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It does happen. Some vets will give 2 rabies shots a few weeks apart to increase the chances of first time pass, others stick to single shot before blood test. Timing of blood test is important too as antibodies will peak then drop off in the weeks after the shot. Nothing to worry about, just need to have a second shot and time the blood test right, can be a pain because it will delay when dog can fly

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So my dog has failed her 1st set of rabies bloods , does anybody know if this is quite common ? Now looking like we can't go until march now . But more of an error on our side not realising that she would need to be cleared six months before we go ....


According to our vet, 20% of the rabies vaccines don't work properly - of course that didn't mean they would refund our money or re-vaccinate our dog for free when she failed her rabies test... :mad: Anywhere else, if you pay for a service you don't get, you get your money back - what a rip-off!


Having had both vaccination (different brand) and test re-done at another vets, we're anxiously awaiting the second set of results. Good luck with yours!

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We just got our wee ones rabies blood test done today and they mentioned not to get his vaccinations done incase they need to redo the rabies. Couldn't believe when she said it takes 3 weeks for the blood results to come back. So fingers crossed just paid 82 quid for today and 40 for rabies shot. It's a pricy process to redo. Good luck for this time.

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We just got our wee ones rabies blood test done today and they mentioned not to get his vaccinations done incase they need to redo the rabies. Couldn't believe when she said it takes 3 weeks for the blood results to come back. So fingers crossed just paid 82 quid for today and 40 for rabies shot. It's a pricy process to redo. Good luck for this time.





Luckily your vets advised you not to get your dogs routine vaccinations in case it doesn't work (fingers crossed it does for you ) as my dog had her jabs on Thursday - when paying i enquired if the results had come back only to find out that firstly the results should have been in within 24 hours - secondly her results were too low to be and would need to go through the process again.

so i went today to start the process again to be told that you have to wait 2 weeks after her routine injections otherwise it is likely not to work again....................not impressed one bit !!!

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Unfortunately our dog failed twice & we had to rehome him. Our vet said it is rare however it can happen. At the time we were devastated but since arriving we have realised it's been easier to get around & organise rentals without him plus we saw our first snake on Sunday after been here only 2wks & I've got to say a big relief that we didn't have our big lad with us!

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It is more like around 5% of dogs fail to make enough antibodies to pass the test. It is not really a rip off to pay for it and it not work, all animals are different and it is not the vets fault it did not work. It is a funny thing really as they are still protected against rabies, but they just have not made enough antibodies to satisfy the rules put in place. You need to get your dog revaccinated and then re blood tested. Normally we say do the blood test 3-4 weeks after the vaccination to allow the antibody levels to go up and peak before they start coming down again.

I agree this is a mighty pain as UK is still a rabies free island, but at least you have got it sorted nice and early as so many people forget to do this and their pets are stuck in UK waiting for the 5 months to pass. She needs to pass the test 5 months before she goes, not 6 months as in the original post.

Sounds like you are on the right track, but if you need any help give us a shout.



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Grecia have you had your dogs results yet ?

Can I get some opinions here , as you can see above my dog failed her 1st set of bloods , my vet has said she would re vaccine her next fri ( 2 wks after her annual jabs ) and then do the blood test two weeks later hoping that her antibodies will be very high before they dip ! I have read elsewhere that the bloods should be taken 3-4 weeks later . I'm loosing faith in my vets at the moment as they don't seem to communicate with each other let alone me . So should I go with what I have read and have the bloods taken after 4 weeks or go with their 2 ????? Confused :0

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Grecia have you had your dogs results yet ?

Can I get some opinions here , as you can see above my dog failed her 1st set of bloods , my vet has said she would re vaccine her next fri ( 2 wks after her annual jabs ) and then do the blood test two weeks later hoping that her antibodies will be very high before they dip ! I have read elsewhere that the bloods should be taken 3-4 weeks later . I'm loosing faith in my vets at the moment as they don't seem to communicate with each other let alone me . So should I go with what I have read and have the bloods taken after 4 weeks or go with their 2 ????? Confused :0


We had our dog retested at exactly 3 1/2 weeks after the second jab. She had 7.79 **/ml - nearly 16 times the antibodies she needed!:biggrin: So the 3-4 weeks delay certainly worked for us. Good luck with your dog x


[Hmmm... why is PIO asterisking out the abbreviation for "international unit"? Weird!]

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My advice is hang in there with your own vets. So few vets know this kind of work that if you start with someone else you are right back to square one!

Your vets plan is sound. Re vaccinate then 2 weeks after do a blood test, that is fine. Most dogs make enough antibodies after 2 vaccinations it is super rare for them not to convert after 2 vaccinations.

Normally we wait 3-4 weeks after the vaccinations, but there is no real best time! 2 weeks after is equally valid. The thing i would advise is to get your vets to get the test done quickly, so you get the results after a week, so then if your dog fails you can get another one done 3-4 weeks after. If they send the blood to AHVLA (a government lab in Surrey) then they turn the tests round pretty fast.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Our two are having their bloods taken on 4th Nov, which will be 4 weeks and 3 days after their injections, fingers crossed they come back fine.


Do you know when your ( dogs) bloods are due back ? My dog had hers taken a week ago today & I'm still waiting ....

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Do you know when your ( dogs) bloods are due back ? My dog had hers taken a week ago today & I'm still waiting ....


The vet said it could be 2 weeks. On a more positive note, we were told today that dogs flying after 3/2/14 only need to spend 10 days in quarantine, this is really good news, we were dreading ours being in there for 30 days.

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Your vets plan is sound. Re vaccinate then 2 weeks after do a blood test, that is fine. Most dogs make enough antibodies after 2 vaccinations it is super rare for them not to convert after 2 vaccinations.

Normally we wait 3-4 weeks after the vaccinations, but there is no real best time! 2 weeks after is equally valid.


Hi Bob,


In a more recent post you seem to be implying that under the new rules the rabies tests aren't valid unless they are done a month or more after the vaccination. Does that mean that after all the stress and inconvenience Roxybird and I are back to square one?? I had a quick look on the DAFF website and can't find any mention of this. Thanks

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