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Where is the best place in Oz to live???


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Hi everyone! Myself and my partner have been in oz for 3.5 years and are just now going for permanent residency. We have moved around a bit and have visited many places - we travelled the whole of the east coast, across to victoria, perth (the only places we haven't been are darwin are and ayres rock).


There are so many beautiful places in australia we really don't know where to settle.

The things we are looking for:

Important - within twenty minutes of somewhere my partner can surf, within 40minutes drive of a big, well equiped city, within 40 minutes drive of a good airport, very close to train station into the city, somewhere there are a lot of things to do.


Now i imagine there are HUNDREDS of places like this all over australia........but which one would you recommend? --->we are a 26 year old active couple looking to start a family.


Looking forward to any replies!!

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Brisbane! Although doesn't fulfill your Surfing quota. Between Brisbane and the gold coast?


29 degrees this week in winter. Must be good surfing weather!

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It will also depend on how much you have to spend.


If money's no object, the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Close to everything and heaps to do.


If money's not quite no object, then Sutherland Shire in Sydney or the northern suburbs of Wollongong (might be a bit light on things to do, there).


If money's getting tighter, the Gold Coast.

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Christmas Island !!!! Everything is free and you don't need a visa ..........


If money is no option then I would have to say Perth ...........


No way. If money is no option its got to be Sydney beaches surely?

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Tonyman - where in perth would you suggest? We went there for a three week holiday and didn't really get a good feel for it. Its definitely beautiful, but the city seemed pretty quiet and there didn't seem a whole lot to do.

Nickynoo - any particular suburb in the east of sydney? Think i might have to head back up there for a couple of weeks to check it out.

Lastonealive - yeah we lived in brisbane for a year and a half and really loved it there, the city was great and there was always plenty to do, plus great public transport, we then moved to melbourne to see what we thought of it down here. Hmmm, brisbane is definitely a possibility.


Thanks for the suggestions guys!!!

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Tonyman - where in perth would you suggest? We went there for a three week holiday and didn't really get a good feel for it. Its definitely beautiful, but the city seemed pretty quiet and there didn't seem a whole lot to do.

Nickynoo - any particular suburb in the east of sydney? Think i might have to head back up there for a couple of weeks to check it out.

Lastonealive - yeah we lived in brisbane for a year and a half and really loved it there, the city was great and there was always plenty to do, plus great public transport, we then moved to melbourne to see what we thought of it down here. Hmmm, brisbane is definitely a possibility.


Thanks for the suggestions guys!!!


well as seen as you are both young and have no children as yet then maybe you want the racy life , ive done all that hence why I`m now trying to chill out bringing 5 children up in Perth! If you want pure action then Perth isn't for you yet , but for getting away from it all and being laid back it is the perfect place for me ...........

I wish you good luck wherever you lay your hat ............

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Geez, you don't want much do ya!


Funnily enough there are actually far far more options within these parameters in the UK than here :-) Miles more.


In answer to the question - got to be the surf coast here in Vicco. Move down there from Mellers and you can rent my gaff in Jan Juc.

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Hi everyone! Myself and my partner have been in oz for 3.5 years and are just now going for permanent residency. We have moved around a bit and have visited many places - we travelled the whole of the east coast, across to victoria, perth (the only places we haven't been are darwin are and ayres rock).


There are so many beautiful places in australia we really don't know where to settle.

The things we are looking for:

Important - within twenty minutes of somewhere my partner can surf, within 40minutes drive of a big, well equiped city, within 40 minutes drive of a good airport, very close to train station into the city, somewhere there are a lot of things to do.


Now i imagine there are HUNDREDS of places like this all over australia........but which one would you recommend? --->we are a 26 year old active couple looking to start a family.


Looking forward to any replies!!

It's gotta b sydney with your criteria. For me I think sunny coast but u r after different things. Darwin was my fave place in oz. U MUST take a holiday there :-)

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Nikey - you're not the first person who has said that about Darwin - might have to take a trip there! :-)

Surfndirt - haha i know! We have such a huge list on our 'want' list that something will have to give! Yeah we're pretty keen on Melbourne, not sure if we'll find a suburb with all of our wants in though, jan juc is gorgeous though, we're down there quite a lot.

Rupert - the problem we're having is that we've seen 'some' but not all, it would be physically impossible to see every single suburb in each city, and none of the ones we've seen have ticked every box, my thoughts were that someone would see our wish list and think - oo i live there! lol.

Nicky Nook - we might have to head back to Sydney for a holiday and check out the suburbs there, a few people have mentioned it.

Sprintman - i'm a successful author and write from home/ on the beach/ coffee shops so where i can find a job isn't really an issue. My partner is a chef so will be able to pick up part time work anywhere.


Woo! Thanks guys for all the suggestions! Definitely have some food for thought! :-)

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