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309 de-facto partner visa in April and still waiting?


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Hi. Did anyone lodge a 309 application around April from the UK? It's been 5 months now and I've heard nothing. I was assigned a case officer on 18th April, who phoned me and told me that I had a good application with lots of good evidence and my police and medical checks were OK and sent by end of June. However, when i contacted them to say my current address had changed, i discovered my case officer was on extended leave. I gave my new details and was told this had been passed on to a supervisor. That was mid-July. I then contacted them a week into August to check they had everything they needed and asked if any of this would have delay my application and was told that they have all they need for now and they will be in touch if they need anything else. Since then, I've heard nothing. Do you think I can expect something soon, or am I just being impatient and letting the anxiety get to me? Anyone experienced a similar situation?

Cheers, Craig

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As far as I am aware the 8-9 month time-frame is the one being given out by the High Commission in London. I don't know what the time frame is for other people in high risk countries, although I am aware from other threads on the forum that it's over a year for some people in Pakistan, which is considered high risk. You need to contact the High Commission again if you feel that your case could/should be dealt with more quickly than the quoted current time-frame x

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Agree with the others. Current processing time for UK applicants is 8-9 months. I can't think of anyone who has had theirs back in 5-6 months since the wait time kicked to 8-9 months. Some are hearing after about 7 but that's not a given.


If they are not in touch its not because they have forgotten you. They have everything they need, you just need to wait till they grant at a later date, just like the rest of us.

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We were in the 5-6 month wait time frame before it changed (just by a month or so) and we were told on day 5 that all was in order and they needed nothing else and that the visa would be granted in 5 -6 months. Bang on the 5 month mark I got in touch and they said they could grant it the following week, you could tell there was a def q'ing system.

I don't believe anything was done with my visa between day 5 and 5 months (well kinda we did submit our medicals later to give our move a longer timeframe etc but she said this was no problem as long as it was done by a specific date so she could keep to her time guidelines as set by the department) and we heard nothing from them until I chased at the 5 month mark.

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Hi Craig


I am in the same boat as yourself applied in April on a 309 and just waiting for an entry date. Sounds like we may have the same c/o also. Does anyone know when i would be likely to hear of an entry date ? I know its probably going to be December or January but how much notice do you get of the actual date? Thanks Sean

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I applied even earlier on the 12th march and still waiting. I was assigned dp as my co. He is on extended leave. Do you both have the same co? Really want to get the grant now.

Hi Christian. Sounds like you are nearly exactly a month ahead of me with everything, so hopefully you'll get yours soon and I won't be far behind. Yes I had DP as my CO. Did they assign you someone else, or just pass it on? I'm assuming that due to not assigning me a new CO means DP had signed it off and it is now just in the processing queue.

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Hi Craig


I am in the same boat as yourself applied in April on a 309 and just waiting for an entry date. Sounds like we may have the same c/o also. Does anyone know when i would be likely to hear of an entry date ? I know its probably going to be December or January but how much notice do you get of the actual date? Thanks Sean


How can you possibly conclude you might have the same CO from this thread? :err:


The timelines for both of you are entirely consistent with every other applicant for this visa at this point in time and it is nothing to do with the CO.

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So the general consensus seems to be that it may take 7 months, but probably 8, possibly 9. However, in people's experience would you say that at this point it is likely that it will be granted (considering all checks were OK and case officer told me it was a good application), just a matter of when? Does anyone have any experience of waiting 8 months under the impression everything is OK, just to be turned down at the death?

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Hi gooner, yes sounds like a month ahead. I emailed him a few weeks ago but still did not get assigned anyone else. @rupert the reason why we all know we have the same co is because he is the only one that we are aware of that has been on indefinite leave for like 4 months now.


The point is that your visa processing time is not dependent on the leave arrangements of one individual. It is to do with DIAC planning levels.

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I can understand how you all feel but I do think you need to be careful not to keep making assumptions as you will only drive yourselves nutty and make the wait seem interminable. For Gooner1976, I don't think that you should assume anything right now about your application, other than it is in the queue to be processed. If it's denied (and yes, some people do get denied at the last minute as they have to wait just like everyone else) then you can cross that bridge at that time x

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone on this thread been approved yet? If so how many months did you wait?!


Timeline = application lodged 11 April 2013, visa granted 23 October 2013

Not even 6.5 months. Superb. Maybe we were lucky, but if you are in a hurry, there is hope! Hopefully you April applications will all here soon.

OZ here we come. Whoop whoop. Not excited... Much!!!!



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I mean hear soon. Not here. So excited I've forgotten basic English!



Congratulations!!!! Awesome news :-)

I'm a May applicant...currently in OZ. Eagerly waiting to hear something so I can book my flight to go offshore. I'm hoping to hear something before Christmas. Fingers and toes crossed


Any more April applicants being granted??

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I'm an April applicant and no, not yet! Great to hear Gooner1976 has had theirs come through - it's the first April applicant on here that I've seen granted. Hopefully not long now...


There was one other April applicant I've seen so far on the summary thread a few pages ago - they applied 4th April and were granted 15th oct so hopefully we'll be hearing a few more April grants soon! I'm a month behind you so look forward to hearing! :)

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There was one other April applicant I've seen so far on the summary thread a few pages ago - they applied 4th April and were granted 15th oct so hopefully we'll be hearing a few more April grants soon! I'm a month behind you so look forward to hearing! :)


Hi Lucyh88!! Thats fab. I am just a few days behind you so hopfully we will get granted im the next few months! Who is your CO? Will you post when you hear somthing? Fingers and toes crossed :-)

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Hi Lucyh88!! Thats fab. I am just a few days behind you so hopfully we will get granted im the next few months! Who is your CO? Will you post when you hear somthing? Fingers and toes crossed :-)


Hi there, that's great! Of course, I am on here all the time looking for updates from people even though we must have at least another two months to wait - this bit seems to drag more than the last five! I've got LG, how about you?

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Hi there, that's great! Of course, I am on here all the time looking for updates from people even though we must have at least another two months to wait - this bit seems to drag more than the last five! I've got LG, how about you?



Yep yep I'm hoping to hear something before Christmas!! Totally agree this part is seriously dragging ahh. With my situation we had to move out early so I'm waiting from Melbourne. Cannot wait to properly settle into OZ life. I've got VF and I'm also constantly checking on here for updates from people. Common London ha

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