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Albany WA


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Hi All


Is anyone from Albany or know about the place.


What is it like for family with children 14, 12 & 8 who are very outgoing, love scouts, rugby, being with other children their own age and love outdoor activities.


What is the lifestyle like there and how about the cost of living.


The place looks beautiful and the weather looks comfortable, although there seems to be more rain during 3 - 4 months than in the UK - does it rain a lot or is it just occasional hard down pores?


Any feedback on the place greatly appreciated.


Any one moving over shortly??



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Albany is absolutely beautiful and well suited to family life. There are numerous clubs and sports features very highly. There are also a number of schools, both private and public.


It is a four hour drive from Perth, but it has everything that you need, from a brand new multi million entertainment centre to a new hospital under construction.


It has some of the most stunning beaches in the world. There are surfing beaches and then calmer ones such as Emu Point. Denmark is just up the road and is absolutely beautiful - there are many things to do on a weekend.


A lot of people from Perth go there for their summer holidays (to escape the Perth heat) as the temperatures are typically cooler, yet warm and sunny like the Mediterranean. It is also a popular stop for cruise ships in The summer months.


It does get very cool there in the winter and you can get some wild weather coming off the Southern Ocean.


You can also see hundreds of whales during the winter months, simply by walking along the beach or the harbour, or if you like take a boat trip up close.


Cost of living.... Rentals are typically very much cheaper than Perth, however property prices have risen (along with the rest of WA).


Albany is a vibrant and busy city (actually a big seaside town) and I recommend it highly.The only thing to remember is the four hour drive (or one hour by plane) to Perth, but to be honest it is a very easy one straight up the highway.

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I know the city very well having lived for a considerable period of time. In many respects one of the nicest places to live, certainly in WA. House prices have fallen in recent times after rather rapid rises.


Albany is a popular retirement place and is attractive to those that dislike too much heat. Quite noticeably cooler than Perth. Ideal summers. Winters can be cold at night and early mornings. We often had a log fire burning.


Middleton Beach is one of my favourite beaches anywhere. It's not far from the town and has firm sand. Ideal walk or run to Emu Point and great swimming. Used to swim there at 6 to 6.30 in the morning six months a year. A rather popular past time.


The new entertainment centre close to town on the waterfront looks good but never attended a show there but has raised the cultural stakes. There are a couple of good pubs if not exactly cheap to go to.


It is very much a service city and sometimes wonder just what everybody does for work there. There are some social issues as in many places with some folk on low earnings. Probably best to ensure a position before going there though.


The city has a substantial UK born population of over 3,000 which makes close to 11% of the population. Quite a few from South Africa have moved there over the recent five years as well and my former accountant from India moved his family down there last month as well.


There's a rather good Indian restaurant that I always frequent when down there on Albany Highway among at least two in the city.


If you have a job or a business and prefer a non suburban life offered in Perth, Albany is certainly worth considering. It is connected by coach and driving is about five hours with a short stop over.

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Thank you for your response.


It does look like a piece of paradise to be honest and pleasant temperatures.


My main concerns were the children and if there are numerous sports features and clubs that sounds fab.


Thank you




No problems for young kids. Teenagers of course can get bored. Not forgetting the need to go to Perth if they decide on going to Uni. Also a rather big chance they may move away for greater employment prospects when the time comes.

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I lived in Albany until March this year and loved it. Beautiful beaches and weather, but the winter rains can be an issue sometimes. Had to move due to work but may go back when my eldest daughter is old enough for high school.

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Thank you for your response.


It does look like a piece of paradise to be honest and pleasant temperatures.


My main concerns were the children and if there are numerous sports features and clubs that sounds fab.


Thank you




I lived there for a number of years and it is a beautiful place.


There are countless activities, both sports wise and non sports for your children to do. People spend a lot of time outdoors, whether that be swimming,cycling, fishing etc. It also has a very strong arts and music background.


If you have been offered a job there, then it really is a fantastic place to start your journey

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No problems for young kids. Teenagers of course can get bored. Not forgetting the need to go to Perth if they decide on going to Uni. Also a rather big chance they may move away for greater employment prospects when the time comes.


They don't have to necessarily move away for uni. UWA has a small campus there and it is growing each year in the number of courses it offers locally.

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They don't have to necessarily move away for uni. UWA has a small campus there and it is growing each year in the number of courses it offers locally.


Yes I know, with the onus on small. It would be an ideal place for a uni of some statue I feel. Albany has lost a lot in the way of its industry over time. To make it a educational city, as can be found in Europe, would be a big boost for the area as well as bring life to the town.

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Thank you for all the comments, i think it sounds perfect for us. We are all very outdoor people and all love sporting activities, my son loves rugby and football and my eldest daughter loves arts and theatre aswell, re university, she is the kind to want to try university away from home anyway - so perth is in driving reach for us to visit. We have work sorted in the new hospital so that is a bonus. We want to rent a home and they are very affordable so all very positive. If anyone knows of Rugby clubs for 12 year old boy. Scouts for 14 year old girl. Gymnastics for 8 year old girl please drop me a line.






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