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Cost of running a car


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Hi all

We are trying to find out whether the cost of running a car in Oz is the same as in the U.K, I:E- M.O.T, Road Tax, Insurance.

We are thinking of bringing our 1 yr old Ford Fiesta 1.25 ltr with us when we emigrate.

Any info will be appreciated.

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Hi all

We are trying to find out whether the cost of running a car in Oz is the same as in the U.K, I:E- M.O.T, Road Tax, Insurance.

We are thinking of bringing our 1 yr old Ford Fiesta 1.25 ltr with us when we emigrate.

Any info will be appreciated.


Hi, the cost of the equivalent MOT is about the same, and insurances and road tax (for rego, a green slip and full comp insurance) will work out about the same if not slightly more.


The big difference here is the cost to buy cars.


Services will cost more but once you're earning dollars it will all be relevant.


Check out the website carsales to get a feel for aussie prices and then you can begin to work out if its worth it.


From memory, there is a company on this forum that will give you a price for the shipping...

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hi I disagree with above. yes the car costs more but you can also sell for more when its time to sell. also in Victoria at least there is no mot. so u dont have to dip into your pocket every year for some rubbish the mechanc has made up. my perfect working order fiesta used to cost me 300 to 500 every year to get through mot.


insurance is cheaper at least for myself. I just purchased a second hand cheap car for my girlfriend. cost of insurance for new driver? 400 dollars.... yeap thats right not 800 or 1000 pounds but 400 dollars. bargain

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Personally I find running a car here in NSW considerable more than I was used to 6 months ago when I made the move.


My example is for an old run around the boy can learn to navigate the roads when he turns 16 this year.


Car: $4400 (2000 Subaru with 263Ks)


Stamp Duty: $132 (3% of car's value up to 45K then 5% there after and one off payment when you first purchase and register a car)


Inspection (MOT) $36


CTP (compulsory 3rd part insurance) $800


Rego (like road fund license): 350


Over a third of the car's value and that's not including additional insurance for theft and non 3rd party claims which if I purchased would be another 800 bucks.


It is what it is and the choice is mine but I do find it pricey even taking into account earning $s bar the fuel.





Sent from my HTC

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is that because u have a tiny engine one which the UK give discount tax for due to environment impact ? I found insurance much much cheaper here but maybe its our circumstances. I was quoted over 1000 pounds for insurance in uk... without a no claims it was extortionate


Yes I do - the road tax was very cheap for me in the UK. Here in QLD we all pay the $600 regardless of engine size from what I can gather.

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there is a company on here that can tell you if its worth it


cost of running a car in NSW is, in my experience less than in the uk because of petrol prices. Insurance and registration are on par. Generally the only cars i've seen on the road here with uk plates (i.e. prior to reregistration) are large 4wd people budgers BMW X5, Volvo etc


amazingly I've seen 3-4 uk plated cars here so far :chatterbox:

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For me personally it's the insurance that's the killer. I agree wholeheartedly with the concept of CTP but paying 800 bucks for it when in the UK it was an equivalent of £200 and then having to purchase extra insurance to top up the 3rd party only CTP so am looking at 1600 a year as they don't take into account your UK NCB, not that I expected them to. Hopeful it'll get better once I start building Oz NCB but noone I know runs a 2nd car unless they really really need to.


Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

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Insurance for both cars approximately $1300 but both are mine and on rating one and have been with the insurance company for a long long time and have gold card.


Registration is the killer. So all up for me it would be over $2,000.00

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