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Britain is Booming

Guest The Pom Queen

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No shortage of people in Perth with a commute longer than that. Look at all those that live in areas such as mandurah like myself. It's 60km to Perth - just under an hour on the train. Plus the drive to the station. Plus the bus to the office and the train is full from mandurah with people doing it every day. Why? Because most can't afford to live in Perth anymore - most of the central Perth suburbs have a price tag of over $1 million.


But today's Britain is changed. of course there are some people who do not commute a lot. I drive 1000+ miles a week for work and hubby commutes (drives) 120 miles daily - and he doesn't even get reimbursed for it (no company car). So we'd be happy to commute that 60K a day :-)

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Reading some of the previous posts that its such a struggle in the UK.


It IS getting better in the UK but wasn't that bad before in the south, still more work there than here in a boom due to it being a larger market place for jobs.

The work has shifted to the south years ago so get off your backside and go to work down there! it wont come to you.


British people are lazy and wet I'm sad to say, take a look at Germany and how well there doing: free childcare or less cost, women look after the kids instead of working to pay for childcare, lots of employment, less hours spent at work, higher wages, generally a better life and many doing well and happy.


Well here's a wake up, if your struggling in the UK you will struggle a lot more here in Oz.


Dont believe the rubbish about higher wages, your paid in dollars that's why the numerical amount is more!!! you spend more and are taxed more and the dollar is falling like a brick so if you do sell up and exchange it all then you wont afford to come back to the UK


And why do you have to own a house here in Oz, its cheaper renting. Buy a house when you can afford it or when they become cheaper as there peak cost right now. If you dont buy you will be much better off with no council rates or massive mortgage to pay. Go buy a paddle board instead!



I take offence to this because not all British people are lazy and to be honest you do not know me or my family. I have worked within the local government for 4 years attempting save the 64million overspend they had slicing services and jobs. I saw all the so called capped benefits but then you don't see the ones called loans that are never paid back. So please do not insult me. We bought our house in a peak and the house prices have plummeted. So unless you know my personal details please do not judge. I thought this sight was for support a good banter and not insults. Our reason for looking at Oz are not all financial there are other reason too.

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I take offence to this because not all British people are lazy and to be honest you do not know me or my family. I have worked within the local government for 4 years attempting save the 64million overspend they had slicing services and jobs. I saw all the so called capped benefits but then you don't see the ones called loans that are never paid back. So please do not insult me. We bought our house in a peak and the house prices have plummeted. So unless you know my personal details please do not judge. I thought this sight was for support a good banter and not insults. Our reason for looking at Oz are not all financial there are other reason too.

What do you believe Australia will bring to you ...?

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you say you would be happy to commute but after 6 months you would hate that after being here.

Roads are much slower and drivers much worse so it takes much longer to commute the same distance


as to the post above... Australia has brought me nothing and didnt expect anything (handouts?), its just another place for me to work a while and in time I will move somewhere else again. I'm not your average person who spent everything and pinned all my hopes on the place. I just got a job here and I'm living and working here as I have many other places before, if I get sick of it I will buy a ticket, get the packers in and go, until then I'm happy.

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I take offence to this because not all British people are lazy and to be honest you do not know me or my family. I have worked within the local government for 4 years attempting save the 64million overspend they had slicing services and jobs. I saw all the so called capped benefits but then you don't see the ones called loans that are never paid back. So please do not insult me. We bought our house in a peak and the house prices have plummeted. So unless you know my personal details please do not judge. I thought this sight was for support a good banter and not insults. Our reason for looking at Oz are not all financial there are other reason too.


Yep I think the guy is way off the mark when he says British people are lazy. It's not easy to just up sticks and move South and not everyone wants to. If they did and the hard working northerners moved down there and undercut them the guy would have something to moan about then. Bang goes the plenty of jobs in the South, we are all doing fine, thank you very much. :cool:

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you say you would be happy to commute but after 6 months you would hate that after being here.

Roads are much slower and drivers much worse so it takes much longer to commute the same distance


It used to take me half an hour to drive 4 miles into Stockport in the late 80's. Don't think it will have gotten any better. Takes me 45mins pleasant drive to get 35km in peak traffic here.


