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Advice needed please


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Hi there,


I am new to this site so I apologize if I ask anything that has already been posted on here.


I'm a 27 year old single female looking to make the big move on my own!!! This is not a decision I have taken lightly and for a young woman of my age it is a very scary thought of moving somewhere I wont know anyone. I would be looking at moving to either Sydney or Brisbane as I have distant relatives there who are willing to put me up until I get a job and find my own place.


The main question I have at the moment concerns my qualifications as I'm not sure they would be valid in Oz. I have a HNC in Early Education and Childcare, so does anyone on here know if this is a recognised qualification and would I be able to get a job with this? I have looked on google and nothing much is coming up :( so any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks x

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Well it would not qualify you to teach, but it would probably enable you to work in a day care centre. You will not get sponsorship unless you are a manager with extensive experience.


However, you could come out on WHV for a year and then extend it to one more year.

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The first issue is to see if you qualify for a visa. If you want this to be a permanent move, then you need to have a job that is on the sol or CSOL list. If it is on the sol, then you may be able to qualify for skilled migration. If it is on the CSOL only then you would need either state or employer sponsorship. From what you have put, I am not sure you would qualify for a visa. Though a chat with a migration agent may help. Go Matilda and George Lombard are highly recommended.


You could come for 12 month working holiday, which if you fulfill the criteria you can apply for a second year. But, this is very much a holiday. Not migration.

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Hello and welcome to PIO.


Cant offer you any advice I'm afraid, however I am in the same position as you (single and looking at moving on my own)! Would be great to hear how you are getting on as your plans develop!




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Hi there,


I am new to this site so I apologize if I ask anything that has already been posted on here.


I'm a 27 year old single female looking to make the big move on my own!!! This is not a decision I have taken lightly and for a young woman of my age it is a very scary thought of moving somewhere I wont know anyone. I would be looking at moving to either Sydney or Brisbane as I have distant relatives there who are willing to put me up until I get a job and find my own place.


The main question I have at the moment concerns my qualifications as I'm not sure they would be valid in Oz. I have a HNC in Early Education and Childcare, so does anyone on here know if this is a recognised qualification and would I be able to get a job with this? I have looked on google and nothing much is coming up :( so any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks x


The right question is not whether you can get a job, it is whether you can get a visa.


Unless of course you intend to come on a working holiday visa, but you did say "move" so I am assuming you want something more permanent and not just a long holiday.

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Jules im new to this forum let me encourage you that your qualifications would get you a job but it may not be the job you want. Eeveryone is correct it is the visa thats a challenge plus let me reassure you that moving to Oz is a big move but also it is wise to keep your bridges in the UK I moved out here and will never come back to the UK. I have known other people who hated it here and stayed for 3 years and moved back. The wisest thing is to come out to Brisbane qLD is better climate alone. See how you go making network of friends its a lonely city if you dont make some friends.

Anyway I wish you all the best if you do decide to come out here let me know and I will happily be a tour guide. lol.

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Thanks very much for the info guys!! I have contacted Go Matilda to see what my options are. It was the visa bit I was worried about, wish I'd stuck in at school now haha!! Been thinking about this move for four years now and finally decided to go for it, its just trying to get the visa sorted. My family and friends have been really supportive so I will always have a base here in the UK. I will let you know how I get on!


Thanks again x

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