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Hep B vaccination


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Myself and hubby haven't but my daughter HAD to have it when we arrived, to bring her medical history in line with Australia's (Kindy wouldn't accept her otherwise and Centrelink wouldn't pay any child care assistance if her inoculations 'weren't up to date)). It was 3 separate injections ,a few weeks apart if i remember correctly.


Cal x

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My middle daughter had it at school in Sydney with her HPV jab. She was in year 7 and it was part of the usual schedule, so it's probably only your eldest who will need to catch up. I'm sure s/he won't be excluded from school - my eldest hadn't had it at all (still hasn't) and it wasn't a problem.

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They only enforce it for the under 7's apparently for those moving to Australia.

I will be interested to see if anyone has had their child refused entry immediately too - I have a 5 year old and a 7 year old. One will be starting school and the other kindy.

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I don't know how it works in Oz, but I recently had to have mine when I started a healthcare course at Uni in the UK. It was 3 seperate jabs about a month apart I think, followed by a blood test a month later to check that the vaccine had taken. It hadn't and I had to repeat the course again.


Apparently this is somewhat common and nothing to worry about, some people just need 2 courses.


On the plus side, I am almost completely over my fear of needles. (And it was a big fear.)

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Hi There,

Also interested in this thread, wanted to ask about the chickenpox vaccine, my two have both had it, I have got a print out from the doctors confirming this to take with us, will this suffice in avoiding them getting the vaccine ? They are 3 1/2 and 20 months.


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We moved to Perth when my son was 5, he'd had all the standard UK vaccines up to the age and he had no vaccines there whatsoever. His school asked for a copy of his vaccination record and I gave them his 'red book' - I suspect they never even checked it! We moved back when he was in year 5 so I don't know if he would have had anything if we'd stayed.


We never claimed any kind of benefits so maybe that's why we 'got away with it' - I would have complied with any advice to have vaccines but none was ever offered.

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Generally schools state that unvaccinated children are to be kept away from school whenever there is a confirmed case of measles, chicken pox etc This can result in a lot of school being missed as unvaccinated children are at risk and can also easily pass on the disease. Hep B is really important here.

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