If anything roads are much wider, straighter, have less traffic lights and move pretty well. The speed limit may be 60 or 70km/hr in some sections but everyone can at least go at that.

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Yep I think the guy is way off the mark when he says British people are lazy. It's not easy to just up sticks and move South and not everyone wants to. If they did and the hard working northerners moved down there and undercut them the guy would have something to moan about then. Bang goes the plenty of jobs in the South, we are all doing fine, thank you very much. :cool:



I am from the north and I did just that ! It isnt easy but if your motivated then you would do it just like you moved to Australia in the same way. What I'm saying is that you dont have to go to Oz just to get out of a rut

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
It used to take me half an hour to drive 4 miles into Stockport in the late 80's. Don't think it will have gotten any better. Takes me 45mins pleasant drive to get 35km in peak traffic here.


It can take me almost 45 minutes to get home from work a tea time and I only live 15km away, traffics getting worse all the time, especially if you work in or near any city here in the UK, I suppose it's no different in Australia.

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I am from the north and I did just that ! It isnt easy but if your motivated then you would do it just like you moved to Australia in the same way. What I'm saying is that you dont have to go to Oz just to get out of a rut


Believe me we considered doing just that. I had been working in Portsmouth and Plymouth and liked it down there. The company I worked for had openings in Weymouth but the price of an equivalent house (small end terrace in Gee Cross) to something similar was way out of our price range. Like double what we had paid in the North. Salaries were about the same, just wasn't worth it for the improvement in lifestyle. So glad really as we came here.:cool:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I am from the north and I did just that ! It isnt easy but if your motivated then you would do it just like you moved to Australia in the same way. What I'm saying is that you dont have to go to Oz just to get out of a rut



I posted a survey not long back and the number one reason why people want to emigrate is because of the weather, it seems silly but that's what they said, so moving down south where it's only slightly better, from it usually being a rubbish summer, won't suffice for most. Obviously there are other reasons why they want to emigrate, but the weather was at the top of most people's list.

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I posted a survey not long back and the number one reason why people want to emigrate is because of the weather, it seems silly but that's what they said, so moving down south where it's only slightly better, from it usually being a rubbish summer, won't suffice for most. Obviously there are other reasons why they want to emigrate, but the weather was at the top of most people's list.

If you want weather move to Spain

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I am from the north and I did just that ! It isnt easy but if your motivated then you would do it just like you moved to Australia in the same way. What I'm saying is that you dont have to go to Oz just to get out of a rut


Do you not think we haven't looked at that? Good grief you really think we are naive. Do you not think we have other reasons....a debate on the state of the uk and people's opinions of this has gone off topic. Good for you if you moved down South. But the house prices are higher and the commute longer and pay is the same.....weather is slightly better at times. But the reasons to look at Oz are many more than a blinded thought that we would be financially better off. It is about quality of life for us and our kids. If it doesn't work then fine at least we will have tried.

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I am from the north and I did just that ! It isnt easy but if your motivated then you would do it just like you moved to Australia in the same way. What I'm saying is that you dont have to go to Oz just to get out of a rut


It is absolutely not about money for us (and I bet for a lot of people too). We have been to OZ and camped around everywhere except Perth and Darwin. And if someone thinks it is an easy change to relocate, it is not. We do not have sky high expectations and we are willing to work sweat for our living. As someone said before, the lifestyle is better for our needs. And yes, roads are wider too!!! :-)

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
If you want weather move to Spain



A few good reasons not to, they don't speak English, they drive on the wrong side of the road, unemployments sky high and ...... I am sick to death if them winning everything at footy, lol.

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It is absolutely not about money for us (and I bet for a lot of people too). We have been to OZ and camped around everywhere except Perth and Darwin. And if someone thinks it is an easy change to relocate, it is not. We do not have sky high expectations and we are willing to work sweat for our living. As someone said before, the lifestyle is better for our needs. And yes, roads are wider too!!! :-)

I hope it is for you ..

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It used to take me half an hour to drive 4 miles into Stockport in the late 80's. Don't think it will have gotten any better. Takes me 45mins pleasant drive to get 35km in peak traffic here.


