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Pay rise to be scrapped for nurses.


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2 of my mates are investment bankers in London.. They pay massive amounts of taxes on their earnings. We all had a choice of what career to take, they took banking and made a killing. You could of done the same.. Tax them to much and their relocate to Switzerland . I'm not at all jealous of them.. Good luck to em ..


Neither am i jealous of their earnings,i just dont like tax avoidance,whether its legal or not,have you asked them would they leave the bright lights of London for the land of the cuckoo clock?i doubt they would.and the surveys ive seen say this

I haven't said tax them more have i? just that they need to at least "try" and simplify the tax system,thats all

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Great Idea. They will all move offshore, we will get no taxes off them then, so we will have to tax the rest of us even more! doh.


Not if the whole world gets annoyed with the totally useless system and we all work together to boot them out on their bums.


They caused the global financial crisis. Now lets have a global "send a banker to work at McDonalds" crisis.

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Neither am i jealous of their earnings,i just dont like tax avoidance,whether its legal or not,have you asked them would they leave the bright lights of London for the land of the cuckoo clock?i doubt they would.and the surveys ive seen say this

I haven't said tax them more have i? just that they need to at least "try" and simplify the tax system,thats all

Bankers get taxed by the paye system, banks don't

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Not if the whole world gets annoyed with the totally useless system and we all work together to boot them out on their bums.


They caused the global financial crisis. Now lets have a global "send a banker to work at McDonalds" crisis.

I think you're find the banks weren't totally responsible for it.. Remember they lend the money too........... Yep people like you and me who borrowed to much, were all to blame .

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Bankers get taxed by the paye system, banks don't


No they dont,not the investment bankers,they have accountants to offset taxes,i repeat,im not interested in what people earn,i just want some of the legal tax loop holes looked at,its that simple,the gvnmt should at least try

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2 of my mates are investment bankers in London.. They pay massive amounts of taxes on their earnings. We all had a choice of what career to take, they took banking and made a killing. You could of done the same.. Tax them to much and their relocate to Switzerland . I'm not at all jealous of them.. Good luck to em ..


If they pay "massive" amounts of tax then your mates are rubbish at their jobs.


The TOP rate of income tax in the UK is presently 45% and that only kicks in about £150,000. Beyond that, there are all sorts of dodges (for example a proportion of income paid off shore by international companies) that most bankers would use. There are far more tax dodges for the rich than for the working class.


However, my point is not so much about individual bankers but, rather, about the system itself. Back in the days of the industrial revolution you got rich by building things and employing people. Now you get rich by gambling with other people's money and begging a government handout if you lose the gamble. This is totally non productive and the soon the world--not the UK or USA, the world--wises up and stomps out these despicable parasites on society the better.

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I think you're find the banks weren't totally responsible for it.. Remember they lend the money too........... Yep people like you and me who borrowed to much, were all to blame .


We never all borrowed too much tho did we? yet we all pay for it,so no,dont class joe average in the same bracket as banks who risked billions on iffy sub prime mortgages etc just because of their own greed,cant believe how many apologists there are on here,unbelievable!

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If they pay "massive" amounts of tax then your mates are rubbish at their jobs.


The TOP rate of income tax in the UK is presently 45% and that only kicks in about £150,000. Beyond that, there are all sorts of dodges (for example a proportion of income paid off shore by international companies) that most bankers would use. There are far more tax dodges for the rich than for the working class.


However, my point is not so much about individual bankers but, rather, about the system itself. Back in the days of the industrial revolution you got rich by building things and employing people. Now you get rich by gambling with other people's money and begging a government handout if you lose the gamble. This is totally non productive and the soon the world--not the UK or USA, the world--wises up and stomps out these despicable parasites on society the better.

The worlds come a long way since then.. My friends pay huge amounts of tax.. Don't you belive all the loop holes. The top foreign bankers may avoid it because of visa and nationally . A banker would pay enough in taxes to employ 2/3 nurses.. I thinks that's fair

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We never all borrowed too much tho did we? yet we all pay for it,so no,dont class joe average in the same bracket as banks who risked billions on iffy sub prime mortgages etc just because of their own greed,cant believe how many apologists there are on here,unbelievable!



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I think you're find the banks weren't totally responsible for it.. Remember they lend the money too........... Yep people like you and me who borrowed to much, were all to blame .


