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What is it you miss living in Canberra?


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Don't worry about Canberra's climate, too much ;-)


The average max in Canberra is below 25 degrees for 9 months of the year. Most people manage to walk and keep fit quite well in those temperatures. They certainly don't need to stay indoors all year to avoid the heat. :rolleyes:


that is, indeed true! In the winter you stay in against the cold and in the spring it's the flies and magpies and in the autumn it's apathy!

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that is, indeed true! In the winter you stay in against the cold and in the spring it's the flies and magpies and in the autumn it's apathy!


It's funny, you never used to come across so bitterly until after you escaped....

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Huh? I lived there for 32 years!!!!!! The climate got worse for me the older I got! I had "friends" - lots of acquaintances, rather, and very few stood the test of time beyond the situation that spawned them. I'm a reasonably friendly person and in a people industry but true friends just never happened. My "best" relationships were mainly with people who happened to be in the same situation as myself - long (even longer than me) term expats, all bar one of whom would dearly have loved to do what I am now doing and living back in UK - they're all past the point of no return like I thought I once was.


I'm actually one of the longer term Canberra residents LOL - it's a very itinerant place! One of my sons has moved to UK and has no intention of returning. The other is partnered with a girl whose mum lives in ACT but they live in Vic at the moment. I think he'd happily not live in ACT again and doesn't have any long term friendships either. He's a bit like me with respect to the climate and my daughter in law is paranoid about letting the grand kids out in the summer sun!


Paradise it ain't! But even so, I know I will have to live in Aus again and I'd choose Canberra ahead of anywhere else. I hope I can work out ways that I don't go back to the same old me!


Oh that is okay than. I for a moment I thought it was a brief affair with Canberra. But that is a bit bugging that none of your sons would want to live in ACT. But why? You'd think with years it would get better like an old wine....

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It's funny, you never used to come across so bitterly until after you escaped....

I was surviving!!! (And my tongue was a little in cheek!) I didn't realise how bad it had been though until I didn't feel bad any more! I'd still move back to Canberra ahead of anywhere else in Aus. But, really, I didn't fully realise how impoverished my life had become across a whole spectrum of things - not just health and fitness- and now I am back on track I'm going to have to make significant changes one way or another to be sure I don't edge into that pit again! God knows how, but we will work on it! It will be an expensive process I suspect!


My husband doesn't mind the heat at all so of course not everyone is the same and he's been a lifelong gym junkie so of course it is possible to be fit but (and this is only my impression of course) I see much more "spontaneous/functional" activity here than I did in Canberra. More people walking - to the shops, taking dogs for walks, etc, more riding their bikes to the shops, to work and generally or transport. In Canberra people ran around the lake in their lunchtimes or put on their Lycra for a bike ride but it seemed more like they were planning their fitness activities rather than using their legs or their bikes as functional transport. I met an old lady in the GP surgery a few months ago and she was bemoaning the fact that she was having to catch the bus to the surgery because they'd told her she couldn't ride her bike any more and she'd just got rid of it - I think she said she was 84! I see a lot of people well older than me riding their bikes to get their shopping or just to get from A to B. I walk to town now almost every time I need to go to town and on the 3 miles to the outskirts at the beginning of the day I've counted that I am regularly passed in one direction or the other by close to 300 cyclists of all ages/gender/ethnicity. In Canberra, car is king even down to the shops less than a mile away. I also regularly see more kids playing outside here - kids playgrounds here always have kids playing on them - in Canberra, much less often. Very rarely saw kids walking to school in Aus (the "Walking school bus" was a big thing when it was introduced!) but here there is a constant stream of kids on bikes or on foot pottering along the pavements in the morning and afternoon.


I guess it must be hard for someone to understand why constant sunshine (like back in the drought) can be just as much of a depressant as the perceived (but usually not fact) dreary grey months of a UK winter. I used to wake up to a bright blue morning every day and think OMG I am still bloody here! Harsh and relentless! I know it's been more varied since I left thank goodness.

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Oh that is okay than. I for a moment I thought it was a brief affair with Canberra. But that is a bit bugging that none of your sons would want to live in ACT. But why? You'd think with years it would get better like an old wine....

An old wine eventually turns to vinegar I suppose!


Many youngsters having grown up in Canberra can't wait to leave it!!! Doesn't bug me in the least that they don't want to live there - why should they? The world is a big place and I don't expect to have them tied to my apron strings forever!

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ikea is apparently coming, to the Majura shops.


I don't miss pubs specifically, not as much as I miss having 6 to choose from within a 5 minute stroll of our house!


People ask what I want when they're coming over from England: jelly tots, candy sticks and chocolate. always. I'd like to pop back to England to do some shopping too, but that's cos I'm a cheapskate and even Target prices can be a bit much for me sometimes.


That said, I wouldn't move back for the world. We've found a home here, and we intend to stay for a very long time :)

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Guest Ptp113
ikea is apparently coming, to the Majura shops.


I don't miss pubs specifically, not as much as I miss having 6 to choose from within a 5 minute stroll of our house!


People ask what I want when they're coming over from England: jelly tots, candy sticks and chocolate. always. I'd like to pop back to England to do some shopping too, but that's cos I'm a cheapskate and even Target prices can be a bit much for me sometimes.


That said, I wouldn't move back for the world. We've found a home here, and we intend to stay for a very long time :)

Check out the sweets shop out at Federation Square, they have every pommy lolly you can think of and some

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Guest Bazinga

I really like Canberra. I would like better chocolate but I can manage without it! The Cadburys 'cooking' chocolate actually tastes like proper chocolate because it has more cocoa content.


I don't mind the weather, I even coped with the heat last summer! I don't know if we will stay in Canberra long term as my husband has family up on the Central Coast that we would like to be nearer to eventually

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Guest Ptp113
I really like Canberra. I would like better chocolate but I can manage without it! The Cadburys 'cooking' chocolate actually tastes like proper chocolate because it has more cocoa content.


I don't mind the weather, I even coped with the heat last summer! I don't know if we will stay in Canberra long term as my husband has family up on the Central Coast that we would like to be nearer to eventually


Aussie chocolate has far more cocoa solids than Pommy vegolate. And there are at least three local (ACT) chocolatiers that make world class stuff, one is organic.

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I miss traffic lights that change regularly.


I have only been driving a few weeks and i am constantly frustrated by the lack of traffic flow.


One red light changes and you drive 10 meters and hit another red lights. Wait 4 minutes and hit another red light.


It took me about 15 minutes to get around 2 corners yesterday.


But thats my only complaint about canberra in the 6 weeks i have been here.


Actually i lie. Aussies make shite scones as well!


Other then that i love it here lol.

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I miss traffic lights that change regularly.


I have only been driving a few weeks and i am constantly frustrated by the lack of traffic flow.


One red light changes and you drive 10 meters and hit another red lights. Wait 4 minutes and hit another red light.


It took me about 15 minutes to get around 2 corners yesterday.


But thats my only complaint about canberra in the 6 weeks i have been here.


Actually i lie. Aussies make shite scones as well!


Other then that i love it here lol.


Can you not make some of your own scones?

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Aussie chocolate has far more cocoa solids than Pommy vegolate. And there are at least three local (ACT) chocolatiers that make world class stuff, one is organic.


there are the Ashes now WonakWars? ayh lol..btw..isn't Belgian chocolate the one that is supposedly the best in the world anyway?

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