If anything roads are much wider, straighter, have less traffic lights and move pretty well. The speed limit may be 60 or 70km/hr in some sections but everyone can at least go at that.


haha it hasn't got much better, I worked in Manchester Centre and parked outside just because it was quicker to walk in......it used to take me min 45min if traffic was usual thats only 10 miles away :-) however I used to work in Halifax and although further it would take me less time as I was driving away from the traffic.......I don't know it is something we want to try and each to their own :-)

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Reading some of the previous posts that its such a struggle in the UK.


It IS getting better in the UK but wasn't that bad before in the south, still more work there than here in a boom due to it being a larger market place for jobs.

The work has shifted to the south years ago so get off your backside and go to work down there! it wont come to you.


If everyone moved down south there would be an over supply of the work force,IE wages would come down,thats what happens

House prices are a fair bit dearer as well,plus (speaking about the building trade),the "London" money i used to get when working down there isnt on offer any more,maybe because of so many migrants heading down that way?i dont know btw,i dont live there


British people are lazy and wet I'm sad to say, take a look at Germany and how well there doing: free childcare or less cost, women look after the kids instead of working to pay for childcare, lots of employment, less hours spent at work, higher wages, generally a better life and many doing well and happy.


British people arent lazy at all,you any stats on this?compared to which nation are we "lazy and wet"?,last i seen the British worker was working the highest number of hours of unpaid overtime,simply because they were in fear of losing their job?


Well here's a wake up, if your struggling in the UK you will struggle a lot more here in Oz.


Why,because you and a few others on here with a totally biased opinion say so?

Theres a lot more in Aus who say the opposite to you and the other few big black clouds that hang around the forum purely to rain on peoples parades.

Offering advice,giving the pro's and cons of Aus is fine by me,but only when its from balanced posters,youre not one of them.


Dont believe the rubbish about higher wages, your paid in dollars that's why the numerical amount is more!!! you spend more and are taxed more and the dollar is falling like a brick so if you do sell up and exchange it all then you wont afford to come back to the UK



And why do you have to own a house here in Oz, its cheaper renting. Buy a house when you can afford it or when they become cheaper as there peak cost right now. If you dont buy you will be much better off with no council rates or massive mortgage to pay. Go buy a paddle board instead!


Its cheaper renting "initially",its not cheaper if youre paying $1,500 a week in rent in 20 yrs time when your neighbour is living in a mortgage free house,try and show a bit of balance,instead of taking all your bitterness out on people looking to migrate,now and again i could understand,but with you and a few others its continual,i'd hate to think people listen to you and the rest of the Ant Hill Mob on Australia,i really would,BALANCE!

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Its cheaper renting "initially",its not cheaper if youre paying $1,500 a week in rent in 20 yrs time when your neighbour is living in a mortgage free house,try and show a bit of balance,instead of taking all your bitterness out on people looking to migrate,now and again i could understand,but with you and a few others its continual,i'd hate to think people listen to you and the rest of the Ant Hill Mob on Australia,i really would,BALANCE!


Bravo! And Pablo I think you helped me when we last looked. For pers reason we didn't do it this time we are ;-)

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Do you not think we haven't looked at that? Good grief you really think we are naive. Do you not think we have other reasons....a debate on the state of the uk and people's opinions of this has gone off topic. Good for you if you moved down South. But the house prices are higher and the commute longer and pay is the same.....weather is slightly better at times. But the reasons to look at Oz are many more than a blinded thought that we would be financially better off. It is about quality of life for us and our kids. If it doesn't work then fine at least we will have tried.


I wasn't having a go at you just the majority of the posts I see.


Until you get here then you wont really know what I am on about or understand what you may be sacrificing by moving at this time.


There are posts from people who moved here years ago and there happy and doing well etc good on them, however when they moved here things were a lot cheaper than they are now and emigrating to Oz now is a whole different ball game, this has changed in the last 5 years due to the boom here and the GFC in the rest of the world. In the last few years as everything rose in cost the houses they bough have risen and now there all sat on a small fortune and happy for it. Its only a problem moving now.


For example; you didn't move down South as the house prices were too high....Well get a load of this....houses are way more here than they are in the south of England and everything is way more to buy here and the equivalent earnings don't cover that here as wages are not higher when you factor in the cost of living. Before moving here no amount of internet research will tell you the real cost of living here.


However if you want to come then you will anyway and funnily enough I bet your posts on here may well be similar as mine have been on this journey.

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