I think you'll find they WERE responsible, with a helping hand from their politician mates who deregulated the banking industry and allowed them to run things for themselves. Don't forget the difference between the investment banks who mess with dodgy things like hedge funds and the derivatives market and the high street banks and building societies who give you a mortgage or let you have an overdraft.


...well, at least their SHOULD be a difference but that's one of the big problems. The big banks were using money that used to be tied up in vaults or nice safe investments and gambled it away in the hope of get-rich-quick profits. I didn't borrow too much either (and by fluke sold my UK house at the top of the market in 2007) but, where some people DID take on debts they couldn't manage it was because banks encouraged them to then sold on the risky loan to other banks.


As I said before, all this moving of money from pocket to pocket contributes nothing to anyone except the bankers. It's the same with the stock market. It used to be that stock prices reflected the value of a company and were looked upon as a long term investment with dividends representing a percentage of company profits. Nowadays, that link between company value and share value is all-too-often forgotten and the stocks have become a commodity in their own right. Money is made, not from dividends, but from simply buying and selling the shares with second by second accuracy.


The worlds come a long way since then.. My friends pay huge amounts of tax.. Don't you belive all the loop holes. The top foreign bankers may avoid it because of visa and nationally . A banker would pay enough in taxes to employ 2/3 nurses.. I thinks that's fair


How about a radical scenario where nurses--and anyone else in a job that's actually necessary--are paid enough to put their monthly pay in a bank? If enough nurses deposit money, that might pay for 2/3 bankers to use that money to give mortgages to the nurses etc. I know that sounds very Jimmy Stewart but it makes more sense to me than the current international financial structure.

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I think you'll find they WERE responsible, with a helping hand from their politician mates who deregulated the banking industry and allowed them to run things for themselves. Don't forget the difference between the investment banks who mess with dodgy things like hedge funds and the derivatives market and the high street banks and building societies who give you a mortgage or let you have an overdraft.


...well, at least their SHOULD be a difference but that's one of the big problems. The big banks were using money that used to be tied up in vaults or nice safe investments and gambled it away in the hope of get-rich-quick profits. I didn't borrow too much either (and by fluke sold my UK house at the top of the market in 2007) but, where some people DID take on debts they couldn't manage it was because banks encouraged them to then sold on the risky loan to other banks.


As I said before, all this moving of money from pocket to pocket contributes nothing to anyone except the bankers. It's the same with the stock market. It used to be that stock prices reflected the value of a company and were looked upon as a long term investment with dividends representing a percentage of company profits. Nowadays, that link between company value and share value is all-too-often forgotten and the stocks have become a commodity in their own right. Money is made, not from dividends, but from simply buying and selling the shares with second by second accuracy.




How about a radical scenario where nurses--and anyone else in a job that's actually necessary--are paid enough to put their monthly pay in a bank? If enough nurses deposit money, that might pay for 2/3 bankers to use that money to give mortgages to the nurses etc. I know that sounds very Jimmy Stewart but it makes more sense to me than the current international financial structure.

Al jobs are necessary, that's what makes the world go round.. A rubbish man is just as important than a nurse..

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Al jobs are necessary, that's what makes the world go round.. A rubbish man is just as important than a nurse..


I think one of the points he's making is companies are too powerful now,commodities brokers setting prices of goods have way too much impact on countries,especially the poorer ones with less goods to export

The finance houses took massive risks for bonus purposes, that they knew about the risks and still went ahead is wrong,people borrowing a few grand doesnt compare with banks risking trillions of £/$,and then we bail them out!no choice really i dont suppose tho

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Al jobs are necessary, that's what makes the world go round.. A rubbish man is just as important than a nurse..



Of course they are, but they don't have to go to uni to get a degree to do it, do they?

my friend works in London and has several banker mates too. They've been whinging far more than any nurse I've heard because they don't know how they'll manage to pay for their second home mortgages and their school fees without their million pound bonuses. Even they admit it was the banks fault we're in this mess.


I'm all for people being rewarded for doing a good job, but when it's off the back of immoral practice they're the ones who should take the hit.

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I'd tax dentists more tho,thieving bas7ards they are..................


