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ozzy kids settling into english schools???????

the manniz

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Going to high school is stressful in itself, never mind changing countries as well. But if you provide a good support network, and don't just let them get on with it, they should survive. At least it should be easier and less stressful going from Oz to UK than it would be going from UK to Oz. You aren't stepping as much into the unknown.

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Going to high school is stressful in itself, never mind changing countries as well. But if you provide a good support network, and don't just let them get on with it, they should survive. At least it should be easier and less stressful going from Oz to UK than it would be going from UK to Oz. You aren't stepping as much into the unknown.


Interested why you think it would be easier going from oz to UK rather than the other way round..

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Our youngest moved when she'd just finished year 5 in Aus to year 7, term two, in the UK. The hardest bit for her to adapt to was moving from room to room and teacher to teacher. She had returned to her old school though, so she had her friends to give her a hand. It probably took her till Feb half term until she was completely comfortable with it (she's not a really confident person).

Most schools are used to children arriving from all over the world, so I'm sure your children will be given the support they need to settle.

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Yes I had assumed that.


Ahh, that makes sense :)

Our 7 and 10 year olds settled in to their Aussie school very quickly and made new friends easily. What they found different was the curricula but got used to that pretty soon too. It all depends on age and school and sometimes luck of the draw on which class they are put in and who they sit next to. Just like us adults :)

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