stepping back into the UK is how quickly the real you will come back. Prior to Oz I had not been poor since I was a student and never out of work. In Brisbane for 7 years. When I left for the UK in April I was anxious and depressed and thought I was unemployable. 5 months there with great company, laughter, travel and employment in a really demanding contract, the anxiety just melted away! Now back for 6 weeks and it is building again. I have to stay here for just over another year and not quite sure how I'm going to do it..... June will come quickly, and even for me it's not that long to wait, but it can get quite scary at times

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Same here, went back to good ol blighty for a month earlier in the year and flying into cold grey London was the best injection of life I'd had for years. The real me came back instantly and haven't felt so genuinely relaxed and comfortable for a long time. Was great to catch up with friends and family but was also the genuine friendliness and honesty of strangers that was palpable. Was a real buzz all over the uk and Ireland where we went and was so against the doom and gloom being portrayed in the media regarding the economic situation.


back in qld, the stress and anxiety levels started to build up again and made me realise this time that I'd been putting up with living here rather than where I really want to be. Organising another trip back now with a view to more permanent arrangements. Complicated but won't go into that right now!


work wise, I've had good and bad times of employment but haven't enjoyed any of the positions....another thing that was totally different in the uk. Know a lot of tradies that have been forced to requalify over here or have had to take much lower positions than their capability with the associated lower pay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I havent been back to the uk since 2008 and all i keep getting told is you dont want to come back here its grey everything has gone up and so on and so on ........ it which i have now said well if its that bad what are you lot still doing there :tongue: guess what no answer .... i agree with all of you ,you need a licence or certificate to do anything here and it all costs money to do these things :confused:, i have told my hubby i want to go back to the uk but at the moment it looks like its going to take us about 2 1/2 yrs to save and get the money grrrrr ..... just have to keep doing the lottery me thinks ...xxx

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