20,000 dentists in the UK. Earn about £100,000 a year on average I think, so total is £2 Billion a year. Your beloved socialist Labour Government increased our national debt by more than that each week they were in power! Don't think they'll get in again, and I don't think we need lectures on fiscal policy from them what voted for them!

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20,000 dentists in the UK. Earn about £100,000 a year on average I think, so total is £2 Billion a year. Your beloved socialist Labour Government increased our national debt by more than that each week they were in power! Don't think they'll get in again, and I don't think we need lectures on fiscal policy from them what voted for them!


Take a chill pill ffs and lighten up,i'll send yer a long one to chong on if yer want lad?:wink:

They aren't socialist any more,even right wingers like you must see that?

Your beloved tory party will have borrowed more in 5 yrs than Labour did in 13,lost the triple a rating that he said would be "humiliating",and he's borrowed about 300 billion more than he forecast already

Took over a country in growth then plunged it into the longest recession in recent history,add to that,that Osbourne agreed with Labours spending plans up to 07/08 as well

I dont give lectures,i leave that to the likes of you,im just saying what the majority think,the tax avoidance should be top priority,is that so wrong?

Have a little smile for yerself kidder,does yer good:wubclub:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Well it's quite simple.. Leave your job for a better paid one.. I'm sure there's millions if people who had cuts to pay packets over the last 5 years.. Count yourself lucky your not one of them


I do count myself lucky, most new jobs created are low paid and part time, so there's little chance of any decent better paid jobs. I can't believe anyone would begrudge our hard working nurses from having a pay rise especially when they haven't had one in 5 years. This thread just typifies how the working man and woman turns on each other and the rich get away with murder and keep on getting richer.

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I do count myself lucky, most new jobs created are low paid and part time, so there's little chance of any decent better paid jobs. I can't believe anyone would begrudge our hard working nurses from having a pay rise especially when they haven't had one in 5 years. This thread just typifies how the working man and woman turns on each other and the rich get away with murder and keep on getting richer.

What I'm saying is I don't feel sorry for nurses.. Why should you feel sory for them..? They've just had a pay rise ( all be it a crap one) I feel sorry for the millions of people who have had pay cuts over the last 5 years and been laid off. As for work move to the south east if work in your area is low paid and part time.! And as you know the rich don't pay nurses.. The tax payer does so know ones getting away with it

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They haven't had a pay rise, and it looks as though they're not getting the one they were promised. That's what this thread is about.

Ok but they still have a job.. Millions would of took that deal 5 years ok.. A job for 5 years or the dole..??? There's light at the end of the tunnel now..

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Indeed they do. I don't think any of them want your pity.

Indeed they don't, but there's nothing worse than a winging cilvil servent, saying how hard done by they are by not having a PAY RISE and having to wok a few more years.. Welcom to the real world where people are flogged to death until nearly 70 paying civil servents pensions who packed up a decade or so before them .

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I agree that nurses, like any profession deserve their payrise. One thing I will say though is nurses and other health professions in the UK are lucky to have their training subsidised by the NHS. I was all set to undertake a Masters in MHN before coming to Aus and would have had all fees paid, in addition to gaining a bursary. I'm looking into studying an allied health profession over here in Aus when I have my PR and fees are phenomenal if the course does not offer commonwealth supported places (and even then they are still pretty high, and there is no bursary). Nurse pay over here does seem to be significantly better here compared to the UK (sis and few mates are nurses) - however I think it's pretty good that the NHS still fund a qualification that you can go on to use all over the world without accruing too much student debt like the rest of us.

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Take a chill pill ffs and lighten up,i'll send yer a long one to chong on if yer want lad?:wink:

They aren't socialist any more,even right wingers like you must see that?

Your beloved tory party will have borrowed more in 5 yrs than Labour did in 13,lost the triple a rating that he said would be "humiliating",and he's borrowed about 300 billion more than he forecast already

Took over a country in growth then plunged it into the longest recession in recent history,add to that,that Osbourne agreed with Labours spending plans up to 07/08 as well

I dont give lectures,i leave that to the likes of you,im just saying what the majority think,the tax avoidance should be top priority,is that so wrong?

Have a little smile for yerself kidder,does yer good:wubclub:


Yes but it was Ozzy Osbourne who agreed with Labours spending plans, not George Osbourne. LOL

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